Message: #77516
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:47

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume II Stage Four. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

not only eternal renewal in herself, but also in the body.
Once you come to the conclusion that the body is not separated from the spirit, but connected by a known числом энергетических вибраций, тогда по желанию можно вызвать в вашем теле вечное обновление spirit. The ocean can help the waves to keep their shape by pushing them out of their embrace, just as people can keep their youth by imploring the eternal ocean of immortal Power to continue to manifest as a new life form.
Concentration is the most important path to strength. The main cause of all failures is a lack of concentration. Just as one can gather the rays of the sun into a focus with a magnifying glass, causing increased warmth, so that a fire can be lit, so one can also collect the rays of attention with the help of a mind that is purified from scattering. To the diligent seeker in concentration, secrets are revealed. Concentration directed towards God is called "meditation". The contact of joy in meditation is the contact with God. The more you meditate, the more you become convinced that nothing else can give you this joy, but the growing peace and joy of peace in meditation.
A student practicing meditation needs to turn his attention away from the senses and turn it exclusively to God. He must learn to master the sensations of heat and cold, hunger and pain, and all bodily desires, so that the soul may be free to remember its omnipresent nature. The medulla is the switch that controls the 5 senses. The heart also controls these sensory phones. Thus, having calmed the heart, you are freed from the sensations of sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, in other words, from sensations that excite and disperse attention. This is not a negative state, but a conscious waking state. Святой является сознательным во to all creation. This is the Divine consciousness, in which not a single sparrow will be lost without the knowledge of the Heavenly Father.
My world is expanding like an expanding sphere. My World, like ether, penetrates through everything.
Practice the 4 meditation methods given in this lecture. Practice them in the morning and in the evening, or at any other time when you are in a quiet place, also at the seaside, on top of a mountain, or in front of a beautiful landscape. Feel free to practice the 3rd point, imagining a light rainbow balloon spreading around the body. By constantly maintaining peace after meditation, the soul can find not only the eternal soul renewal, but also renewal of the body. When you are convinced that the body is inseparable from the spirit, but is composed of vibrating currents in the ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, then the eternal renewal of the Spirit can spread to the body.
Flowers are the preachers of God, proclaiming to us daily about His existence. Flowers always speak of God and serve with all their beauty and fragrance.

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