Message: #352804
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 23:40

The presidential diet. Galina Sergeevna Vydrevich

сока, 2 Art. ложки растительного масла, 2 Art. ложки хрена, ground white pepper, salt.

Wash the salmon, dry it, salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with lemon juice. Wash sweet pepper, dry, carefully clean from seeds and partitions, cut into rings. Pour the tomatoes with boiling water, peel and cut into thick circles.

Pepper put in a pan with hot oil and fry for 10 minutes.

Grease a baking dish with oil. Put in layers of pieces of fish, peppers and tomatoes.

Combine wine with cream and horseradish, mix. Pour the resulting sauce over the fish. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped dill.

Fresh fruit dessert
1 fresh fig, 2 kiwi fruit, 1 mango, 2 fresh dates, 1 guava, 1 papaya, 0.5 small melon, 200-250 g watermelon, 0.5 small pineapple, 100 g seedless grapes, 25 g chopped walnuts орехов, 2 Art. ложки свежеприготовленного апельсинового сока, 2 Art. spoons of lemon juice.

Wash and dry all fruits. TOаждый плод инжира разрезать на четыре дольки. TOиви очистить и нарезать тонкими ломтиками. Cut the dates in half lengthwise and remove the pits. Cut the guava in half and then into slices.

Peel the papaya, cut into thin circles, and then cut the circles in half. Peel the pineapple, cut into circles and remove the hard core with a sharp knife. Then cut the circles into triangles.

Remove skin and pit from mango, cut into slices. grape berries to cut in half. Watermelon, without peeling and pitting, cut into triangular slices. Peel the melon from the peel and seeds, cut the pulp into triangular slices.

On a large dish, arrange the fruits in any order, trying to make it so that the fruits make up a bright pattern.

Connect апельсиновый и лимонный соки, добавить орехи, перемешать. Pour the fruit with the resulting mixture, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate.

Instead of orange juice, you can use apple or pineapple juice, and replace walnuts with almonds, hazelnuts or pecans.

Cherry kissel
700 г свежей вишни, 40 г кукурузного крахмала, 450 мл яблочного или виноградного сока без сахара, 3 Art. ложки бренди, 1,5 h. ложки мелко натертой лимонной цедры, свежая мята.

Sort the cherries, wash, dry, pit, add lemon zest and pour over the juice. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring, for about 10 minutes. Then remove the cherries with a slotted spoon and put them on a dish.

TOрахмал развести 5 Art. tablespoons of juice in which cherries were boiled, and pour the solution into a saucepan with juice. While stirring, bring to a boil. TOипятить, не переставая помешивать, в течение 2 мин. Remove the pan from the heat, pour in the brandy. Pour the resulting liquid over the cherries, cool to room temperature, and then refrigerate. Garnish with mint sprigs before serving.

You can also make jelly from apricots or plums.

Instead of apple or grape juice, you can use orange juice, instead of brandy - sherry, instead of lemon zest - lime zest.

Buns with pumpkin seeds
250 г кукурузной муки, 50 г очищенных тыквенных семечек, 2 яйца, 300 г нежирного натурального йогурта, 40 г сливочного масла, 1,5 h. ложки разрыхлителя, 1 h. ложка меда, 0,5 h. ложки соли.

Combine flour with baking powder and stir. Add slightly warm yogurt, beaten eggs, melted butter, honey, salt. Knead a homogeneous dough. Coarsely chop the seeds, add to the dough and mix.

Grease muffin tins with butter, spread the dough in them. Bake for half an hour in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. The finished buns should rise and brown. Cool slightly and remove from molds.

Pumpkin seeds can be replaced with sunflower, or sesame, or poppy seeds. Instead of corn flour, you can use a mixture of wheat and rye or premium wheat and coarse wheat flour.

Pears with cottage cheese
4 половинки консервированных груш, 250 г нежирного мягкого творога, 100 г сметаны, 100 мл грушевого сока без сахара, 100 мл нежирного молока, 1 Art. a spoonful of grated chocolate, vanilla sugar.

