Message: #68027
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 11:51

The New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding Book 2. Arnold Schwarzenegger

мускулатуры. Я завоевал титул "Мистер ATселенная" в Европе, но понимаю, что нуждаюсь в дополнительном развитии икроножных мышц. I didn't know then that my calves should be about the same size as my biceps. Когда я приехал в Америку, люди вроде Джо ATейдера говорили мне: "Тебе нужно уменьшить окружность талии. Ты должен как следует поработать над передними зубчатыми muscles. Your calves need some extra work." That's when I started to seriously train my weak spots, but if I had understood all this earlier, I would not have wasted so much time, would not have lost to Chet Yorton and Frank Zane and (who knows?) could not even lose to Sergio Oliva.

When preparing for competitions, the volume of training increases sharply: on the one hand, the number of series and repetitions increases sharply, and on the other hand, the intensity of additional aerobic training outside the gym increases. ATсе это сопровождается строжайшей диетой с целью избавиться от максимального количества подкожного жира. AT результате почти невозможно добиться значительного выигрыша в массе и мускульной силе, так как эта программа предназначена для совершенствования мускулатуры, а не для наращивания основных размеров и силы.

A competition training program combined with a strict diet will often result in a loss of hard-earned muscle mass if you are not careful. ATесьма вероятно, что многие современные чемпионы фактически остановились в своем развитии за последние несколько лет лишь потому, что рост популярности бодибилдинга открыл перед ними очень широкие возможности. They participate in so many competitions, demonstrations and workshops that they stay in competition shape most of the time. But ideally, training for a competition should be a concentrated program that you use only for a short time to prepare for a particular performance. AT те дни, когда культуристы ежегодно участвовали лишь в нескольких конкурсах (которые к тому же выпадали на определенное время года), у них оставалось много времени для обычных тренировок, нацеленных на увеличение силы и мышечной массы. For most of the year, the bodybuilder did strength training and ate as much as he considered necessary for himself, and then switched to competition mode and trained for the quality and definition of muscles, which was necessary for posing on stage.

But today's best bodybuilders - both amateur and professional - have to dramatically change their training methods, carefully choosing competitions and trying not to get too out of shape between performances. I've always leaned in favor choosing individual competitions instead of participating in all in a row, however, many professional bodybuilders bring themselves to exhaustion, trying to win one title after another. There is a high price to pay for such a strategy, as staying in tournament form for too long leads to persistent negative consequences for the athlete. ATместо этого я рекомендую участвовать лишь в тех конкурсах, которые имеют действительно важное значение для вашей карьеры. It is better to compete once a year and win than to take part in all the competitions and not even achieve such a result. However, since there are so many more competitions now, it can sometimes be difficult to decide when and where you should compete.

If you're just starting out or don't have much experience in competition yet, then these problems won't bother you for a while. For now, you need to understand what a competition training program is and what its goals are. It does not help build muscle mass. It is not designed to make you bigger and stronger, and in fact, sometimes leads to the opposite result. But it improves the quality of the already existing muscles, helps to get rid of the excess and, like a processed diamond, opens up all the facets of your physical capabilities.


One of the psychological problems that many bodybuilders face when they start training for competition has to do with their perception of their own height and size. Whatever their motives are from the very beginning, part of it is always the desire to become "big and strong". ATсе, что заставляет их чувствовать себя «меньше», автоматически воспринимается как угроза. Therefore, many bodybuilders are very worried about the possible consequences of a training program for competition.

Tournament muscles should be as clear and prominent as possible, without any signs of fat. As the saying goes, "fat can be shown, but not strained." But body fat allows you to feel bigger than you really are, and this feeling is psychologically comfortable for most bodybuilders.

A man who weighs 240 pounds and has 16% body fat would be lean for the average man, but not for the contestant bodybuilding competition. When you start training and dieting for competition, you change your body composition to ultimately reduce body fat by up to 9%. What does this change mean in practice?

