Message: #87005
Ольга Княгиня » 10 Mar 2017, 19:35

Therapeutic exercises of Chinese medicine. C. Qingnan

Ощущение тупости или вялости, головокружение или бессонница. it может быть вызвано излишним физическим и умственным напряжением.
[2] Palpitation with a feeling of tightness in the chest. it может быть вызвано неправильной позой или дыханием.
[3] Inздутие живота, когда ци поднимается вверх от низа belly. it обычно бывает вызвано неправильным дыханием и умственным напряжением.
[four] Першение в горле и сухость во рту. it может быть вызвано неправильным дыханием, плотно сжатым ртом или дыханием с открытым ртом.
When возникновения при практике цигун какого-либо из этих ощущений нужно как можно скорее определить его причину и предпринять необходимые меры для его устранения.

2. qigong exercises, которые вы можете выполнять

Here, as a guide, some simple and effective qigong exercises will be given, from which you can choose something for yourself.
1) Упражнение для развития внутреннего health.
Exercise for the development of internal health is qigong to strengthen the body and normalize the functioning of internal organs. It has a good effect on the digestive and respiratory systems, it combines the calmness of the brain with the mobility of internal organs.
[one] Положение: лёжа на боку, лёжа на спине, сидя и в стиле чжуан.
Lying on your side. Lie on the bed on your side, put your head (tilting it slightly forward) on the pillow. The neck should be slightly raised, relatively flat. Slightly bend your spine forward, pulling your chest in and straightening your back. If you are lying on your right side, bend your right arm naturally, straighten your fingers, and place it palm up on the pillow in front of you. The left hand is naturally extended, the fingers are slightly apart, the hand is placed on the left thigh, palm down. The right leg is straightened in a natural position, and the left leg is bent at the knee at an angle of 120 °, the left knee is easily located on the right. If you lie on left side, then everything is the same, but in the other direction. Open your eyes slightly. Open and close your mouth, in accordance with the requirements of the breathing method for this exercise (see below) (Fig. 12-1).
Lying on your back. Lie on the bed on your back, body straight, arms naturally extended, fingers slightly apart, palms facing down or sides inward. Legs naturally straight, knees together, toes naturally apart. The actions of the mouth and eyes are similar to those described in the supine position (Fig. 12-2).
sitting. Sit up straight on a chair with your head tilted slightly forward, body straight, chest pulled in, back straight, shoulders relaxed, elbows pointing down, fingers relaxed, palms on knees, feet shoulder-width apart and parallel to each other, shins perpendicular to the floor, and knees bent at a right angle. If the chair is slightly higher or lower than necessary, then put something under the feet or under the buttocks to achieve the desired position. The actions of the mouth and eyes are similar to those described in the lying position on the side (Fig. 12-3).
Zhuang style. The steps are the same as in the supine position, but the pillow should be 25 cm high. Put some things under the shoulders to create a smooth slope, and avoid a bent back. Feet together, palms turned inward and pressed tightly to the hips at the sides. Все остальные действия те же, что и в положении лёжа на спине (рис. 12-four).
On theчинающие обычно приступают к практике упражнения для развития внутреннего здоровья в одном из лежачих положений. Which one to use, everyone decides for himself. As a general recommendation, those with low blood pressure, strong peristalsis, and delayed defecation should opt for the right side lying position, especially after a meal. For those who have prolapse of the gastric mucosa, the position on the right side is contraindicated, as it can worsen their well-being.
From the sitting and lying positions, you can choose one or alternate them. Even though the zhuang style is also a recumbent position, it is usually used after some experience in qigong practice to increase physical strength.
After того, как вы в течение нескольких дней практиковали в лежачем положении, можете начать использовать наряду с лежачим и сидячее положение.
[2] Methods of breathing.
breathing methods, used in the exercise for the development of internal health, require a close combination of breaths, retentions, tongue movements and silent reading.

