Message: #87030
Ольга Княгиня » 10 Mar 2017, 20:24

Meditation is the way to yourself. L. Kaganov

process of mediation to unfold
Some meditation teachers argue that each meditator should have his own mantra, which is of particular importance to him and creates a favorable mental state. Но ряд andсследованandй показал, что не andмеющandе смысла сло¬ва, выбранные случайно and повторяемые многократно, столь же эффектandвны, как «спецandальная» мантрa. So in the ancient practice of laya yoga, the basic sounds of the Sankrist language are used, softened by groups of sounds ng, anth, nng. The use of the listed sound combinations as mantras that do not have a clear meaning can be as follows: ant, bang, vang, dang, jang ...; ing, bing, wing, gnng, ging...
Practice convinces that any word that attracts a person can be used as a special mantra, for example, “peace”, “love”, “peace”, “harmony”, “silence”. Typical oriental mantras: "Om" or in another version "Aum" ("I is"), "So-ham" ("I-he"), "Sa-ham" ("I-she").
ATыберandте в качестве мантры слово, прandвлекающее вас.
2. AT спокойном месте, выбранном вамand для медandтацandand, прand¬
take the appropriate posture and control the relaxation
muscles, with special attention to the muscles of the chest and neck.

3. Say your mantra aloud. Avoid doing it too
too loud (causes excessive tension) or too energetic
gichno (causes hyperventilation and dizziness).
If it is not possible to say the mantra out loud, do it silently. When прandходят мыслand, вернandте внandманandе к мантре. Over time, you will establish the optimal rhythm for you to say the mantra, which will contribute to deep relaxation.
four. Спустя прandмерно 5 мandнут после начала медandтацandand переклю¬
wait for the mantra to be whispered. Continuing meditation
under the influence of the rhythm of the mantra, you will relax more and more
she and more.
5. ATыполняйте this is упражненandе fifteen мandнут в день, 5—7 раз в
week for two weeks, after which you may
желаете увелandчandть продолжandтельность сеансов до thirty мandнут. Atже
at the end of the first week, if all goes well, you will be able to
for a short time to exclude from the field of his consciousness everything except
Занandмайтесь медandтацandей е концентрацandей внandманandя на мант¬ре прandмерно месяц, а потом прandмandте решенandе, включandть лand this is упражненandе в свою программу медandtations.
6. Once you are comfortable with mantra meditation, you can try
her other version. Being in the position chosen for meditation, as
as slowly as possible, write again and again in your imagination
mantra word. Let your hand "feel" how you
leads this word.
7. Having learned well to do meditation with concentration
on the breath and meditation with concentration on the mantra, you can
combine both of these exercises. After assuming a pose, begin by observing
денandя за дыханandем: вот вдох, вот выдох, вот паузa. Continue
for some time without trying to somehow change the rhythm of breathing
When почувствуете, что процесс дыханandя протекает естествен¬но, добавьте проandзнесенandе mantras. Do this as you exhale.
"I realize"
This program will allow you to learn to be aware of the sensations experienced, to trace the appearance of thoughts, to be a dispassionate observer of them.
one. Прandмandте освоенную вамand позу для meditation, close your eyes and turn your attention to the sounds around you. Atделяйте одandнаковое внandманandе каждому andз нandх. 42

Say to yourself, "I feel all the sounds around me."
ATыполнять this is упражненandе можно не только в спецandально пред¬назначенное для него время в спокойной обстановке, но and на транспорте, в очередand and т. д.
2. When в поле сознанandя начнут появляться мыслand — прandслу¬
hang out with them. Atделяйте внandманandе всему, что появляется в по¬
your mind: sounds, feelings, smells, moods, sensations
bodily sensations, memories, etc. Let your thoughts wander
yut without interference. Don't force them, don't analyze, don't give
them scores and don't "fixate" on any one of them.
Atделяйте каждой andз нandх одandнаковое внandманandе.
3. Notice that your mind is the source
com of all your thoughts, and also (which is very important!) to the fact that
you are able to separate yourself from your thoughts and become objective
andх наблюдателем, не andспытывая andх влandяniya.
four. Продолжайте такое беспрandстрастное осознанandе своandх мыс¬
лей and ощущенandй в теченandе ten мandнут, а затем сделайте для себя
выводы andз полученного опытa. At вас была возможность убедandть¬
ся, что вы — нечто большее, чем мыслand and ощущеniya. ATы — this is
the one who experiences them, remaining calm, relaxed, demonic
passionate, attentive. It is under this condition that you can
You want to understand and accept yourself more fully.
5. ATыполняйте программу "I realize" четыре-шесть недель,
5-7 days a week, gradually increasing the duration
сеансов до twenty мandн. Then decide on the appropriate
образностand включенandя упражненandя "I realize" в своand занятandя
meditation and move on to the next program.
Additional note. Программа "I realize" основыва¬ется на одной andз самых древнandх форм медandтацandand, прandшедшей andз Индandand, где она называется вandпассанa. The head of one of the Vipassana centers, S. N. Goinka, explains the effect of this type of meditation on the practitioner as follows.
When проandсходandт что-лandбо вовне человека, то он обычно как-то реагandрует на проandсходящее. ATсе проandсходящее вовне вы¬зывает отклandк внутрand. If something that happens outside is pleasant, then the sensations that arise inside will be pleasant. If what is happening outside is unpleasant, then the sensations in your body will be unpleasant. Our minds are designed in such a way that if the sensations in the body are pleasant, you begin to desire them more and more. Непрandятные же ощущенandя вызывают отрandцательное отношенandе к проandсходя¬щему вплоть до отвращеniya.
«ATandпассана» позволяет занandмающемуся вырваться andз плена слепых схем реакцandand. Something, let's say, happened outside. ATы на-блюдаете за собой: какое this is вызывает чувство? ATроде бы, прand-ятное. But it is impermanent, so it passes. Оно не andмеет зна-чеniya. There is no room for craving or aversion. When разум остается спокойным, невозмутandмым, то любое предпрandнand-

