Message: #67300
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:07

Fitness for women. Sandra Rosenzweig

one9eight0 stated that there were apparently fewer than 3,000 heart attacks per year in women under four6 years of age in the United States, while according to the Royal College of Practitioners, there were only nine cases in the UK. heart attacks in twenty0,000 women surveyed (seven out of nine were taking birth control pills). After the onset of menopause, the likelihood of heart disease in women increases, but is never as great as in men.
physical activity exercise slows down the aging process. Research conducted by Dr. D. Hollotzi and colleagues at the St. Louis University School of Medicine showed that middle-aged runners have better cardiovascular performance than their predominantly sedentary peers; their cardiovascular fitness levels were only onefour percent lower than younger (twenty-year-old) runners, representing a four percent decline over the decade instead of the eight percent decline that the researchers had expected. Dr. R. Puffenbarger, after examining one7,000 students at Stanford University, made sure that the age advantage is maintained only if you keep yourself in good physical shape. Люди, которые находились в прекрасной физической форме, обучаясь в университете, но потом вели сидячий образ жизни, старели теми же темпами, что и люди, постоянно ведущие сидячий образ life.
The biochemical parameters of each woman are unique. No one has a similar hormonal picture, the same digestive system, nerves or vascular reactions. physical activity упражнениями не могут изменить заложенных с рождения генетических особенностей. If your parents lived a long time, then you have a chance to live a long time. If your parents suffered from high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and other forms of heart disease, you too are at risk of developing them. However, if you do have a heart attack, being physically fit will help you get through it more easily, and possibly save your life. If you're lucky, exercising in general can protect you from heart disease.
Which sport is the best!
It depends on the goals you set for yourself.
Before choosing a new form of physical activity, decide what you want to achieve. Many women want to look better, they want their muscles to be more elastic and their figure to improve. If this is your goal, choose sports and exercises that have a predominant effect on the areas that bother you the most. If you want to lose weight, you should do aerobic exercise, which will make your heart beat faster and your lungs work harder. Only by raising the heart rate will it be possible to increase the speed of the metabolic processes necessary to burn additional calories. Dr. M. Pollock, director of one of the cardiology rehabilitation centers, determined that in order to lose weight, you need to exercise at least 3 times a week for thirty minutes, with a heart rate of 60-eight0% of the maximum, and spend about thirty0 kilocalories (kcal) per session. Depending on your physical condition, strenuous walking, jumping rope, running, cycling, swimming, skiing, or rowing are suitable for this purpose (see Chapter four for more on weight loss problems).
Your maximum heart rate is approximately 2twenty beats per minute (bpm) minus your age in years (2twenty is a statistical abstraction based primarily on data from young children). No matter how hard you work, the heart is unable to beat at its maximum rate for a long time. After a minute or two of maximum stress, you will simply fall, exhausted.
For a very large number of women, exercise is a kind of bitter medicine. These are usually those who quickly stop exercising. They have no real motivation. In order to strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation, metabolism and digestion, it is necessary to perform strenuous physical activity. You will not be able to strengthen the heart without exercising it, but not all exercises can strengthen it. Pollock's formula applies to this provision as well. In order to achieve a training effect on the cardiovascular system, you should exercise at least 3 times a week for thirty minutes, each time with a heart rate of 60-eight0% of the maximum for your age. Such regular exercises will become habitual over time.
Regardless of your fitness level and the sport you choose, the first one0 minutes of strenuous activity will leave you out of breath. Later, the body will replenish the oxygen debt and begin to work more efficiently. Breathing will become smoother, the heart rate will be set at a certain level, and the so-called pleasure phase will come. If you only do one0-one2 minutes a day, you will never get there. Classes will bring only pain and exhaustion, and this is enough to deprive someone of courage. whatever.
If you have worked out for a month or even more, the body begins to depend on the exercises. Однажды утром вы просыпаетесь и осознаете, что не можете жить без тренировок - они стали неотъемлемой частью вашей life. You may still have to force yourself to hit the track or pool on cold mornings, but you already know that you'll feel better after your workout than if you didn't. From now on, you will begin to regret every missed day.
Do multiple sports at once
Some women exercise all their lives and still consider themselves beginners. A woman might say, "I'm not athletic. Tried for a year to learn to play tennis, but my partner moved out and stopped attending classes, so I switched to running. But when winter came, I couldn't bring myself to go outside in the snow. I did the exercises." for a few weeks, but I'm fed up. Everyone laughs at me because I tried so many sports and now I just quit. I want to find a type of recreational exercise, a sport that I would like."
In fact, this woman can be classified as very active. She simply does not understand that it is better to engage in various sports than to focus on one, since in the first case, more muscles and joints are involved in the work, which has a beneficial effect on the whole body. You need to calmly move from one sport to another at different times of the year and depending on your desire. The most important thing is to know how to prepare your muscles and joints for each specific type of exercise.
In order to avoid injuries and better show your abilities, you need to either perform special training exercises, or do some kind of “auxiliary” sport that will allow you to use the same muscle groups in a similar physical activity. If you are a predominantly skier, running in the summer will strengthen your hamstrings, but not your anterior ones. In winter, before going skiing, you need to do special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the front of the thigh, otherwise you will not have enough stamina and skiing on the slopes will not be fun. If, on the other hand, you are engaged in the summer cycling, it will develop the muscles of the front of the thigh to the extent necessary for skiing. Then you will not need special pre-season training for these muscle groups.
Even people with different sports attachments depending on the season sometimes underestimate the importance of special training for each specific sport. Most injuries are caused by "newcomers" who have already mastered a sport and are trying to transfer their training skills to another.
If you're looking at a new sport that you want to add to the ones you're already doing, it's not enough to say that the sport is mostly arm muscles and that any sport that uses similar movements will do. You need to know exactly which part of the arm is used in each sport, whether the triceps are used to straighten the elbow joint, or the muscles of the trunk and biceps to bend the arm. Does this sport require powerful muscle contractions for maximum sprint, or quick "explosions" of energy and speed? (The way a muscle is used is as specific as the muscle groups themselves that do the work.) Whether the chosen sport requires short periods of intense effort (sprinting, throwing heavy projectiles, such as shot put) or moderate effort over a long period of time (swimming, running, cycling)? Sprinting uses one type of energy, while distance running uses another. If you do not have special training, it is difficult for the body to work in a given mode.
Five Ways to Force Yourself to Keep Exercising
Of course, you will not continue classes if they do not bring pleasure. I myself settled on those types of physical activity that I loved in childhood: cycling, dancing, gymnastics, rowing, kayaking, jumping rope. Some women have told me that they now enjoy doing sports that were forbidden to them when they were children: skiing, weight lifting, football, surfing. I have never heard a woman confess that they are engaged in activities that they have ever hated. If you need company or want to be in the fresh air, then gymnastics and Swimming in an indoor pool is not suitable. If you're one of those people who never miss an opportunity to play outdoors on a Saturday, then the idea of ​​joining a tennis club might be worth it. Many women choose to choose women as their training partners as well.
If you want to practice on your own, without an audience judging your every move, you won't feel too comfortable in competitive sports. Then choose a type of physical activity that you can do at home. Bad weather, a broken car, a sick child, even a broken string on a tennis racquet can keep you at home on a day like this, and possibly for the next few. On the other

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