There is три общих метода:
A. Cover your mouth slightly and breathe through your nose. First вдохните, а в это время мысленно направьте поток дыхания в низ belly. On the какой-то момент задержите дыхание, а потом медленно выдохните. The method can be formulated as follows: inhale - hold - exhale. While breathing, say something mentally. It is best that these are phrases that are good for health and the treatment of diseases, such as “be calm”, “relax the whole body, and be calm”, “it is better to sit quietly by yourself”, “keep the mobility of the internal organs and the peace of the brain”, «развивай подлинную энергию, чтобы излечить все болезни», «практикуй цигун серьёзно, чтобы улучшить здоровье» и «упорство поможет мне сохранить хорошее здоровье".
Closely combine mental pronunciation with breathing and tongue movements. On theпример, когда читаете «зи цзи цзин» (будь спокоен), читайте на вдохе «зи», при задержке – «цзи», а на выдохе —
«цзин". The movement of the tongue refers to its raising and lowering. On the вдохе уприте язык в верхнее нёбо. Hold your tongue in this position while holding your breath, and lower as you exhale. Practice this until the brain comes to rest, and then stop reading.
B. Breathe through your nose or through your nose and mouth. First, inhale without delay, and then exhale slowly. After выдоха сделайте задержку. The method can be formulated as follows: inhale - exhale - delay. Mentally pronounce the same words as in the first case, but when pronouncing the first syllable "zi", inhale, on the second syllable "ji" - exhale, and in the rest of the phrase, hold your breath. Rest the tongue in the upper palate as you inhale, lower it as you exhale. Do not move your tongue during the delay.
B. Breathe through your nose. First немного вдохните, сразу же сделайте задержку, after ещё вдохните, на вдохе упритесь языком в верхнее нёбо и одновременно мысленно произнесите первый слог «зи". Rest your tongue in the upper palate and pronounce the second syllable while holding your breath. Then inhale strongly and mentally direct the breath into the lower abdomen, while pronouncing the third syllable to yourself. Do not hold after inhaling, but exhale slowly and lower your tongue. Repeat. The method can be formulated as follows: inhale - hold - inhale - exhale. Practicing this method, use only three-syllable phrases.
Why pronounce phrases mentally while practicing inner health exercises? Because silent reading helps to keep the mind focused and allows you not to follow distracting thoughts. At the same time, the inspiring and guiding effect of words has a psychological effect, according to the spoken phrases. Therefore, the choice of syllables or phrases must be selected individually, taking into account the disease. On theпример, человеку, который всегда в напряжении, следует произносить «во сун цзин» (расслабляюсь и успокаиваюсь), а тот, у кого слабая селезёнка, может выбрать фразу «нэй цзан дун, да нао цзин» (внутренние органы в движении, головной мозг at rest). The number of syllables in a phrase at the beginning should be small, gradually increasing as the breath becomes thinner and calmer. Silent reading serves only as an adjunct to breathing exercises, it is not used to control the speed and duration of breathing.
[3] Ways to concentrate the mind.
The concentration of the mind is associated with its concentration during the practice of qigong on a specific object, object or image. Concentration of the mind helps to avoid following distracting thoughts and is an important element of qigong. One must be diligent in its application.
In the exercises for developing inner health, there are three ways to concentrate the mind:
A. Concentration of the mind on the dan t'ien. The term dantian is widely used in qigong exercises. it место находится на 5 см ниже пупка, там, где расположена точка ци-хай. С давних времён считается, что дань-тянь – это «источник ци и её хранилище". When the mind is focused on the Dan Tien, the primary energy is strong and no illness arises. it означает, что всё внимание сосредоточено в нижней части belly. Simply visualize a circle or sphere centered on the chi-hai area. Over time, you will begin to feel warm in the Dan Tien area whenever you practice qigong.
B. Concentration of the mind on the dan-chung point. The dan-zhong point is located in the center of the chest, between the breasts. When it is necessary to concentrate the mind in this place, imagine a circle or sphere centered on the shan zhong point located between the breasts.
B. Concentration of the mind on the toes. Gently close your eyes, leaving only a small slit of light, and put your mind's eye on the big toe, clearly imagining it in your mind.
In general, concentration of the mind on the Dan Tien is the safest, as it has no side effects on the head, chest, or abdomen. The rhythmic rise and fall of the abdominal wall during exercise, coupled with breathing, helps to focus the mind and eliminate distracting thoughts. If some women experience increased menses or lengthened their periods, they should use the method of concentrating the mind on the dan zhong point. Those who find it difficult to concentrate on the Dan Tien with their eyes closed due to the abundance of distracting thoughts may instead focus their mind on the big toes.
Whichever way you choose, it should come naturally.
2) Упражнение для укрепления health.
The Health Promotion Exercise was developed from the Inner Health Exercise, incorporating the best


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