Message: #67300
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:07

Fitness for women. Sandra Rosenzweig

lower back and tendons. This exercise helps stretch the muscles of the lower back and tendons of the legs (Fig. 35).
5. Lying on the back, the left knee is bent and lies at a right angle to the body. With your right hand, grab under your knee and pull it towards you until it touches the floor to your right. The left arm, like the head, is retracted to the side. This helps to achieve more twisting of the torso. During the entire exercise, the shoulders touch the floor. After holding this attachment for a sufficiently long time, bend your legs. It helps to stretch the muscles around the waist, lower back and outer thighs (Fig. 36).
6. Lying on your back, legs straightened and tilted slightly forward, in front of the wall. Нижняя часть тела должна Входиться на расстоянии 7-one0 см от стены. Press your lower back to the floor. bend стопы так, чтобы большие пальцы были обращены по направлению к голове, затем разведите ноги в стороны, перебирая пятками по стене, до тех пор, пока не появится ощущение натяжения. You can increase muscle tension by helping yourself with your hands. Hold this extreme position in for some time, then try to increase muscle tension by spreading your legs even wider, again hold this position for some time. If you feel trembling in your legs, roll onto your back and shake your legs, and now try again. Get up slowly to avoid dizziness. This exercise helps stretch the muscles of the inner thigh, groin (Fig. 37).
7. Sitting and leaning on your knees and hands, lower your buttocks so that they touch your heels and your chest to your knees until the body is in the position of the fetus.
Try to bend and round your back. Tilt your chin and try not to forehead, but the top of your head touches the floor. Hands at this time lie along the body with palms up, fingers almost touching the toes. This movement is associated with passive stretching. Постарайтесь удержать крайнее положение в течение минуты, сохраняя все мышцы тела расслабленными, а затем медленно поднимайтесь (рис. 3eight). After a few weeks of training, you will achieve a sufficient degree of flexibility and be able to stretch your arms forward in front of you. This exercise stretches and, as it were, lengthens all the muscles of the back.
eight. Упражнение из предыдущего силового цикла. Lying face down, legs straightened and joined together, arms in front of you, close to the body, almost touching the ears. Contracting your abdominals and glutes, slowly raise your head, arms, chest, and legs off the floor. Look forward in front of you, slightly spreading your arms to the sides. The weight of the body should be completely transferred to the ilium and pelvis. If you rise too high, it will make it difficult to breathe. Вначале удержите такое положение в течение one0 секунд, тренируясь и постепенно подводя себя к тому, чтобы быть в состоянии удерживать приведенное положение в течение twenty-60 секунд. Then slowly, controlling your movements and without relaxing the muscles of the body, lower yourself to the floor - one repetition. Добейтесь того, чтобы быть в состоянии выполнять до one0 повторений. This compound exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the lower back, buttocks, lower back and even the abdominals. If a ры страдаете артритом, у вас боли в спине или в области шеи, вам не следует выполнять это упражнение, надо сразу же переходить к выполнению упражнения one0 первого комплекса (рис. 39).
9. This movement is also intended for stretching the back muscles that you just shortened by doing the contraction exercise (see exercise 7).
one0. Стоя на полу, опираясь на руки и на колени. Turn your arms out and towards your back so that your fingers are pointing towards your knees. At first, the arms can be held at a distance from the body, but as you become more flexible, shorten the distance between the arms and the body so that the hands eventually touch the knees. Bend back so that the hips move towards the feet until you feel tension (stretch) in the forearms and hands. The bases of the palms during the exercise should always touch the floor. Это упражнение растягивает мышцы и связки кистей рук, предплечий и лучезапястных суставов (рис. four0).
oneone. Сидя на коленях "по японски", ягодицы на лодыжках, ступни ног упираются пальцами в пол. If you don't feel any stretch in the front of your foot and ankle, lean back on your elbows and forearms. For увеличения растягивания приподнимите одно колено от пола, чтобы его вес был перенесен на туловище или стопу. Hold the position of extreme stretch for some time, lower the knee to the floor, tear off the other. When doing this упражнения нельзя разводить колени, а стопы ног не должны "уходить" из-под ягодиц.
