Message: #88268
Ольга Княгиня » 13 Mar 2017, 15:41



Moxibustion, точнее, прогревание биологически активных точек, осуществляется путем наложения на данный участок горящей сухой полыни, приготовленной в виде полынных конусов или полынных сигарет. As a result, skin receptors are irritated, the temperature rises, blood circulation in the area of ​​the acupuncture point increases, and the amount of moisture also increases, especially during burn cauterization (with the formation of a burn bubble). The reaction of the body to cauterization of active points is similar to the reaction to acupuncture, but proceeds in a less obvious form and in the absence of damage to the integrity of tissues. Therefore, this method of treatment is indicated for debilitated patients, as well as in the presence of contraindications to acupuncture.
The wormwood cone used in cauterization is prepared from dry wormwood pressed into a cone shape. The size of the cones can be from a pea and more. To prepare wormwood cigarettes, the plant is wrapped in thin paper 20 cm long and 4 cm wide; the edges of the paper are glued together with egg white.
This type of cauterization is carried out in three ways. So, thermal cauterization is released, in which the smoldering end of the cigarette is brought closer to the surface of the skin in the region of the point until a sensation of heat appears. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. In the place of warming up, intense redness and a feeling of internal warmth appear. This method causes a calming, relaxing effect. With the "pecking" method of cauterization, the smoldering end of the cigarette is periodically brought closer and further away from the desired place, causing the appearance and disappearance of a burning sensation. The duration of exposure is 2-3 minutes. The result of exposure is a tonic effect. With "ironing" cauterization, the cigarette is set in such a way that the patient feels a pleasant warmth, then they are driven over the skin for 15 minutes. Warming of a wider area is achieved, while reddening of medium intensity is formed. This method is used to harmonize the body.
Moxibustion применяется как самостоятельный метод лечения, а также в сочетании с иглоукалыванием. For example, if the active point reacts too painfully to acupuncture, it is recommended to preheat it with a wormwood cigarette. The acupuncture effect of the needle can be enhanced by putting a wormwood cone on its handle and setting it on fire. his.
Even in ancient times, cauterization was given great importance. Ancient medical books indicated that moxibustion is effective even when acupuncture and medicines are powerless.
Moxibustion, или прогревание активных точек производится путем наложения на область точки горящей сухой полыни, приготовленной в виде конусов или полынных сигарет. In eastern countries, where this method is widely used, wormwood cigarettes are manufactured in a factory way. You can make your own wormwood cigarettes. Wormwood is collected in the middle of summer, dried in the shade. Then the dried leaves are pounded or pulled with hands, throwing out stems and veins, only small silky fibers remain - wormwood velvet. It is believed that before use, wormwood should be stored dry for three years. Mint, sage, St. John's wort, or other medicinal herbs are also added to wormwood.
Wormwood cone is prepared from dry wormwood pressed in the form of a cone, the size of the cones is from a pea or more; ginger juice is also added to wormwood. Для приготовления полынных сигарет полынь заворачивают в тонкую бумагу длиной 20 см и шириной 4 см, the edges of the paper are glued together with egg white. Such a cigarette can burn for about an hour, it is usually used in parts. Cigarettes are stored in closed cans in a dry place.
Burn cauterization, i.e. the use of cauterization with bubble formation still persists in Eastern countries. In European countries, only thermal cauterization, or warming, is currently used. For burn cauterization with bubble formation, a small wormwood cone is used, which is placed on the area of ​​the point to be affected and ignited. When this cone burns down by two-thirds (the patient begins to experience a burn sensation), the cone is replaced with a new one, it burns until a burn bubble forms in the region of the point.
For thermal cauterization use a larger cone. While it burns, the patient experiences heat, when the cone burns halfway, it is replaced by the next one. In place of the cone, a spot of hyperemia (redness) is formed.
Moxibustion полынными сигаретами осуществляется тремя способамand.
Fixed thermal cauterization - sedation, is performed by the smoldering end of a wormwood cigarette, which is brought closer to the surface of the skin in the region of the point on a certain distance before the sensation of heat appears. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes and is determined by the appearance of intense redness and a feeling of deep warming.
With the “stabbing” method (tonization), the smoldering end of the cigarette is periodically brought closer and further away from the point of impact, causing the appearance and disappearance of a burning sensation. The time of exposure to the point is 2-3 minutes.
Ironing cauterization (harmonization) is also performed with the end of a smoldering cigarette, which is held at such a distance from the skin that the patient feels pleasant warmth. The cigarette is held at this level back and forth for 10-15 minutes, while extensive heating occurs with the formation of redness of medium intensity.
Moxibustion (прогревание) применяется как самостоятельный метод лечения, а также в сочетании с иглоукалыванием. In cases where the point to be treated is too painful, it is preheated with a wormwood cigarette or a cone.
In chronic neuritis, arthritis, a “hot needle” is used. В точку вводят акупунктурную иглу, затем на нее надевают кусочек картона для предохранения кожи от ожога, а на ручку иглы накладывают полынный конус и поджигают his. A feeling of warmth in the area of ​​application of the needle indicates that the cone needs to be removed. You can warm up the needle with a wormwood cigarette.
The cauterization method should be used with caution in cases where yin energy is weakened and yang energy is excessive; cauterization should not be used for lung diseases with hemoptysis, high body temperature.
Moxibustion запрещается на лице, в области сердца, в подчревной области, в местах расположения крупных сосудов и сухожилий, на половых органах, в области поясницы у беременных. Moxibustion противопоказано в грудном и старческом возрасте.
In addition to the traditional types of cauterization (moxa cone, moxa cigarette and heated needle), special methods are sometimes used in the practice of zhenjiu therapy. Among them are wick, wax and sulfur cauterization.
Moxibustion через аконит. A few drops of wine or garlic juice are added to the dry powder of aconite (wrestler) and pressed into a cake. Then small holes are made in it and placed between the skin and the cone. Moxibustion через аконит назначают людям, страдающим синдромом дефицита инь, который вызывает impotence and frigidity.