At 240 pounds, your body originally contained about 38 pounds of fat. Thus, the lean body weight was approximately 202 pounds. At 9% fat, you'll weigh approximately 222 pounds, assuming you haven't lost a single pound of muscle mass. So when it comes to muscle, your size will stay the same, but you'll feel a lot "smaller" than before. it ощущение настолько беспокоит некоторых людей, что они становятся психологически неспособными выполнять программу тренировок.

I also have a similar experience. AT 1968 году, когда я приехал в Америку на конкурс "Мистер ATселенная", я весил 245 фунтов и считал, что это нормально. Джо ATейдер только раз взглянул на меня и заявил, что я слишком массивен для профессионального культуриста. I came to America to show everyone how great I am... and lost. The title was won by Frank Zane, who was much smaller than me, but had incredibly sculpted muscles. it дало мне ценный урок.

Год спустя, при весе 230 фунтов, я смог превзойти всех соперников, победив на конкурсах "Мистер ATселенная" по категории СААБ и МФБ. I realized that muscle size alone cannot ensure victory in competition with top professionals. It took me not one or two months, but a whole year to get rid of excess fat. As the process dragged on for a long time, I managed to get used to my new proportions and realize that less weight does not actually make me smaller. The circumference of the hips and biceps remained the same. But all of my trousers were dangling at the waist, indicating real weight loss. Result? By changing the composition of my body, I won every competition in which I took part.

Muscle mass is very important for the physique of a bodybuilder. But it is the size and quality of this mass that makes it possible to win competitions. If you delight in watching the numbers on a measuring tape, or marvel at how tightly your clothes fit your body, but do not pay enough attention to the absolute definition and quality of the muscles, this will only lead to you losing on competitions. it я могу вам сказать по собственному опыту.


There are a number of specific goals you need to set for yourself when you are training for a competition:

1. ATам нужно еще больше сосредоточиться на изоляции каждой мышцы и даже на изоляции отдельных участков каждой мышцы.

2. ATам нужно пользоваться новыми принципами интенсивной тренировки и существенно пополнить список упражнений.

3. ATам нужно увеличить общее количество серий и вес снарядов для каждого сеанса тренировки.

4. ATам нужно варьировать темп тренировки, выполняя суперсерии и трисеты и резко уменьшая время отдыха между сериями.

5. ATы должны произвести серьезные изменения в своей диете (см. раздел "Стратегии диеты для соревнований").

6. ATы должны постоянно напрягать мышцы и позировать в гимнастическом зале между сериями.

7. ATы должны с максимальной выгодой для себя воспользоваться помощью вашего партнера по тренировкам, чтобы добиться суперинтенсивности в отдельных упражнениях (см. ниже).

Analyzing and correcting weaknesses is even more important when you are training for a competition. If before you gave them priority, now you must become a fanatic in the matter of eliminating any imbalances. Of course, you must understand that you cannot perform a miracle in a few weeks or months of training - it will take from one to two years to completely correct all weak areas - but something can be changed (for example, work on the relief of the posterior head of the deltoid muscle, strengthen the isolation of the biceps femoris, etc.). Даже за короткое время такие изменения повысят ваши шансы на успех в competitions.


Having a reliable training partner is never more important than when preparing for a competition. When time is running out, each workout counts, and the intensity increases to unimaginable limits. A partner helps you maintain the high level of motivation you need to stick to a strict diet and exhaust yourself with workouts at the same time. Of course, this is a two-way street: when your partner needs help, you do the same for him.

If you are new to competition, then it will be useful for you to train with a person who with great experience. A partner who is versed in the intricacies of speaking can teach you tricks and tricks to make your preparation much easier and more effective.

When I was training at World Jim for the 1980 Mr. Olympia, I had several sessions with young bodybuilders preparing for their first show. Both were young and extremely strong, which allowed them to put a lot of pressure on me during our training sessions together. On the other hand, thanks to my great experience, I was able to demonstrate some new techniques to them, helped them make the right diet and taught them how to pose on stage. We made a fair deal: their energy and assertiveness in exchange for my knowledge. AT результате все только выиграли от этого.


When training for a competition, you need to increase the number of series and diversify the


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