Message: #67300
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:07

Fitness for women. Sandra Rosenzweig

Sandra Rosenzweig Fitness for women

The book is addressed to girls and women and covers various aspects of physical fitness, sports and health activities.
Readers learn how to develop endurance, strength and flexibility, maintain correct posture and a good figure, and much more.

Table of contents
Preface to the Russian edition
Introduction to fitness
Chapter one. Which physical training program to choose
Chapter 2. Basic principles of physical training
Chapter 3
Chapter four
Chapter 5. Sports and physical activity. Five main types
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Sports
Chapter eight

Translation from English by V.I. Zvyagin

Preface to the Russian edition книги
"Fitness for women"
Книга американского автора доктора Сандры Розенцвейг "Fitness for women" предназначена прежде всего для молодых девушек и женщин и охватывает широкий круг проблем, начиная от внешнего вида и заканчивая практическими рекомендациями по занятиям отдельными, наиmore популярными формами двигательной активности.
Today, it is no secret to anyone that health can be preserved and increased only if the three basic rules of an active motor regime are observed, i.e., moderate-intensity cyclic exercises that improve the endurance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, increase efficiency and increase the supply of vitality; a rational diet that provides the body with all the components necessary for life, but at the same time does not contain excess calories, which are so unattractive in the form of fat deposits on the waist, hips, chin; finally, a sufficient amount of gymnastic exercises that allow you to maintain the flexibility of muscles and joints, helping to find the correct and beautiful posture, smooth gait, and measured free movements. All aspects are quite fully covered in the book by S. Rosenzweig - Fitness for Women.
Whatever problem is considered, whether it is rational nutrition or weight control, it is presented in a meaningful, concrete, practical way. The author, of course, focused on the characteristics of the female psyche, realizing that in our age of diverse, and sometimes contradictory information, the greatest trust among readers will cause advice, supported by the latest scientific research.
So, the author introduces us to the principles of rational nutrition. At the same time, detailed information is provided on the calorie content of products, the content of vitamins and microelements in them. Sufficiently complete information is given about their role and significance in human life, their mutual translation from English by V.I. Zvyagin is considered, their connection with health and possible pathological reactions caused by malnutrition. All this information does not remain a simple set of facts. Dr. Rosenzweig skillfully formulates various tips aimed at maintaining optimal performance for both female athletes and athletes.
Much attention is paid in the book on fitness to various forms of physical activity, various physical exercises. True to his principles, Rosenzweig finds convincing evidence of the rationality of the proposals made. One can only be surprised at how skillfully the proposed exercises line up in a system. Before our eyes, the author seems to be sculpting a human figure, making it more perfect, elegant, harmoniously developed.
Recommendations on self-control methods are of great importance. Книга "Fitness for women" помогает лучше ознакомиться с этим, одним из важных аспектов культуры здоровья человека.
Dr. Sandra Rosenzweig's book, despite its obvious merits, is not without some shortcomings. The author in his recommendations focuses on the conditions of a capitalist society, where both medical and any other services are paid, which is why the author gives advice on various nutrition issues, certain aspects of sports training, which in reality will be much more effectively carried out for you by nutritionists, coaches and sports instructors. Often the author advises taking synthetic vitamin preparations. Doctors and nutritionists recommend replenishing the body's costs in vitamins and microelements primarily through natural foods, but in case of a deficiency in the body, they first offer concentrated natural vitamin preparations and only as a last resort, after a doctor's recommendation, synthetic ones. Similar a community instructor at a sports club or local area will give you a lot of practical advice on sports training in your chosen form, and they will undoubtedly be more useful and more specific than advice on sports improvement gleaned from a book.
However, the benefit of this book is undoubted, first of all, for attracting readers to regular physical education (fitness), for constant monitoring of the mode of physical activity and nutrition, without which in our time it is impossible to imagine any elegant, cheerful, charming, modern woman.
P. Nekrasov, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Introduction to fitness