Connect творог, сметану и молоко. Слегка взбить до образования homogeneous mass. Pears cut into cubes and add to the milk mixture. Pour the grated chocolate, pour in the juice, add vanilla sugar to taste and mix thoroughly.

TO этому десерту можно подать свежие фрукты или бисквиты.

Blackberry Foam
450 g fresh blackberries, 300 g low-fat natural yogurt, 2 egg whites, liquid sugar substitute.

Ягоды тщательно вымыть, обсушить, положить в неметаллическую посуду, накрыть ее lid. Warm over low heat for 5-10 minutes, stirring until the berries release juice. Remove bowl from heat and cool to room temperature.

Rub the cooled berries through a non-metallic sieve. Получившееся пюре соединить с йогуртом и взбить до образования homogeneous mass. Separately, beat the egg whites into a stiff foam. Introduce them into the blackberry mass in portions, mixing from the bottom up - so that the effect of a marble pattern is obtained. Pour in the liquid sugar substitute.

Divide the prepared mass into molds and refrigerate.

A similar dessert can be made from strawberries or raspberries, and instead of natural yogurt, use low-fat fruit yogurt.

If the berry mass is frozen, it can be served as ice cream.

Apricots with kefir
4 крупных спелых абрикоса, 350 мл кефира, 4 h. ложки меда, свежая мята.

Wash apricots, pat dry and remove pits. TOожицу проколоть в нескольких местах. Divide fruit into glasses. В каждый бокал добавить по 1 h. ложке меда. Fill with kefir. Cover the glasses with napkins and let the dessert brew overnight at room temperature. Refrigerate approximately 1 hour before serving. Decorate the finished dessert with mint.

The same dessert can be prepared from medium-sized peaches or nectarines. Maple syrup can be used instead of honey.

TOлубничное мороженое
450 г свежей клубники, 600 г нежирного натурального йогурта, 2 яичных белка, 2 h. ложки желатина.

Sort the berries, peel the leaves, wash thoroughly, dry, finely slice. Add yogurt and use a mixer to prepare a homogeneous mass.

Желатин растворить в 2 Art. spoons of boiled water, put the dishes in a water bath and hold there, without stirring, until the gelatin dissolves and the liquid becomes clear. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the strawberry mass and mix.

Pour the mixture into a low mold and keep in the freezer until the edges of the mixture harden. After that, remove the form from the refrigerator, transfer to a chilled bowl and beat until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Transfer it back to the mold, keep in the freezer until the edges of the mixture harden, transfer it back to the chilled bowl and beat into a homogeneous mass. Introduce small portions of whites, whipped into a steep foam. After that, transfer the mixture into a mold and freeze completely. If desired, you can add a little liquid sugar substitute.

Take the ice cream out of the refrigerator 20 minutes before serving, let it thaw slightly, put it in bowls and garnish with berries.

Such ice cream can be made from any fresh or canned berries. If there are a lot of seeds in them, the berries should be beaten with a mixer and then rubbed through a sieve. Instead of natural yogurt, you can use low-fat fruit yogurt.

mango ice cream
3 mangoes, 1 egg white, 0.5 lime juice, 325 ml mineral water, 125 ml dry white wine, fresh mint.

Peel the mango from the skin and stones, cut the pulp and grind with a mixer into a homogeneous puree-like mass. Add lime juice, wine and mineral water, mix thoroughly.

Put the resulting mixture into a low form, put in the freezer and hold until ice forms around the edges. Remove the mold from the refrigerator, transfer the mass to a chilled bowl and beat it until it becomes homogeneous again. Introduce the protein whipped into a steep foam, you can add a little liquid sugar substitute. Pour the mixture back into the mold and freeze.

Remove the ice cream from the refrigerator about 20 minutes before serving, let it thaw slightly and arrange in bowls. Decorate with mint sprigs.
Lime juice can be replaced with lemon juice, white wine with rose or apple juice.

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