Message: #77535
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:55

Yogotherapy. Sri Swami Sivananda

the true custodian of Brahmacharya. This principle is summarized in a famous Bengali proverb: "Once a month, a dozen a year, if you can, abstain even longer."
The female animal does not allow the male to approach her after conception, after childbirth and during the period of feeding the cubs with milk. People, unfortunately, do not adhere to these simple rules. Sexual intimacy between mother and father during the period of feeding a child has a detrimental effect on the quality of mother's milk, up to giving it toxic properties, and therefore has a devastating effect on the child's health. Sex during pregnancy, according to the ancient sages, is generally criminal, because cruel and irreversible violations can occur in the hereditary code of the fetus. Потому йогическая сексология строго-настрого запрещает howой бы то ни было секс во время беременности и в период вскармливания. Мужчине же этот период предоставляет уникальный шанс интенсифицировать психофизическую тренировку и эффективность социальных проявлений благодаря сохранению и трансформации всего количества вырабатываемого организмом семени, включая и "затратную" его часть [Сексуальные практики Хатха-yoga и даосской yoga предусматривают полное сохранение семени при половом акте. In this case, the frequency of sexual intercourse does not matter. Moreover, in some cases it is even desirable to practice sexual intercourse more than once a month, since sex in this case turns from a simple satisfaction of carnal desire into a highly effective training practice of connecting, exchanging, accumulating and joint sublimation of creative energy by both partners. True, for the full implementation of yogic sex, both spouses must be fluent in the technique of performing quite complex, mudras, bandhas and pranayamas. The very process of sexual intercourse, when using the latter as a method of joint sublimation of sexual energy into a higher creative force, from beginning to end takes place under the vigilant and complete control of consciousness. Until such control is established and the art of keeping the semen inside the body at the time of peak orgasm is not mastered to perfection, the frequency of sexual intercourse should not exceed the optimum in terms of the consumption of excess semen. To сожалению, в цели данной работы освещение йогических сексуальных практик не входит, однако мы непременно обратимся к этой теме в последующих книгах, посвященных практике психофизической workout. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that even yogic intercourse during pregnancy and while breastfeeding is unacceptable.]. Those who wish their children to be healthy and possessed from birth Siddhis - the magical powers of the demigods - are advised to observe these elementary principles.
If a man who has the ability to restrain ejaculation will have only one intercourse a month with his wife, then both spouses will receive maximum satisfaction from this, and saturation with pleasure will satisfy their sexual hunger until the next intercourse in a month. This restriction of copulations helps to keep all the Granthas in an ideal state and regulates the correct mode of their interaction.
To сожалению, очень и очень немногие из modern men are able to control their sexual sphere. For the most part, they turn out to be her uncomplaining slaves. This destroys their psyche, depresses the mind and contributes to the disruption of the functions of organs, in particular, the liver. If a person suffers from impaired liver function, then he is always in an irritated state. If a же это - мужчина, то раздражение, how правило, вызывает в нем нездоровое сексуальное возбуждение. This closes the vicious circle of weakness and lack of will of the one who mistakenly takes his wretchedness for strength.
A loving, wise and truly strong man knows well that a woman needs not his sexual irresistibility, but his love. Tenderness in communication and harmony in the house for a woman is much more important than sex, especially if there are children in the family.
The love of a wise husband fills the wife's heart with contentment and a joyful feeling of happiness, which extends to the whole family and makes everyone happy - both spouses and their children.
A family where a woman is physically healthy and happy in harmonious unity with a man becomes the abode of the One God. Such families live happily ever after in the world.
"There can be no greater luck in the world than being born in the family of enlightened yogis and yoginis. However, there is truly nothing more difficult than to acquire the right of such a birth." "Bhagavad Gita"

