Message: #87977
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 21:09

Chinese Medicine for Beginners. Akim Eckert

is concentrated in living organisms,
"life beyond the atom".
We also encounter the concept of vitality in the works
renowned European healers of the 16th and 18th centuries
Paracelsus and Mesmer, but in Western medicine over time
this term has lost its meaning.
BUTвстрandйскandй врач ATandльгельм Райх, впоследствandand
emigrated to the USA, the first and our century revived
the concept of life energy. He discovered vital
energy as a result of our own scientific research and
called it "the energy of Orgon". However, production and sales
batteries "energy Orgone" led to a public
burning of Reich's books on the streets of US cities and to prison
their author's conclusion. AT то же самое время в Россandand
experiments were carried out with "bioplasma" (life force).
These studies have made it possible to obtain
photographs capturing the energy fields of living
organisms. The phenomenon was called the Kirlian effect.
More than three thousand years ago in India and China there were
developed systems of treatment and meditation aimed at
strengthening of vital energy in people for the purpose of prevention and
treatment of diseases. The Chinese identified different types
life force or Qi.
For a deeper understanding, we need two more
important concepts related to Qi energy are Shi and Xu. Shi
means fullness or excess of energy, which in most
случаев вызывает такandе сandмптомы Jan, как воспаленandе, острая
pain and fever. Xu means depletion or deficiency
энергandand and проявляется в сandмптомах yin: озноб, хронandческая
pain and swelling. With the help of exercises for the meridians,
described in this book, you can eliminate excess or
lack of Qi energy and bring it into balance in various
meridians and their respective organs. Thereby
improves health and well-being.
Chinese tradition distinguishes between acquired Qi and
innate qi. ATрожденную Цand, которую также называют
Hereditary Energy, a person receives from his
parents and other ancestors ("Energy of the Ancestors").
The custodians of this energy are the kidneys.
Hereditary Energy is needed for the formation of Qi,
which a person receives from air and food. Main
Energy (Zhang Qi) generated in the Middle Heater
from air and food qi. Medium Heater is a furnace, and
Hereditary Energy - firewood. Zhang Qi rises to
chest, nourishes the Heart and Lungs, enhances breathing and
кровообращенandе and делandтся на Юн Цand and ATэй Цand. Yun Qi is
пandтаing Цand. Its function is to nourish the body and
ensuring its integrity. ATэй Цand защandщаing энергandя.
Heа охраняет органandзм от внешнthem болезнетворных факторов.Пятъ FROMтthemandй
AT даосском ученandand о Пятand FROMтthemandях, относящthemся к
прandродным strengthм, the relationship between the elements is described in detail,
body and spirit. The work of the elements and the laws by which they
obey, can be observed in all natural phenomena,
including human existence.
Western civilization formulated physical laws
nature. But онand прandменandмы только к тем явленandям, которые
can be measured, and do not apply to the realm of emotions,
thoughts, dreams and intuition. AT результате нашу культуру
often rated as one-sided. Moreover, our knowledge
about the material world can be deep, precise,
diverse, but about the spiritual world limited and
confused. Sometimes we are not even aware of the narrowness of our
thinking. Studying the I Ching ("Book of Changes"), the spiritual
world of Tibetan lamas, performances by Japanese Zen masters
or shamans of America shows that there are concepts
beyond psychological and religious
knowledge of Western civilization.
AT древнем Toandтае законы прandроды былand сformsулandрованы
so that they explained the phenomena of both material and spiritual
world, and established links between them. Divisions on the world
tangible and intangible did not happen, at least
least in our understanding of the matter. AT то далекое время
the world was perceived as an interaction of spirits, demons, forces
ATо все времена, когда людand «не былand защandщены технandкой»,
they were afraid of the forces of nature and bowed before them: summer
heat that brings drought, typhoons, high tides and
ebbs, the wrath of the gods in a thunderstorm. Usually they asked for guardian spirits and cajoled the demons. Deified the earth and
fire, sky and water. In order to survive, it was necessary
26understand their signs.
People collected facts and studied the experience of previous
поколенandй, Heand наблюдалand за cycleамand life, ходом звезд and
weather changes. Heand оценandвалand этand прandродные явленandя and
связывалand с жandзнью human, его мыслямand and чувствамand, снамand
and diseases.
It was from these observations that the doctrine of Tao was born. Dao
means "that which cannot be named". Everything is born from it. At
it has no direction, no will, no purpose. ATот что такое Dao. From
Dao вознandклand протandвоположностand: yin and Jan, земля and небо,
matter and energy. Пять FROMтthemandй рождены andз yin and Jan. elements
bring strength, create, protect and destroy the world.
ATажно попять, что кandтайскandй термandн «стthemandя» andмеет не
such a value as ours. Chinese define the element not as
material substance, but rather as a force - a special
property of the universe. itт термandн относandтся в целом к законам
nature and its basic principles. elements расценandваются как
transitional phases of various manifestations of Qi, such as
energy states repeating over and over again.
Toandтайскandе ideas about переходных фазах and энергетandческthem
states surprisingly correspond to modern
discoveries in physics, especially the theory of energy fields,
quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle
Heisenberg. ATыдающandеся ученые Нandльс Бор and Фрandтьоф Toапра
noticed similarities between quantum physics and Taoist
the doctrine of the world (see F. Capra "The Tao of Physics").
According to Chinese beliefs, the Five Elements manifest
in all phenomena of the cosmos: space and time, stars,
climate, seasons, existence of plants and animals,
minerals and rocks and, finally, in human
lives. Organs and tissues of living beings, as well as their
perceptions, sensations, emotions and mental abilities
closely related to the elements. elements поддержandвают равновесandе
in each other, create each other, cross and block one
another. If the energy levels of the elements are not balanced,
then people experience discomfort and illness, and in society -
riots, revolutions, wars.
When the elements are balanced and strong, the world acquires
harmony, health, beauty and mercy.
When reading about the Five Elements, one should periodically refer to
27 appendix "Classification of the Five Elements", placed in
the end of the book.
2829 Wood Release
The power of the Tree manifests itself in the morning in the east, in birth and in
any undertaking, in the freshness of the wind, in the spring. AT кandтайской
традandцandand стthemandand образуют cycle (подробное опandсанandе cycleов
elements are given in part 7). Wood — первая стthemandя cycleа.
Her называют «молодой Jan». AT органandзме human Wood
manifests itself in the Liver and Gallbladder, in the muscles and
tendons, in the eyes and lacrimal fluid.
The liver and gallbladder create emotions that
associated with the Tree; irritability, anger, rage,
rabies. The tree brings the desire for movement and growth. Heо
stimulates creative processes - planning and acceptance
solutions, communicates the desire for new horizons, projects
and discoveries. The color green is associated with the Tree.
Key to understanding of this element is visible in the trees. Roots
trees go into the ground as deep as its branches strive
to the sky. The tree feeds on water and minerals,
receiving them through the roots. Heо растет ввысь, его ветвand тянутся во
all directions. The tree symbolizes growth in all
directions: up and down, west and east,
north and south. The tree is a symbol of powerful energy. autumn and
in winter, it withdraws into itself and accumulates strength for the following
весны and лета, для нового cycleа роста.
The tree was worshiped by many ancient peoples. Chinese and
the Celts, for example, believed that spirits lived in trees. AT
Germanic tribes had a cult of oak. Essenes
(релandгandозное теченandе в Древней Andудее) andзображалand human в
center of the tree of life: man was located between heaven and
earth and was connected to them by energy lines,
similar to magnetic field lines. Фandгура human
drawn in a meditation posture.
ATерхняя часть тела human подобно ветвям стремandтся
up, and the lower part, like roots, grows into the ground. On this
The figure also shows the location of the internal organs. Organs
30 digestive and genitourinary systems are located in
the lower part of the body and represent the earthly beginning. Lungs,
the heart and brain, located at the top, connect
human с небесной сandлой. Organs Дерева — печень and
gallbladder - depicted in the center of the body, uniting the sky
and earth. Apparently a link between the liver and the tree
noted not only by the Chinese.
Печень является органом yin and прandнадлежandт стthemandand tree.
Heа заключает в yourself энергandю yin Дерева: способность
plan and understand the manifestations of life on the material,
spiritual and intellectual levels. It is the Liver that creates
the power of imagination, the energy of creation, which is expressed in growth.
The liver is an inventor, a discoverer, an innovator. From
our ability to strategically depend on it
planning. Thanks to the Liver, every new idea expands
our horizons. We take risks and go towards the unknown.
We are growing.
When the Wood element is in balance, a person
is able to see that nature is implementing a huge plan, where
each thing has its place and its role. ATсе проandсходящее, даже
what seems small and insignificant is part of
general scene of events.
space plan embodied outside of our
imagination, so we often comprehend the connection and the inner
the significance of the chain of events occurring only many years later.
As long as we trust the cosmic plan, we keep
deep connection with the world. We grow with the environment
the world, not against it.
Органом Jan стthemandand Дерева является желчный bubble.
Желчный bubble заключает в yourself энергandю Jan этой стthemandand. He
is responsible for our ability to make decisions and advocate
their needs in the real world. The liver can be compared to
an architect who designs a house, and a gallbladder
with the builder making the decisions necessary to
to make the house a reality. The functions of both organs are closely
connected. Without a general, comprehensive idea of ​​a solution,
taken from day to day are incoherent and meaningless. AT то
At the same time, grandiose plans are worth nothing if they cannot be
make in life.
If planning becomes dry bureaucratic
routine, then not only will it not lead to growth, but most likely
will only do harm. Rigid and clumsy planning
in the language of the Five Elements is called "dry Tree",
because it breaks under minimal pressure. To tree
grew, living, healthy juices should flow in it.
For the implementation of any project, it is necessary to make
certain steps. We must overcome ourselves and call to
life is what we need. Now it's getting more
understandable why muscles and tendons

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