After holding the extreme stretch position, lift yourself up and bend your feet under you so that your big toes again support most of the body weight. Sit on your heels and lean back until you feel a stretch. Hold the extreme stretch position for some time. Return to i. n. for the final stretch. This exercise stretches the quadriceps and other muscles in the thigh, ankles, and big toes. If a у вас болят колени, вам захочется пропустить это упражнение, но в то же время перенесение веса тела на колени, когда они полностью согнуты, может помочь растягиванию связок колена и улучшить, таким образом, состояние коленей (рис. fourone).
one2. Присядьте, правая нога согнута в колене под вами левая, выпрямленная, позади. Place your weight on the right foot and toes of the left foot, and, if necessary, also on the left knee. During the entire exercise, the foot of the right foot touches the floor. Hands - on the floor sides for support. Now slowly lower your hips down towards the floor, keeping both feet in the same place, but bending your left knee until you feel a state of stretch on the front of the thigh just where the thigh attaches to the body. Hold the state of maximum stretch for some time. Try to stretch even more, again hold this position for some time. Then change legs. Don't lower your lower body or your leg will be bent in front of your foot and you could injure your knee. Это упражнение растягивает мышцы-сгибатели бедра, паха и даже сухожилия (рис. four2).
one3. Первый level. Holding on to a table leg or chair arm, sit down so that your feet are in a comfortable position for you, completely on the floor and your toes are slightly apart. Hands in front of you on the inside of the thighs, shoulders tilted forward, the back is rounded for balance. Try to take a position so that the buttocks touch the floor. If you don't manage to keep your balance the first few times, try squatting down and doing this movement while in the tub. Горячая вода сделает суставы more податливыми, а мышцы more гибкими и немного облегчит вес тела. If a это упражнение вызывает боль в коленях, не выполняйте его (рис. four3).
Second level. When you have mastered the previous position well, squat without support with your hands. Пусть они свободно висят между ногами, это позволит принять такое положение, когда колени разведены more широко, чем плечи. This exercise stretches the back, groin, knees, ankles, and Achilles tendons.
onefour. Первый level. Sitting cross-legged. Holding the towel in your right hand, wrap it over your right shoulder and behind your back. Bring your left hand back at waist level, palm outward, and grab the towel as high as you can with it. Head straight, back straight, pull the towel with your right hand so that your left arm is raised higher and further behind your back, hold the extreme stretch position, then pull the towel down with your left hand, hold the extreme stretch position. Change the position of the hands and repeat the exercise. Gradually shorten the distance between your hands until you no longer need a towel.
Second level. Sitting cross-legged. Bring your right hand up and back behind your right shoulder, palm down, and your left hand behind your back, palm up. Сцепите пальцы обеих рук и тяните кисти рук с помощью правой руки вверх на twenty счетов. (В действительности вам не удастся значительно изменить положение левой руки, но вы ощутите сильное растягивание.) Теперь тяните вниз с помощью левой руки на twenty счетов. Head up, back straight. Change the position of the hands so that the left hand is on top, and repeat the exercise. This exercise helps stretch the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder joints, triceps and pectoral muscles.
one5. Сидя ноги скрестно, руки за головой, чуть выше шеи. With their help, tilt your head down until your chin touches your collarbone. Удержите такое положение в течение one0-twenty секунд или так долго, как захотите. (If a вы напряжены, это будет очень тяжело.) Теперь поднимите голову и упритесь подбородком в ладонь правой руки, пальцы которой направлены к уху. Place your left hand on your head, just below the back of your head and slightly to the right of center. Tilt your head to the right, pushing your chin up with your right hand and pulling your head down with your left. See if you can touch your left ear to your left shoulder without raising your shoulder. (For большинства это - непосильная задача.) Удержите положение крайнего растягивания в течение некоторого времени, затем поменяйте положение рук и наклоняйте голову влево. Hold the extreme stretch position for some time. Это упражнение растягивает мышцы затылка, шеи (рис. fourfour).
one6. Standing feet shoulder width apart. Hands behind, connected in the castle. Then, bending at the


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