Message: #68074
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 12:22

Think! Bodybuilding without steroids! Stuart McRobert

this from personal experience.

Yes, I am the most common amateur. There are a legion of people like me, and they are all working in vain today, because they do not have a normal amateur technique.

For the first time, this book puts a powerful weapon in the hands of an amateur - a technique designed specifically for him. So arm yourself and get to work!

2. Genetic differences

What is the difference between us, ordinary people, and that “mighty bunch” that is endowed with an innate ability to pump up gigantic mass and strength?

There is a misconception among bodybuilders that champions are not born champions, but "made themselves". The lack of natural inclinations, allegedly, only slows down the development of muscles, but they can still be pumped up to super sizes. It turns out that, having worked hard as it should, any guy can compete on equal terms with Schwarzenegger or Yates. Genetics don't mean anything!

This opinion has nothing to do with the truth. It only brings harm, because it is thanks to him that bodybuilders, especially young and ardent ones, are inspired by unrealizable hopes and are trying to seriously master the training methods of world famous "stars".

It is because of this falsehood, which is promoted with might and main by well-known bodybuilding magazines, that millions of bodybuilders choose completely inappropriate and ineffective training methods. It is this fakeness of official bodybuilding that leads people to a dead end and eventually pushes them to "chemistry".

So much torment, suffering and pain give rise to such statements! And all because they set unattainable goals for amateurs. After all, even sitting on anabolic steroids, a bodybuilder with average inclinations will never be able to rise to the level of genetically gifted champions!

The magazines tell you that "genetics means nothing." They tell you to work hard and you will definitely have champion muscles (forgetting to remember that no champion is complete without steroids). Don't believe all this nonsense! Final muscle size overall determined by genetic endowment.

I am one of a huge number of typical amateurs who have tenacity and perseverance no less than the most titled champion. Personally, I worked up a sweat. I did not forget about bodybuilding for a second, I went to bed with it and woke up with it. All my dreams and thoughts were connected only with the training. As a result, I also gave out an extra twenty-five kilos of muscles. However, I will never be like Arnold, Lee, Sergio or Yates.

I am infuriated by celebrity complaints about the pain they had to develop the so-called. "lagging" muscles. They do not bother to understand that even the most successful amateur will never catch up with them in terms of the size of these “lagging” muscles! They forget to mention that they were exceptionally powerful guys without any bodybuilding already at 20 or even 17 years old. And what would they achieve without steroids?

In a word, they are different. Let us then finally stop comparing these genetic mutants with ordinary people! Let's stop taking as a model their methods, which suit no one but themselves!

We are all capable of changing ourselves, building up such muscles that an untrained person will consider us real supermen. However, we will never and never equal the tiny minority of the naturally gifted. This may be disappointing for beginners. But this is the real truth.

Get used to it from the very beginning. Do not strive to become like a professional bodybuilder. Have pity on yourself and don't let your obsession ruin your life and your health.

Genetic "wunderkinds" like Lee Haney or Yates are born extraordinarily rarely. In my opinion, only one percent of all bodybuilders have a chance of becoming a pro, and the rest are typical amateurs whose genetic gifts range from very low to average. For all these athletes, “star” training methods will not give, believe me, absolutely nothing.

Purpose of this book

This book is intended for most bodybuilders - typical amateurs. In it, I talk about things that no one has ever stuttered in the current bodybuilding literature. These are little-known principles of training. But it is these principles that give most amateurs a real chance to transform themselves from a real wimp into an athletic person. Only by following these principles, an amateur can achieve outstanding results. May you not conquer world titles. Another thing is important: you will do away with stupid marking time and begin to confidently progress in strength and muscle mass.

How are we different from each other

Although the body structure and metabolism of all people are approximately the same, the physiological data on which the maximum muscle volume and muscle strength depend vary widely. Some are less lucky, some more.