In the modern practice of zhen-jiu therapy, cauterization with moxa cigarettes is much more often used. This method allows you to accurately determine the desired degree of heating intensity and control the duration of the session.
Contraindications to cauterization are basically the same as for acupuncture. In addition, the use of this method is unacceptable for fever and excess syndromes, as well as for false fever syndromes. Points located on the head, face, in the area of ​​joints and large blood vessels are not recommended to be affected by direct cauterization with the formation of a scar. It is undesirable for women during pregnancy to cauterize the points of the abdomen and the lumbosacral region. With extreme caution, you should use the points of Tien Fu, Jing Qiu, Yu Ji, Shao Shan, He Liao, Ying Xiang, Zhu Zhong, Tiao Kou, Yin Bai, Yin Ling Quan, Xinshu, tian-zhu, qing-ming, shen-mai, ya-men and some others (their full list is given in the treatise Zhen Jiu Da Cheng).
The cauterization procedure may be accompanied by some complications and side effects. The most common complication is burns. For second-degree burns, large blisters formed in the places of cauterization are opened and disinfected, and if necessary, a bandage is applied.
In thermal cauterization, a lit moxa cigarette is held at a distance of 3 cm from the surface of the skin. During the procedure, the patient feels a pleasant warmth. As soon as the skin in the area of ​​the cauterized point turns red, the procedure should be stopped. The duration of the session is usually no more than 10 minutes. Thermal cauterization is performed for deficiency syndromes; its purpose is to lightly stimulate weakened qi.

With pecking moxibustion, a lit cigarette is quickly raised and lowered above the point without touching the surface of the skin. This method is used to treat patients suffering from arthritis, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Stroking cauterization is used for pains of various localization, as well as for stagnation of qi in the meridians, which develops due to dampness or cold. A moxa cigarette is lit and slowly advanced up and down the channel at a distance of 1 cm from the skin surface.
Varieties of indirect cauterization are classified according to the type of pad used. Her made from various materials: ginger, garlic, salt and aconite.
Moxibustion через имбирь. A small piece of ginger 0.5 cm thick with many small holes is placed between the surface of the skin and the cone. When the patient begins to feel a burning sensation, the cone and gasket are changed, repeating the procedure until a pronounced redness appears on the skin. Moxibustion sessions are prescribed every other day. With the help of this method, the syndromes of weakening the stomach and spleen are treated, relieve pain in the

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