Message: #77527
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:49

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume III Stage Six. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

able to enjoy God or the “tree of life”, which always grows in the paradise of Divine happiness.
Just as a person throws off one worn out garment and puts on a new one, so the soul leaves one stale body and puts on new bodily forms.
We do not correct everything at once, but gradually, many births give our souls and subtle bodies the opportunity to correct themselves. Different characters, temperaments, abilities and degrees of development,
occurring among members of the same family cannot be explained in any other way than by the theory of reincarnation, because they live in the same environment and life circumstances. God would be partial if He made one rich and the other poor, but they are in in reality are so by their own deeds, but people living in good circumstances need to be helped by those who are in more difficult conditions, otherwise they will develop bad karma, which will degrade them spiritually and definitely make them poor.
The Gospel of John, chapter 9, verse 2: "The disciples of Jesus asked Him: Rabbi, who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind?" You may ask: "Why did this child die in childhood, or why was the child already born blind?" - Answer: This child obviously broke some law in one of his previous lives. Reincarnation solves the problems of atonement for sins and other issues.
Avoid Forced Reincarnation
You want to live freely in your body and you don't want to be thrown out of your body. Your abode is omnipresence, but you forget it. One day this body cell of yours will be broken, whether you like it or not. Why don't you follow the path where you can consciously leave the body?
God was in the Spirit, but He said, "I want to go outside." Thus He became the plant life. Then He thought, "I express life and beauty in plants, but I need movement," and thus His feet were freed from the earth and He became an animal. In nature, God first realized His beauty, and in the animal He not only realized His beauty, but also sentience. His voice began to sing in the nightingale, but He said, "Well, I sing, but I don't know what," and thus God became man. Then He showed His wisdom. In the man of God, omnipresence is expressed more than in anything else. Then God became superman, and finally He said, "I am God who became man." The superman manifests omnipresence, he knows that he is present in all things.
One life is not enough, just one training in the world is not enough, however, through sincere prayer for all good things and non-attachment, we can be freed from forced incarnations, which are a kind of punishment imposed on us by ourselves. We should have reincarnated on earth the way Jesus did, of our own free will, not by force. Free your soul from karma (actions), from this elusive law that binds us to the past, and free your soul from forced reincarnation.
Who is the one who reincarnates?
The physical body consists of 16 elements, but two other bodies are hidden in this body - the astral body, consisting of 19 elements, and the spiritual body, consisting of 35 elementary ideas. The astral body plus the unfulfilled desires of previous lives and their consequences is what reincarnates into a new body.
If one pound of salt water is poured into a bottle and stoppered, and then put this bottle into some other large bottle and stopper it, and put these two bottles into an even larger third bottle and stopper it also, and if they are thrown into the sea, then the salt water in the bottle will not be able to mix with the sea water. In order for the water contained in the three bottles that bound it to be able to connect with sea water and with the ocean, they must be broken. In the same way, our physical body is inhabited by the astral and spiritual bodies, and the soul is enclosed in the spiritual body, but it is blocked by ignorance.
For this reason, it is not liberated when the physical body is destroyed by death. The soul can only find freedom when we remove the plugs of ignorance from both bodies so that it can unite with the ocean of the spirit. Just as we put on a triple garment, namely underwear, a suit and a coat, and take them off, so the soul, along with death, takes off its outer clothing - the physical body.
The physical body consists of 16 elements: phosphorus, iron, chlorine, sodium, iodine, potassium, calcium, etc.
The astral or subtle body consists of 19 elements (mind, ego, chitta, consciousness, ten sensations, five pranas) with the consequences of actions (reincarnation) left behind. It reincarnates, but the physical body does not. Desires cause a new incarnation and birth. Deeds created by desires leave consequences, while deeds done without any attachment to them leave no consequences. Earthly desires connected with the earth bring back to the earth.
The 19 elements of the astral body are the receptive sensual mind, the predetermining faculty of consciousness, the senses, the ego (pseudo-soul) or soul consciousness, like the body and the five electrical life forces, which help to carry out the process of crystallization (transformation of the body) and change (creation of organs), circulation functions, elimination and assimilation body. If the current of crystallization in the body refuses to function properly, then consumption begins. If the circulation current is malfunctioning, then anemia sets in, which affects the subtle sensations (sense organs) that reside in ten sense organs: the power of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, the motor abilities of the arms, legs and muscles, and the ability to speak. Thus, remember that 19 elements plus 35 elements leave the body at death.
Where does the soul go? - In the astral world. Then the soul incarnates again in the body - in the physical body, in order to fulfill all unfulfilled desires.
Now the question arises: when people die, are they immediately born again? - The answer is no. Some people do not incarnate for a long time, others for a short time. In the astral world, some awaken soon after death. Normal people soon return to earth. For sinful people, it takes a longer time to return. Spiritual people can do as they please. They may remain in the astral world or incarnate in a body.
The difference between the physical senses and the subtle senses
Десять органов чувств астрального тела являются дополнением к десяти органам чувств физического body. The physical eyes can go blind, but the astral eyes can never be blind. For example, in a dream you can see even though your physical eyes are blind. Then you use your astral eyes. The same thing happens with your hearing, and so on.
What is the difference between the physical and subtle sense organs? the physical senses are physical instruments, but the subtle senses are the same instruments only in a limited way. The powers of sight and hearing also exist when the physical telephone is removed. The world of dreams is an image of the astral world. The world of dreams is proof of the existence of the astral world. All things can be produced through the mind and subtle sense organs - by the forces of crystallization, circulation and metabolic forces.
The astral body is created by a life force, but only by a different kind of life force, plus the ego or "I". The ego is a pseudo soul. It is not the true soul. When you are awake, the ego shows up in the following expressions: "This is my body, this my word, this is my country, etc." However, when you go to sleep, you forget all this. God has separated all trials and titles from you. Thus, remember that the soul consciousness, together with the body, is the ego. The ego ascribes to itself all the different bodily states.The body is a carriage drawn by ten horses.The mind is the coachman, the reins represent the will, the body is the carriage, the higher self is the rider, and the senses are the ten horses.
spiritual body
spiritual body состоит из идейных зародышей, которые соответственно противостоят 16-ти элементам физического тела и 19-ти элементам астрального body. Before God created the 35 elements, He had to separate them and give each one a thought that defines it, that is, God needed to create all these elements in his thoughts before they manifested in physical and astral bodies. These physical and astral elements, created first in thoughts, were then manifested through gross vibrations into physical and astral elements, that is, before God created iron, or thoughts, or feelings, He had to create them in his mind. In a dream, the difference between a mountain materialized in a dream and a mental flash consists solely in the difference in ideas.
Desires plus 35 ideas hold the soul captive. What then happens when you die? - 19 astral elements plus 35 elements of the spiritual body and plus desires go into space. If there is no attraction to return to earth, then you go straight back to Godhead. Therefore, all the saints teach you to conquer desires, for desires are the cause of captivity.
When the soul leaves the body with desires, it takes with it 19 elements from the astral body, but if you are spiritual, then you are born again in a highly spiritual body. You attract a body to you depending on your properties. What you are now, you took with you from a previous

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