Message: #67366
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:33

Fitness Against Spinal Disease. Lyakhova Kristina

the thigh.


During attacks, it is recommended to move less, to exclude any physical activity. After the attack has passed, you should start doing fitness.
You should start with 10 - 15-minute workouts several times a week, which after a while can be made longer. You should do it regularly: gymnastics helps to strengthen muscles, increase the flexibility of the lower back, etc. However, at first, especially if the disease is severely advanced, there may not be an effect. However, despite this, it is necessary to continue classes.
Forecast unfavorable, a complete cure, even with regular fitness, as a rule, does not occur. But the attacks of pain will become more rare.


It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, such as swimming. Показана гимнастика, включающая упражнения, направленные на укрепление поясничного отдела spine.

Inflammation of the joints of the spine

This disease is also known as ankylosing spondylitis, or Bechterew's disease.
The causes of inflammation of the joints of the spine have not been fully elucidated. However, it has been proven that one of the reasons leading to the development of this disease are disorders in the immune system. In addition, genetic predisposition is also a risk factor. Inflammation of the joints of the spine чаще всего развивается на фоне какого-либо длительного воспалительного процесса или психического стресса. Была также выявлена связь между этим заболеванием и хроническим воспалением крестцово-подвздошных сочленений и продольных связок spine.
Calcification, or calcification, is understood as the deposition of calcium salts in organs and tissues, which normally should not contain them in an undissolved state.

Inflammation of the joints of the spine поражает межпозвоночные и межреберные суставы и поперечные отростки грудных позвонков и проявляется обызвествлением связок. This causes a decrease in the mobility of the chest.
The disease most often affects men, and already at a young age. Women can also suffer from inflammation of the joints of the spine, but much less frequently.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease begins with mild pain in the sacral spine and thighs, which is felt at night during sleep and in the morning immediately after waking up. The patient also complains of a feeling of stiffness in the back, which makes it difficult for him to get out of bed.
По мере того как заболевание прогрессирует, боль и чувство скованности начинают ощущаться также в остальных отделах spine. Over time, the mobility of the chest decreases so much that the patient experiences pain when trying to lean forward or to the side, and then when sneezing, coughing, and even taking a deep breath. The spine is shortened. Over time, he may completely lose mobility.
Inflammation of the joints of the spine относят к системным diseasesм, поэтому оно протекает одновременно с другими патологическими процессами. So, when examining patients suffering from Bechterew's disease, they often revealed conjunctivitis, psoriasis, chronic colitis, recurrent non-gonococcal urethritis.


Of the medications, drugs are prescribed that slow down inflammatory processes - glucocorticoids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In severe cases, it is advisable to prescribe immunosuppressants. Однако наиболее эффективным средством лечения является лечебная гимнастика, которая позволяет предотвратить потерю подвижности spine.

Changing the shape of the spine with inflammation of the joints

Therapeutic gymnastics should be carried out against the background of an increase in overall physical activity. The main condition is the regularity of classes: 30 minutes 1 - 2 times a week.
Additionally, you can attend massage sessions, which can reduce the intensity of pain and the feeling of stiffness. Массаж также способствует укреплению мышц spine.
We should not forget that inflammation of the joints of the spine is a systemic disease, so the treatment should be comprehensive. This increases the chances of maintaining spinal mobility and avoiding deformation of other parts of the skeleton.


It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, which is especially important with a hereditary predisposition to this disease.

Lack of calcium in the bones of the skeleton

Washing out of calcium from the bones of the spine can occur for various reasons. It often affects older people.
The cause of calcium deficiency can also be some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. So, with some diseases of the intestine, calcium that enters the body with food may not be absorbed. In addition, with some kidney diseases, an increased calcium content can be observed in the urine. Long-term use of hormonal or certain other medications can also lead to an increased release of calcium from the body.
Lack of calcium in the bones of the skeleton, в том числе и позвоночника, приводит к их хрупкости.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease is manifested by deformation and fragility of the bones, especially in the elderly. The bones become so brittle that even a slight blow or fall can lead to a fracture.
A fracture can lead to displacement of the nucleus pulposus into the spongy nucleus and to the formation of an intervertebral hernia. In this disease, fractures of the vertebral bodies and fractures of the femoral neck are most often noted. Even if there is no fracture, microfractures may occur in the spongy bones, which lead to the formation of micro-corns.