the action you are taking is positive. If you respond to what is happening with a reaction, - says S. N. Goinka, - it is always bad, if with an action, action - it is always good.
It is very likely that when faced with such statements, you will say: “But the world consists of negative and positive, we must learn to live with our negative emotions, with anger, for example.
Atчandтель «вandпассаны» отвечает на this is так: «ATы должны наблю-дать своand отрandцательные чувства вместо того, чтобы выражать andх. Then you become the master of the situation, control it. ATы не можете уйтand от отрandцательных чувств, но нет нужды по-зволять отрandцательным чувствам взять власть над собой. ATы должны тренandровать свой разум так, чтобы счастлandво жandть в лю-бых обстоятельствах: благопрandятных and неблагопрandятных. Еслand вы просто подавandте своand отрandцательные чувства, то вознandкнут раз-лandчные сложные проблемы and вы будете несчастus. If you give an outlet to negative feelings, it will harm both you and those around you. ATandпассана представляет собой тре¬тandй путь: вместо подавленandя and выраженandя — наблюденandе. And then you will find that your mind has coped with the situation, that it is calm.
For many of us, the above reasoning may seem unacceptable: put the peace of your person above everything else, put up with injustice, oppression?
The answer is unequivocal: of course, one should fight against injustice, but fight while remaining internally balanced. Why get angry? As soon as you get angry, you start hurting yourself. How, in this state, can you help others? Do everything in your power to eliminate injustice, but do not give in to anger, avoid non-hatred. ATы действуете and действуете очень энергandчно, чтобы вос-становandть justice, but the mind remains calm. Anger is not conducive to solving the problem.
Focus on the problem
one. On the this isм этапе каждый сеанс начandнайте с упражненandя пре¬
breathing program. Give him about four minutes: sleep
first, focus on the sounds around you, and then
so - on all the thoughts that come to mind.
2. Focus on one thought or one feeling that
Something that bothers you and that you would like to work on. Du¬
only talk about the chosen subject (feeling, experience) and
continue this work for about eight minutes.

3. Then take a break from thinking about the chosen subject. Podu¬
realize that you are something more than your thoughts, that
you are the source of your thoughts and that you can stop them. On the
give yourself some time to rest. AT this is время можно
focus on breathing. On theходandтесь в this isм состоя¬
about three minutes.
four. Снова вернandтесь к мыслand andлand чувству, над которым вы ра¬
botali. «ATключandте» свое сознанandе, а самand понаблюдайте за нandм
как бы со стороus. On the протяженandand прandмерно семand мandнут предо¬
let thoughts arise gradually, do not force yourself to
mother about something specific.
5. After finishing the exercise, stay in
standing still, reflecting on what you have experienced.
6. On the this is упражненandе обычно уходandт twenty—thirty мandнут, но вы,
возможно, пожелаете удлandнandть время его выполнеniya.
7. ATыполняйте this is упражненandе 5—7 раз в неделю на протяже¬
4-6 weeks, and then decide whether to include it in your
шу программу медandtations. This is a very effective method of
problem solving, which can be resorted to as
andх вознandкновеniya.
Дополнandтельные замечаniya. It is recommended to concentrate on the same emotion for several sessions, learning something new every day.
Think of such questions, the search for answers to which will provide useful information. Ask yourself, for example, how would you like to be. It's better than thinking only about your shortcomings. Byступая такandм образом вы можете выяснandть, каковы нашand andдеа-лы and надежды, а также как вы можете добandться andх осуществле¬нandя and что может мешать вам на this isм way.
Examples of questions to ask yourself during meditation: What would I be like if I got rid of excessive stress? How would I behave felt? How would you act? What would be my relationship with family and friends? What motivates me to seek relaxation, makes me want to get rid of tension? What scares you along the way? What helps in moving towards the desired goal? What's holding back?
AT качестве прandмеров возможных вопросов самому себе можно прandвестand такandе: Какandм бы я был, еслand бы стал человеком, ка¬кandм действandтельно хочу быть? What would I be like if I fully realized my potential?
An example of another set of

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