Natural inclinations mean nothing unless they are backed up by diligence, perseverance, and good training methods. However, diligence, perseverance and even the most wonderful techniques are not able to change what is given to you from birth. So having chosen bodybuilding - the sport that you like - you should not naively dream of world achievements. Will means little here. Even average results are already a major achievement relative to the complete physical detraining with which an amateur usually starts.

Now let's talk about individual characteristics of the human body, in which the difference between genetically gifted and average bodybuilders is manifested.

one. Body type

Body type gives a general description of the body. It is mainly determined by the structure of the skeleton and the amount of fat and muscle tissue that covers it. As for the bones, for adult men of average height, the following division is accepted: if the wrist girth is from 15 to 17.5 cm, this indicates a fragile bone foundation, the wrist from 17.5 to 20 cm is medium, and more than 20 cm is powerful. Usually the size of the wrist is proportional to the size of the ankle (ankle girth is almost always 5-6 cm more), although this is not the case for everyone. In some people, the lower half of the body is stronger than the upper. For example, the wrist is 16.5 cm, and the ankle is 25. It happens the other way around: the ankles are almost the same girth as the wrists.

With the help of diet and training, you can change the appearance of the body beyond recognition, but after the abolition of the diet and the cessation of training, it will return to its original appearance.

Use what nature has given you. Rest assured that you can change yourself no matter how low you start. The most important part of the body is the head. There would be knowledge and hunting, and with them you can work wonders!

Here are examples of the three body types according to Dr. William's theory H. Sheldon:

a. Мезоморф отличается мускулатурой, которая от природы (без тренировок) сильна и заметна, и почти полным отсутствием жирa. The body is strong. The bones are thick, the muscles are voluminous. People with such a physique are most capable of success in bodybuilding. How beautiful the muscles will be is another matter, but the potential for growth and strength is huge. There are ectomorphic mesomorphs and endomorphic mesomorphs, so not all people with a predominance of the mesomorphic component can build equally large muscles. But all of them have the potential to build muscle much more than everyone else.

b. У типичного эндоморфа тело округлое и мягкое, много жирa. Such people usually do not like to play sports. In endomorphs who want to change the structure of their body, as I noticed, there is something from non-endomorphic types. But even they hardly achieve results in bodybuilding, although the “classic” ectomorphs have an uncommonly harder time. However, it is difficult for any endomorph bodybuilder to achieve athletic changes in his body. Ведь сначала надо избавиться от лишнего жирa. And this is not an easy task.

in. The ectomorph has a thin body and long bones, a fragile build, little fat and lean muscles. A pronounced ectomorph is the least predisposed to bodybuilding. There are few typical ectomorphs in gyms, although there are some. As a rule, ectomorphs who try to change themselves through bodybuilding have traits that are inherent in other types; it is they who give them the opportunity to "pump the mass" faster than pronounced ectomorphs do.

2. Muscle insertion point

The muscle produces movement because it is attached to two bones. For example, the biceps is attached at one end to the humerus (at the shoulder), and at the other end to the forearm bone. Contracting, the biceps pulls the forearm to the shoulder. The place where the muscle is attached to a more mobile bone (in our case, the forearm) is called the point of attachment. Другое место соединения мышцы с костью называют началом мускулa.

The beginnings of the muscles in almost all people are located in approximately the same places, but the points of attachment vary greatly. If we consider the example with the biceps again, then the lower its attachment point is located on the forearm, the more productive the muscle effort. A very small difference in the position of this point leads to a huge difference in mechanical efficiency.

As a rule, the attachment points of muscles in hobbyists are very close to the joints. У генетически одаренных спортсменов эти точки смещены дальше от суставоin. With muscles of the same size and bones of the same length, an athlete with such attachment points can lift more weight.

3. Neuromuscular efficiency

This is the ability of muscle fibers to respond to signals received from the nervous system. The higher this efficiency, the greater the number of muscle fibers can take part in the work. Чем

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