Chapter 7

Итак, мы имеем общее понятие об основах подхода yoga и Аюрведы к терапевтическому приложению традиционных йогических практик, о конкретных техниках, применяемых в Йога-терапии, а также о некоторых принципах питания и сексуального поведения, разработанных мудрецами древнего Востока.
Now it's time to turn directly to the Yoga Therapeutic Recipe. General descriptions and a detailed analysis of the philosophical concepts underlying the fight against a particular disease or set of symptoms will do little for the average person, whose main interest is getting rid of the disease. Therefore, this chapter is devoted to a summary of specific practical steps, the exact implementation of which will allow the patient to get rid of the problems that torment him. Предлагаемые методы были опробованы на множестве пациентов how в древности, так и в наше время, и доказали свою эффективность.
The only condition without which yoga therapy techniques will not work: the lifestyle and dietary structure must be brought into strict accordance with the principles outlined in the previous chapters of this book.
One of the principles of Ayurveda says: only by observing the principles of nutrition, ill health can be overcome completely. Ниhowие снадобья, даже самые сильные, не помогут тому, кто не привел в порядок свой рацион.
Тот, кто только лишь следует диетическим концепциям yoga, неизменно преуспевает в битве за здоровье, даже если не практикует ниhowих упражнений. On the other hand, those who practice yoga, but do not follow the diet prescribed for a yogi, turn the most effective methods of self-improvement into no less effective tools of self-destruction.
ATTENTION! Там, где в подразделах "Правила и диета" речь идет о соках, имеются в виду НАТУРАЛЬНЫЕ СВЕЖЕВЫЖАТЫЕ СОToИ!


The method proposed below allows you to get rid of boils - superficial abscesses, as well as deep abscesses - abscesses - in the initial stage. If time is lost and an abscess has developed, immediate surgical intervention is necessary.
Treatment. In the morning: Sahaja basti kriya number one or number two according to the chart. After defecation and washing - Sahaja-agni-sara-dhauti - thirty times; the first version of Agni-sara-dhauti - ten times; Sahaja pranayama number one, two and three - two to three minutes each.
In the evening: Vrajana Pranayama - six minutes; Sahaja-agni-sara-dhauti - twenty-five times; the first version of Agni-sara-dhauti - ten times; Janu-sirshasana - four times; Sahaja Pranayama number two and eight - two minutes each; Sarvangasana - three minutes, Matsyasana - two minutes; drinking water; under favorable conditions - full or half washing. Favorable local sunbathing with preliminary lubrication of the affected areas with red sandalwood paste [In order to select a replacement for red sandalwood paste in our conditions, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or surgeon who is familiar with local herbal methods.]. In special cases, in particular, with chronic furunculosis, yogis recommend practicing Sahaja-danda-dhauti.
rules and diet. In case of ordinary abscesses, refuse supper two nights in a row. If there is no appetite, do not take anything but water. If you have an appetite, you can have two glasses of milk for dinner and some fruit (with the exception of bananas and melons).
In the presence of purulent formations, apply a warming patch of flaxseed on cotton wool (grind the flaxseed, then heat it and spread it evenly on the cotton wool, and then apply it to the abscess). This is a good remedy for accelerating the process of maturation of an abscess.
For very large and malignant abscesses, a three-day fast as a preliminary measure. The first two days there is nothing but water with lemon juice. On the third day, you can drink some milk and eat some sweet fruits. Such a fast will prevent the process from going too far and relieve suffering. Recommended local sunbathing with red sandalwood paste. Keep in the sun until a sensation of heat appears in the affected area.
Internal abscesses usually cause a significant increase in temperature, which is maximum in the evening and drops somewhat in the morning. The only radical means of combating temperature is abstinence from food. Internal abscesses are special cases in which Basti-kriya, Sahaja-danda-dhauti-kriya or Vamana-dhauti-kriya are recommended to be added to the above procedures. They will cleanse the body and life will be saved. После того, how воспалительный процесс будет остановлен и жар спадет, необходимо еще довольно длительное время - хотя бы два-три месяца - тщательно следить за диетой. Fats: ghee, butter, vegetable oils, etc., fish, meat, eggs in this case should be excluded from the menu even for people from cold countries.


Indigestion, lack of energy, bitter or sour belching, heartburn, decreased taste sensitivity are all symptoms of acidity.
Treatment. In the morning: Sahaja-basti-kriya according to the scheme. After defecation - Vamana-dhauti-kriya; Agni-sara-dhauti-kriya number one - ten times, number two - four times; Vrajana Pranayama.
In the evening: Vrajana Pranayama; Sahaja-agni-sara-dhauti - thirty times; Pashchimatanasana - four times; Pavan-muktasana - four times; Yoga mudra - eight times; Sarvangasana - four times; Sahaja Pranayama number one, two, eight - two minutes each.
После того, how появится улучшение состояния, следовать прогрессивной методике тренировок. Во время приступов боли проследить за тем, через howую ноздрю breathing is carried out and change the predominant nostril. This will greatly ease the pain.
rules and diet. If there is pain, do not take anything but warm water with lemon juice. Cold water can be drunk later.


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