Message: #77509
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:47

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume II Stage Five. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

are taught not to be fanatics in any matter. We need to develop to the point where we can know that both spirit and matter exist, but not in the way we imagine. Matter manifests itself in visible form, but in reality it consists of electromagnetic waves. This is energy. All the so-called solids that we see are not solids. They are nothing but flying atoms held together by magnetic force. Nothing is solid.
This world was created through Divine vibration. Matter is one vibration and mind is another. Matter is a lower vibration, but to deny the existence of matter is foolishness. Humanity suffers because of the illusion in relation to matter, the Earth, the planets and to the body and soul. Only a wise and awake person sees their true nature. For example, it seems to our senses that the Earth is flat and motionless, but through scientific research it has been proven that the Earth is round and rotates. Заблуждение одного лица называют "иллюзией", в то время как заблуждение всех of people называют "разочарованием".
Top 10 disappointments
Our sense organs give us an explanation of certain events, phenomena and substances, but in most cases we receive from them incorrect information about the true substance. Здесь приводятся Top 10 disappointments:
1. The illusion of time and space.
2. Frustration through attachment to one family or country.
3. Errors of consciousness in which one feels pain in one's body but does not feel that pain as a mental idea.
four. Ошибочное сознание о разнице между твердыми веществами, жидкостями, газами, жизнью, мыслями и чувствами.
5. Ошибочное представление о рождении и of death.
6. Misconception about the states of sleep, wakefulness and dreaming.
7. The fallacy of the relative importance of our body, the body is really so insignificant and small, but it is to us seems so valuable and significant.
8. The fallacy of attachment is more to evil than to good.
9. Fallacy to see only matter without the existence of God.
10. Delusion due to ignorance that what is seen is not true and what is invisible is real substance.
Methods for getting rid of delusions
Pain consciousness is an illusion. The pains arose from an exaggerated sense of attention. Emphasizing our individuality, we separated ourselves from all of nature and developed divisions. For this reason, so many things can hurt the body.
Contradictions must exist between harmony and separation. Their encounters are first accompanied by a sense of attention. However, pain develops here. Under the influence of chloroform, your body does not feel pain during surgical operations, because the mind is not aware of the state of the body. A strong mind can consciously learn to know the condition of the body during surgery without feeling the pain that comes from hypersensitive attention. Learn to be strong-minded and not feel pain. A rural child feels significantly less pain when bitten by insects than an urban child. Overcome sensitivity with mental strength. Banish the pains from your consciousness and you will not feel them in your body.
The strongest errors are the sensations of touch. Close your eyes, forget the sensations of your body, and think of the wide, boundless volume of space around you as your expanding body. Feel joy in every spatial tissue of your body: joy will be your circulation, joy will flow through all the veins of sensation. Then the consciousness that carries the body of flesh and bones will disappear. You тогда почувствуете только ощущение Божественного мира. The phenomena of subjective sensations will disappear. Their blindness will be revealed through the experience of true intuition born in meditation. You будете видеть, слышать, обонять, осязать все вещи только как Бога. The absolute substance will dominate every throne, the throne of your consciousness.
Eradicate the illusion of nationality, caste, creed and skin color. You принадлежите к семье всех Божественных тварей. Close your eyes and meditate on the small size of your family and country. Break the chains of this hereditary notion and form a circle of love without attachment, a wide abode of sympathies, a wide feeling in the heart and look at all peoples, all Creation as living with you in peace at the fire of universal brotherhood.
Meditation is a cure for cosmic delusions
Matter appears to us as solids, liquids, gases, heat, electricity and energy. It manifests itself in various forms, but it is not really what it seems to us. We may dream of a mountain, or an ocean wind, or feel the heat of summer, or see sunlight, or electric light in a city, or the energy of a sunrise, or the life force that flows through millions of human bodies.
God sees dreams in the dream of a cosmic film on the screen of the illusion of human consciousness. When one connects his consciousness with the Divine consciousness, then he perceives this cosmos as a Divine dream that passes through his mind. However, no one can experience this consciousness before they have experienced perfect union with God. Just as in a dream a person does not know that his dream of a city with many buildings, seas and light is the creation of various vibrations of his numb fantasies, so the cosmic dream of matter with its solids, liquids, gases and electricity does not seem Divine numb fantasies to the individual who is under the influence of the whisper of cosmic delusions.
Science has proven that all matter is nothing but electromagnetic waves, or frozen light. Metaphysicians say that frozen light is frozen Divine vibration and frozen light is matter. It is necessary to think it over thoroughly and meditate on these truths before seeing all matter as a Divine dream.
Cosmic delusions can also be overcome through deeper and deeper meditation until the possibility arises to rise above body consciousness. When meditating with closed eyes, all matter disappears from our field of vision, and if we strongly feel that reality is the consciousness of blissful omnipresence, then we no longer see the illusion of a cosmic film. If in meditation one can feel the knowledge of an eternally new world, that world that rises above all physical suffering, transient pleasures and trials of grief, and above all mental contradictions, then the complete destruction of material perceptions is achieved. The fire of meditation transforms all contradictions into the consciousness of an eternally joyful spirit.
Limitation of the senses
Our sense organs are limited by the scale of vibration. Our eardrum perceives only from 16 to 60,000 vibrations per second. The eyes cannot see very weak or very strong light. The organ of touch is incapable of sensing subtle forces. The organs of taste and smell can perceive only certain vibrations of taste and smell sensations. The radio has definitely proven that we are deaf. The cosmic sound of atoms, the infinitely joyful program of Divine experiences, the voices of the ether, the vortex sound of the planets and the hum of the Earth revolving around the sun, the beating of the heart and the pulsation of blood in our veins are not perceived by our physical ears.
There is no time or space
There is no time that can be divided into present, past and future. The only real time is the present. It can flip the cosmic movie and show you pictures from ancient and prehistoric times - right now. It can now show new pictures and the so-called civilization of the future. Since people die, they have divided eternity into times, depending on their own existence. God is conscious in the present because He never dies.
There is no space either, because all forces can be at one point and spread everywhere.
The difference between the clay floor, the sparkle of light in the sky, between day and night light, between electricity and your thoughts, is nothing but the different forms of your dreaming mind. In dreams you can create the continents of the universe, you can walk on a clay floor, you can see the sparkle of light in the sky, you can watch the change of days and nights and see cities full of electric light, you can think, talk and sing, but when you wake up from sleep, then you will laugh and say: "Ah, because I only dreamed of various things." Meditate always on this and know that the entire universe is nothing but the dream ghosts of nature that are trying to experience your consciousness of immortality. Do not be afraid of the trials of your dreams, laugh on purpose with a carefree laugh, especially when you are on crossroads of difficult experiences. This is the way by which you can achieve your hereditary rights, looking at everything as one Divine consciousness.
Эти немногие годы вашей жизни являются только несколькими секундами по сравнению с вечностью до вашего рождения и с вечностью после вашей of death. On occasion, for a short moment, you are settled in a country, but you are a permanent resident in your true country of eternity.

Jesus said:
You will listen with your ears and you will not hear.
God speaks to us with the intelligent song of atoms, but we do not hear Him.
During meditation, having excluded all sounds from our mind, we can hear the noise of the sound of eternal atoms and cosmic peace. X-rays, ultraviolet rays, electricity, atoms and electrons - they all dance their colorful dance, but we are blind, we do not see any of this with our limited vision. Sunlight appears white to us, while in reality it has 7 different colors, as shown by the solar spectrum. Millions of angels and astral beings are hidden behind the walls of sunlight, but we also do not see them.
Look at the point between


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