This disease is very difficult to treat, so it is recommended to pay more attention to prevention.


It has already been mentioned above that the bones of the spine, like the rest of the bones of the skeleton, are constantly updated. The renewal process is faster if a person leads an active lifestyle, moves a lot, and slows down in those who have to sit a lot at work, do not play sports, etc. Therefore, fitness is the main preventive measure. In general, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle.
In addition, it is necessary to treat diseases associated with metabolic disorders. You should also monitor the diet, it should include foods rich in calcium, as well as other minerals and vitamins. These include all types of dairy products, especially cheese, as well as fish, eggs, legumes, cabbage, spinach, etc.

Искривление spine. Scoliosis

Normally, the spine, when viewed from behind, should look straight. But some suffer from its curvature.
Most often, with a curvature, the spine takes an S-shape. This curvature is called scoliosis.
The curvature of the spine leads to a combination of various factors that violate the vertical position of the spinal column, and adaptive reactions aimed at maintaining it.

Под сколиозом понимают боковое искривление spine. This disease develops in children and adolescents aged 5 to 15 years. Girls suffer from scoliosis 3-6 times more often than boys.

Spine: curvature and normal

There are left- and right-sided scoliosis. Он начинается чаще всего в грудном отделе позвоночника, а по мере развития diseases может распространится на поясничный отдел. It is in this case talk about S-shaped scoliosis.
Scoliosis бывает врожденный и приобретенный.
Congenital scoliosis develops due to violations of embryonic development.
Acquired scoliosis includes:
• traumatic scoliosis, most often developing after a fracture in the lumbar spine;
• паралитический, развивающийся при полиомиелите и некоторых других diseasesх;
• reflex-pain, for example, developing with inflammation of the sciatic nerve and associated reflex muscle tension;
• rachitic, etc.

Symptoms of the disease

The manifestation of scoliosis depends on the degree of its development.
With severe scoliosis, a pelvic tilt is noted. There is also a disturbance in gait. Possible disruption of the heart and lungs.
With severe disorders, accompanied by rotation of the spine around its axis, pain and impaired mobility are possible.


It is necessary to eliminate the cause that led to the development of scoliosis. The wearing of special corrective corsets is also shown. At the expressed stage, an operation is prescribed. At the initial stages of the disease, massage and therapeutic exercises are shown.


The main preventive measure is an active lifestyle, sports, especially swimming, gymnastics.
It is also recommended to monitor the posture, so that the table and chair intended for the child are comfortable and fit him in height.


Упражнения можно выполнять всем: и тем, кто совершенно здоров, и тем, кто уже когда-либо страдал от болезней spine. However, you should not assign yourself a set of exercises on your own. При некоторых diseasesх, которые не были описаны в этой книге, например при грыже позвоночника, гимнастика не принесет никакой пользы и даже может оказаться вредной. Therefore, before you start strengthening your spine, you need to contact a surgeon: he will conduct an examination and determine which particular set of exercises is best suited.
But even in this case, you should not engage in fitness during an exacerbation, when back pain makes it difficult to move. You can start classes only after the exacerbation is over.
And yet, the advice to see a doctor is likely to be followed by far from everyone. In this case, a person, if he has already decided to start fitness yourself, you should adhere to the following recommendations.
You need to start with the simplest exercises and perform them regularly. If you feel better, then the exercises were chosen correctly. Gradually, it will be possible to move on to more complex complexes, increase the duration of training and their number. If some exercise causes discomfort, especially pain, it should be abandoned.
At first, any exercise can cause mild pain. This is considered normal. But even in this case, it is necessary to be able to distinguish muscle pain from pain in the spine, which will not bring benefits. Each time it will be easier and easier to perform them, and there will be no more pain. If each subsequent training leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition, then he needs to change the set of exercises.
In case of sprains or excessive physical exertion, it is recommended to take half a bath of warm water and lie down in it. Gradually fill the remaining part of the bath with hot water until the total water temperature reaches the maximum tolerable. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.

Classes are recommended to start with

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