Modern women are increasingly involved in various sports and are engaged in various forms of physical activity, including fitness. Twenty years ago, most women exercised only to improve their figure. Now they are playing basketball, cycling or swimming in order to achieve high results and experience a sense of satisfaction, and, of course, for their own health.
Of course, a man, if he is bigger, stronger than you, then he probably runs faster, sends a projectile further and jumps higher (the manifestation of speed, like power, requires physical strength). However, women are more resilient, have large reserves of energy, in hot and cold weather, the female body more effectively carries out the processes of thermoregulation.
The number of women who are now involved in all popular sports is many times greater than the number of men involved in physical education: 3 out of every 5 runners or cyclists are women, and four out of 5 basketball players are also. Women make up four9% of all involved in tennis, fourfour% in skiing, 39% in tourism, etc. In one9eight0, one35 athletes from 27 countries took part in the first world judo championship, held in New York. There are about one50 women's rugby clubs in the US and over thirty0 women's hockey teams (excluding college teams). In one97eight, an all-female group of American climbers summited Annaputra one, the tenth peak in the world.
If we consider the physique of a woman, it turns out that she has narrower shoulders, shorter arms and smaller bones than a man. This means that the female skeleton has less room for muscles and shorter levers (the longer the lever, the less effort is expended to lift any object, even body weight). About thirty% of a woman's body mass is muscle, while in men this figure is four0%. All this is explained by a higher percentage of estrogen in the body - the female sex hormone. By the time menstruation begins, the amount of estrogen rises. Since it affects the growth plates located at the ends of long bones, women usually stop growing at onefour or one5 years of age, while in men the growth process continues until almost twenty years of age. Estrogen also stimulates the deposition of subcutaneous fat as fuel stores, and male sex hormones such as testosterone stimulate muscle growth. Therefore, naturally, a woman has more subcutaneous fat than men, and less muscle tissue.
Every woman's body produces some testosterone, just like every man's body has estrogen. Its amount depends on the genetic components of each, so in some women the muscular system in its structure may be close to the male. But most women are not able to achieve the same development of muscle mass that men have, no matter how vigorously they train.
Women, by tradition, and also because of the different content of hormones in the body, have less developed muscles of the shoulder girdle. In the past, women almost never did pull-ups, push-ups, or other exercises that men use to strengthen the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Dr. D. Wilmore, M.D., has proved with his research that by regularly exercising with weights, women can strengthen their body to the same extent as men. He came to the conclusion that women have the same, and sometimes even more, strength in the abdominal muscles, thighs, and lower legs than men of approximately the same build.
Women have one0-one2 percent more adipose tissue, which is mainly located in the chest, buttocks, inner thighs and pelvis to protect the reproductive organs and protect the fetus during pregnancy. Although this specifically female adipose tissue, as Dr. med. A. Bernke calls it, is a burden when you need to run faster or jump higher, it also becomes a great advantage when running a marathon or when practicing any other sport that requires endurance. What's more, this extra fat layer keeps out the cold, makes you feel more energetic, and has better buoyancy. For this reason, most marathon swimmers (outside pools) are women, starting with Gertrude Ederle, the first woman to swim across the English Channel (August one926), and ending with Penny Dean, who still holds the record - she crossed the English Channel.Manche in 7 hours four0 minutes. in July one97eight.
Women are inferior to men in strength, but are inherently more flexible than men, which gives them an advantage in ballet and sports such as gymnastics, figure skating.
Trained women are no more susceptible to injury than trained men. In the past, it was believed that due to their wider hips and movable joints, they were more likely to injure the knee or twist the ankle, which in reality is not the case. "Women's bodies are better suited to face-to-face sports than men's for two reasons," says D. Harris, director of the Women's Sports Center at Pennsylvania State University. layer), which helps protect the bones from damage. Secondly, the female genital organs are almost immune to injury. There is no evidence that breast blows, although painful, cause cancer or other diseases. Breast protection is the first, o which worries male coaches. But, as a rule, this is not necessary.
Women's athletic performance improves every year. Who in one970 assumed that in one0 years a woman would be able to run a marathon in 2 hours and 2four minutes. and fourone sec.


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