Message: #68078
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:26

The Hands of the Titan. Stuart McRobert

fingers turn blue.


– Wednesday – это уже исключительно «ручной» тренинг. A very important part of the program, but requires great care. Such a load will immediately knock down a beginner or even an advanced one. Yes, and experienced can inadvertently cripple. The main thing is to "enter" the program slowly and carefully. The first four weeks are the "learning" period. This is vital!

Так вот, в среду тренировки начинаются с жима гантелей сидя: 5 сетов по 6–8 repetitions. It’s good if you have a bench with a high slope at hand - 80–85 degrees. Do the press in sync, with both hands at once: no alternating nonsense. If you want, you can press from behind the head, but on the same bench - it “unloads” the lower back. The first set is light, the second is a little harder, the final three are heavy. If you squeeze 4-6 reps in the last set, then the weight is as it should be. And if you can do more than six, it's time to increase the weight.

This bench press is a great exercise for triceps. No, you heard right: for triceps! You will see, there is no extension in the program, no bench presses - no “isolated” work on the triceps at all. The reason is simple: triceps grow from heavy bench presses. And isolation is one pampering, it does not add a centimeter to the triceps.

The second exercise on Wednesdays is lifting the bar for biceps. You will do 5 sets of 6-8 repetitions, the scheme is the same as on the presses. Take the neck which you like: you want - the usual one, you want - curved. Watch the technique, control the weight both when lifting and when lowering. Take a deep breath between repetitions. Keep your elbows close to your sides so that they do not move on the most difficult parts of the climb. And, as in bench presses, aim for very serious weights. The barbell curl is the ultimate, unsurpassed biceps exercise. Work on it properly and you will understand what I mean.

Third point - narrow grip bench press. Расстояние между большими пальцами – около 40 см. Здесь опять-таки 5 сетов по 6–8 repetitions. If you have an EZ bar, it will come in handy for this exercise. Such a bench press, combined with a bench press, gives a completely lethal load on the triceps.

Дальше на повестке дня у нас подъем штанги обратным хватом или «молоток» – 5 сетов по 6–8 repetitions. These exercises load the biceps and forearms from a different angle, and therefore provide a powerful stimulus for growth. If instead of them you do some version of the usual lifting, you will not get anything but overtraining.

The workout ends with work on the forearms and grip - just like on Monday.

After the fourth week, train as hard as you can. Try to use serious weights: 70-75% of your own weight for curls, for presses - your weight, for presses with a close grip - 125% of your own, and half of your weight for reverse grips. But remember: you need to move towards these scales slowly, gradually.


- The first exercise is weightlifting, of your choice. Deadlift, regular or on straight legs, or push - whichever you prefer. Если выберешь тягу на прямых ногах, делай 4 сета по 8 repetitions. Start lightly, add load with each set. The final set is the hardest.

In a regular deadlift or snatch, do 5 sets of 5 reps, the load increases in the same way. I advise you to do a push only if you are well acquainted with the technique, and there is a specialist next to you. The fact is that the push is technically more difficult than the pull. And if there is no sensible assistant nearby, it is better not to take on him.

Next come shrugs with a barbell, 4 sets of 8 reps. You start off as easy as ever, adding weight with each set. Последний сет – с твоим максимумом для 8-ми repetitions.

Следующее упражнение – отжимания на брусьях, один сет, 20 repetitions. Do them very clearly so as not to hurt your shoulders. Do not swing - it is dangerous and ineffective. And do not overstretch at the bottom point, otherwise you will run into trouble. The first few repetitions are very slow and careful, do not immediately go to full amplitude. If you have or have had problems with your shoulder joints, forget about this exercise altogether. Instead, do push-ups from the floor, but with your legs elevated to increase the load. Or bench presses. You put two benches against each other friend, at a distance of about one and a half meters or a little less. You put your heels on one, you take the other with your palms behind you. And you begin to move up and down, bending and unbending your elbows. If you want to add a load, ask your partner to put a pancake on your thighs, weighing, say, 40 kg. But only one, not four of 10! They will definitely fall down, and then you can say goodbye to your manhood. One set of 30-40 repetitions is done - until a good burning sensation in the triceps.

After that, move on to pull-ups. The palms are turned towards themselves, the grip is narrow - 15–25 centimeters. Slowly and measuredly do 15-30 repetitions - depending on your own weight. Who is lighter - 15, who is heavier - 30. When all repetitions are easy, hang weights from your belt - for starters, 10 kg.

