Message: #77501
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:35

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume I Stage Two. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

God and God's children, applying efforts guided by your wisdom and your intelligence in this matter.
The body consciousness creates material desires. The ego or body consciousness must be conquered by expanding the consciousness to omnipresence. Remember that mental habits are mental magnets that attract their kind. It is good to instill good habits to apply them together with willpower for useful activities. The secret of habits and magnetism is found in Matthew chapter 25, verse 29, where it says following:
For to everyone who has, it will be given and multiplied, but from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.
Above all, cultivate the habit of meditation so that
the mighty force of spiritual habits would overcome material habits. In meditation, your body becomes an electrical machine because your forces are directed in one direction. This is the internal switch you turned on to connect to infinity. Save carefully the effects of meditation. Then you will find that you are the storehouse of power in your body, mind and soul.
Remember the weekly affirmation:
All my inner life shrouds of ignorance are burned in my awakening in the light of Christ.
Abode of God and Truth
Respect beauty in all things and not just in one thing. Feel love for all creatures, not limiting your love to just one living creature, or one family, or one nation. Feel God and life not only in your own body, but in all bodies. With noble aspiration, follow the path that leads to God and to the realms of Truth.
In every thing that gives you lasting satisfaction, you will find the throne of God. Every morning and evening, go into silence or deep meditation for one hour, and most importantly, remember that the more peace you feel in meditation, the closer you will be to God. The peace and quiet of meditation is the speech of God and is accompanied by a good feeling of His presence. This is because God sits in you on the throne of rest. Find Him there first of all, and then you will find Him in all the noble strivings of life, in true friends, in the beauties of nature, in good books, in good thoughts, in good sighs. If you find peace and rest within yourself, then you will know that every thing in the world that will give you lasting peace will explain to you the presence of God also in the outer world. Когда же вы знаете, что Бог в вас проявляется как мир и покой, тогда He будет для вас реализацией мира, существующего в гармонии всех вещей снаружи.
Бог является источником Премудрости, He - зеркало мира, в котором отражается все творение.
You may believe what you have heard and read, however, in order to know things thoroughly, you need experiences in your own soul. This is the truth of God. You cannot know God until you have experienced the real контакта с Neitherм - этот контакт является реализацией вашего единства с Богом и с космосом, а поэтому и Божиим единством со всеми видимыми и с невидимыми вещами и с невидимым космосом.
God manifests to you in the beauty and power of nature. He обращается к вам посредством нежной музыки, пения птиц, приветливыми и нежными словами ваших близких и громким кличем долга. The inner urge to achieve perfection, peace, happiness, immortal and conscious knowledge is the voice of God, which calls us back to the unity of His abodes. This is our idea of ​​Him, who seeks to manifest through our consciousness, attached to matter.
The only way to know God is to experience Him in deep meditation. God actually reigns in you on the throne of the world. You can know this in yourself - in the world of meditation and its bliss, then you realize it as a world that exists in harmony with all external things. Forget your little, separate life will. Consider yourself part of the great human family, one with the life of the universe.
To love God's things more than God himself is not wise. Make the goal of your life to reach the source of all strength - God. Исполняйте правильно возложенные на вас материальные обязанности и одновременно также и свои обязанности к Богу, приобретая контакт с Neitherм в медитации. Above all, never forget God.

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