Message: #77516
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:47

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume II Stage Four. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

help and uplift your brothers, whom you will look upon as part of yourself and who must be raised up with you before you can be perfectly happy. To condemn others is to condemn oneself to the same experience, for you will not see the error if the seed is not in you.
Hate temptations and never let yourself be caught in their web. Try to let the light shine in you and through you, then others will turn away from the darkness through the knowledge of this light that is hidden in every other person.

All kinds of forces are unknown in you. Everything you do, you do unconsciously. You unconsciously use these forces and achieve results. If you could consciously use the forces that are in you, you would achieve wonderful results.
When you follow the laws on which your mental consciousness, then and only then can you achieve mastery over your life. To gain mastery over your mental life is not enough, you have to gain mastery over your spiritual life. Through scientific progress man has progressed materially, but he has not progressed spiritually.
You worship God in the temple, but God is the one to be known and who is closer than your heartbeat, closer than your love and your feelings, if you will only want to know Him.
You must develop the intellect. This cannot be achieved only through books, it is also achieved through experiences and experiences. Very few people know where to look for benefits. Heи всегда делают что-то, за что их не терпят. If the intellect is connected with selfishness, then it must be avoided. Meditation is superior to books. When you are filled with natural wisdom and natural vitality, then just as bees seek a flower, friends and well-being will seek you.
True success means a balanced life:
1. Meditation.
2. Intellectual teaching.
3. Health.
4. Happiness.
5. Making money.
Некоторые люди слишком заняты, чтобы найти контакт с Богом, однако предположим, что Бог сказал бы, что He слишком занят, чтобы заниматься с вами, что тогда? You wouldn't be here. To fulfill one's duties without knowing God is to forget God, but to fulfill one's duties with the knowledge of God is the highest and happiest way of life.
Force of gravity
You must learn to be magnetic. Very few people are truly magnetic. In the development of the force of attraction is the germ of existence. Although it is true that there are very few magnetic people, everyone has a magnetic force through which you can attract anything to yourself, for example, you can attract the right husband or wife to you, the right business or friends, etc. Of course, if your magnetism is not right, then you will attract the wrong people or things to you. You must learn to develop this subtle magnetic property, with the help of which you can attract to yourself things that you desire and useful to you. Most people rarely use their magnetic power, so they don't attract anything in particular. good.
Remember that Divine magnetism flows through every human being, yet material desires, vengeance, hatred and feelings of worthlessness are included in this magnetism. Do not block the flow of magnetic force. Meditation brings you an experience from which you know that God is with you and that His magnetism is with you. Wherever you go, distribute kindness so that your hearts are filled with God, that your eyes are filled with God. This is what Jesus meant when he said:
Be fishers of men.
To be certain is to be magnetic, to be just is to be magnetic, to be kind is to be magnetic, and to keep the body free of poisons is necessary for you to have magnetism. If your body is filled with poisons, you will find that all your energy is more or less turned inward. Try to get rid of these poisons. If you are internally pure, then all your energy can radiate through your eyes, your face and your body. Every time you look, or listen, or raise your hands, you are emitting magnetic currents. However, when you are scattered, you do not have magnetism. When you send a thought, you also send energy along with it: when you think about one thing while doing something else, your energy is scattered. However, when you are perfectly attentive in your work, then you develop magnetism.
You must be careful about your diet. Raw vegetable food develops magnetism. Too much meat consumption causes a loss of magnetism, because animal magnetism mixes with your spiritual magnetism. Meat makes you focus too much on the physical plane, and you attract physical friends more than spiritual ones. Meat also contributes to excessive sexuality. Don't get into the habit of eating too much meat. According to heredity, you eat a little meat, it will not harm you, but if you get into the habit of eating meat daily, it will destroy your magnetic properties.
If you want to develop magnetism, then you need to eat more fruits. They contain more magnetism than vegetables. Heи наполнены солнечными лучами и жизненной энергией. Eat good meat substitutes. Eat more nuts and nuts in combination with meat. Then your your eyes and your whole body will be magnetized by the kind of food you eat.

Part I
The most vague concept of all concepts is the human idea of ​​God. You hear everyone talking about God, you read about God in the Holy Scriptures, but have you ever ventured with a specific purpose or intention to test your thoughts about God, have you ever tried to understand what God is?
Who made God? Can you tell me? In itself, such a question is caused by ignorance. I'll tell you why. An Arab once met a Hindu. It was the Arab who ate mainly dates, and so he asked the Hindu: "Do dates grow in India?" "No," replied the Indian. "However," said the Arab, "what do you eat?"
We рассуждаем также, основываясь на нашей собственной ментальности. We родились согласно закону причин и следствий. But not God. We являемся результатом причин, поэтому мы и думаем, что все вещи происходят от какой-то причины. However, it is not. Although we are created from causes, God is infinite. It has neither causes nor effects. He является океаном. There are storms and waves in the ocean, but the ocean is not created by the storm. The waves cannot say, "Because we are created by storms, therefore the ocean is also created by storms."
Suppose there is a cup of salt water in the ocean and it is sealed. If you remove the cork, the salt water in the mug will merge with the salt water of the ocean. Similarly, a human being lives in the ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, but he cannot cognize God. Why? Because the Divine part is enclosed in that bodily mug and sealed with a cork of ignorance. And thus we move in God without knowing Him.
When there was nothing, then there was the Spirit. What is Spirit? It is always existing, always conscious, always new Joy. Когда Дух начал творить, то He сделался Богом Отцом. The Holy Spirit is the "bomb" of vibration. The Consciousness of God in Creation is the Consciousness of Christ, the consciousness behind Creation is called "God the Father".
When the Spirit was, there was nothing. There was only one Spirit. Однако как только He стал вибрировать Космическую Энергию, He стал Троицей. These vibrations condensed in the planets and throughout Creation. But it manifests itself in this way: just as the sunlight that falls into a glass of water that I hold in my hand, constantly moving, is distributed over millions of suns, so the Spirit, being a reflection in every human body and mind, is reflected as an individualized Spirit or Soul. Now, although the Soul reflects the Spirit, being identified with the body, it tries hard through the processes of evolution to rise from the body cell and return to the ocean of the Spirit.
If I filled a cup with water and held it under a lamp while moving the water around in the cup, I would get a distorted reflection of the light in the cup, and this reflection is not true light. You may be tempted to think that this light is true. The significance of the resurrection of the reflected Soul consists in taking it off the cup of restless consciousness and uniting it again with the original undistorted all-penetrating light.
The soul is a reflection of the Spirit in the body and it is encased in the body and therefore the Soul has all bodily and mental limitations, we need to awaken the soul from the bondage of the body and mind and reunite it with the Spirit.
Бог невидим для нас, однако в действительности He является видимым в огромной проявленной вселенной. God is in all things - not just one thing. One wave is not the whole ocean, the sea and the waves together make up the ocean. Thus manifested things and unmanifested pure Cosmic Consciousness constitute the Spirit.
Part II
In meditation you drink the echo of the Divine whisper
Through meditation you come into contact with your true self and you forget what you have imagined. You have been in a state of hallucination, thinking that you are a mortal who is struggling and suffering. Every day you should sit quietly and say:
I am not on earth, not in heaven, I have neither father nor mother, I am Boundless Happiness.
If you repeat this often and think about it day and night, then you will see who


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