The workout ends with two to three sets of calves, one set of crunches (30 reps, with a dumbbell on the chest) and grip work (10 minutes).

- The first phase lasts 12 weeks, after which you move on to the second, short one - only 3 weeks. Here, 95 percent of the time is devoted to specifically "manual" work. The other five percent are squats and deadlifts. On Friday of the first week - 5 sets of squats, on Friday of the second - 5 sets of deadlifts, and on the third Friday - 5 more sets of squats. Здесь ты работаешь по схеме «5х6» – два разогревочных сета с увеличением веса, и три тяжелых – по максимуму для 6 repetitions. For example, for a guy who squats 6 times with a weight of 170 kg, the scheme will look like this: 113x6, 147x6, and three sets of six reps with a weight of 170. Rest 5 minutes between heavy sets. Deadlifts can be done with straight or bent legs, whichever you prefer.

The arm complex in the second phase consists of the same exercises that you did on Wednesdays in the first. On Mondays and Fridays - the complex is exactly the same as on Wednesdays in the first phase. But on Wednesday, the number of repetitions changes: no longer 6-8, but 8-12. Five sets: two warm-ups with increasing weight, three heavy ones. Старайся брать вес в 70–75 процентов от того максимума, с которым на первой фазе ты делал 6–8 repetitions. In addition, on Wednesdays you will do a set of push-ups (same as on Fridays in the first phase) and a set of close-grip pull-ups. Weights are not needed: the main thing here is as many repetitions as you can. Write down the number of repetitions and every Wednesday try to do 2-3 more former.

General view of the program

“When you finish the second phase,” Flynn continued, “you will take a “vacation” for 10 days. After that, you will return to the training of the first phase and “sit out” on them for 6 weeks. Start easy, don't rush into the fight for the first two weeks, take heavy weights only in the last 4 weeks. Then repeat the second phase. After it - again 10 days of rest. And move on to a more balanced training program built around squats, bench presses, and deadlifts.

Looks like Flynn was wrapping up his lecture.

- If you really want to build big hands, "scroll" this program once a year. And you don't need anything else. Just remember to keep adding weight. If you work with the same weight, your hands will be “mothballed”.

Advanced Program: Phase 1


Squats to parallel: 1x8 (light weight), 1x8 (medium), 1x20 (heavy).

Breathing pullovers: 1x30 with a bar weighing 7 kg (no more!)

Break 15–20 minutes

Bench press: 1x6 (lightweight), 1x6 (medium), 3x6 (heavy)

Downward pull: 1x6 (lightweight), 1x6 (medium), 3x6 (heavy)

Twisting: 1x20-30




Overhead press (dumbbell or barbell) on a bench at an angle of 80 degrees (if possible): 1x6 (lightweight), 1x6-9 (medium), 3x6-8 (heavy)

Lifting the bar for biceps: 1x6 (light weight), 1x6 (medium), 3x6-8 (heavy).

Bench press with a narrow (40 cm) grip: 1x6 (light weight), 1x6 (medium), 3x6-8 (heavy).

Lifting the bar for biceps with a reverse grip or “hammer”: 1x6 (light weight), 1x6 (medium), 1x6-8 (heavy)



a) Deadlift on straight legs: 4x8, start lightly, gradually increase the load, the last set - with a maximum of 8 repetitions or

б) Обычная становая тяга, или толчок: 5x5, схема увеличения весов как в предыдущем упражнении.

Шраги со штангой: 4х8, начинаешь легко, постепенно увеличиваешь нагрузку, последний сет – с максимумом для 8-ми repetitions.

Push-ups on the uneven bars: 1x30 or push-ups from the floor (legs raised): 1x30 or push-ups from the bench: 1x30-40

Pull-ups with a narrow (15-25 cm) grip with palms towards you: 1x15-30


Twisting: 1x30


Advanced Program: Phase 2


The same complex as on Wednesdays in the first phase (Of course, the weights "grew up")


The same complex as on Wednesdays in the first phase, но с другой схемой сетов-повторений: 1х8 (легкий вес), 1х8 (средний), 3х8-12 (тяжелый).

A plus:

a) Push-ups (as on Fridays in the first phase) - 1 set to failure.

b) Pull-ups

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