Message: #87714
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:03

The Vedic approach to conception and childbirth. Mathura Mandal dasa

разведенного в молоке, устранит боль в матке на чет¬вертом лунном месяце. To prevent miscarriage, a mixture of camel thorn powder, hemedesmus, elecampane, lotus and licorice with milk is taken.
Fifth month pregnancy.
The fifth month of pregnancy is called the month of flesh and blood. At this time, an intense the formation of blood, muscles, fat, bones and bone marrow, and by the end of the month, the formation of the skin ends. This does not mean that muscles and skin are stretched over an already formed skeleton, as in science fiction films. Their emergence and development goes in parallel and continuously. In the earlier months of its development, the embryo also has a membrane that is the precursor of the skin, but the skin that we see in a newborn does not form until the end of the fifth month.
The process of transformation of seven tissues in the child's body occurs almost independently of the analogous process in the mother's body, however, the primary chyle passes into the child's body directly from her body. All violations of the formation of chyle in her body have a very big impact on the development of organs and tissues of the child.
The most interesting phenomenon that happens to the fetus during this month is the awakening of consciousness. The child begins to think, he has a feeling of happiness and unhappiness, satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The child begins to feel the state of the mother and tries to react. As soon as the mind enters the child's body, he remembers his past incarnations. With the awakening of consciousness, all three illusory bodies (mind, intelligence and false ego) begin to actively manifest and function, conditioning the soul and binding it to the body. Until the end of the first year from birth, consciousness is still weak, however, it gradually gains strength, expanding. It is believed that the child begins to realize himself in the fifth - seventh month after birth, sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later.
At this stage in the development of the child, the mother, if she wants the child to grow up as a righteous and believing person, should read the Holy Scriptures aloud to him, go to museums and look at pictures of religious content. We must categorically avoid watching films that show violence or horror films, avoid talking about these topics, as well as bad news.
Atем порошка бурхавии диффузной, кокулюса индийского, цветов дельфиниума и лепестков синего лотоса в дозе 1120 мг., разведенного в молоке, устранит маточные боли на пятом лунном месяце. For the prevention of miscarriage, a mixture of black nightshade powder, Indian nightshade, gmelina, milky balsamodendron juice with milk and ghee is taken.
sixth month of pregnancy,
On the sixth lunar a month of intrauterine development in the embryo, the formation of skin, ligaments, tendons, veins, teeth, hair and nails ends. The process of formation of subtle bodies and energy channels that permeate the child's body continues.
Из тонких тел к концу this месяца пробуждается ментальное тело, or тело разума. The child begins to think, but his thoughts are different from the thoughts of an adult. He is pure in his thoughts, because his senses have not yet entered into interaction with the objects of the senses. In other words, he still does not know how (and has no reason) to dissemble, to deceive, to be hypocritical. If in the fifth month, when the mind has awakened and the child remembered his past incarnations, he simply sees pictures as dreams, then at this stage of his development he tries to interpret them in accordance with the experience that he has accumulated.
A mixture of feronia ivory, honey and sugar, mixed with cold water and diluted with milk, will eliminate pain in the uterus in the sixth lunar month. To prevent miscarriage, a mixture of uraria powder, sida, moringa, tribulus and tinosphora with milk is taken.
Seventh месяц pregnancy.
The seventh month completes the formation of the embryo. By its end, the gross physical body of the child will be fully built. В дальней¬шем оно будет только расти и совершенствоваться, увеличивая мышеч¬ную массу, делая более прочными кости и etc.
Наибольшая часть из энергетической системы человека также закан¬чивает свое формирование к концу this месяца. The lower four chakras already distribute energy throughout the body, their ruling Deities control the corresponding parts of the body. The remaining three are just finishing their formation, despite the presence of a mental body. Each of the three doshas and all fifteen subdoshas occupy their original positions in accordance with their functions.
This month, the baby begins to suck his thumb.
To prevent miscarriage this month, a mixture of trap powder, lotus root, grapes, reeds, licorice and sandalwood is taken with milk. Смесь порошка камыша, корневища лотоса, трапы и лепе¬стков синего лотоса в дозе 1120 мг., принимаемая с молоком, устранит маточные боли, возникающие на этом месяце pregnancy.
Eighth месяц pregnancy.
The eighth month of intrauterine development of a child is called the month of moving Ojas. This is one of the most dangerous months of pregnancy. The fact, что в течение this времени происходит соедине¬ние Оджаса матери с уже образовавшимся Оджасом ребенка. Having united, they begin a circular movement from the mother's body to the child's body and back, connecting them even more energetically with each other. The mother at this time especially feels her child. If premature birth occurs during this month, there may be complications. Most often, a child is born with less than necessary amount of Odzhas. Lack of Ojas can give rise to addiction to alcohol or drugs when a person is fifteen to twenty years old. Помимо this зачастую отмечается отставание в развитии и в успеваемости по сравнению со сверстниками. In the worst case, a stillbirth may occur.
If a child is still born prematurely, then he needs to artificially create Ojas. Для this готовится специальное «золо¬тое» топленое масло. To prepare it, a golden teaspoon is taken, a drop of melted butter (one third of a teaspoon) is placed in it and heated over very low heat for seven minutes. Particles of gold impregnate melted butter. In no case should you overheat the oil, it should remain the same color. In the absence of a golden spoon, you can take an ordinary one by putting a golden ring or other item made of pure gold into it. The finished oil (a third of a teaspoon) must be divided into three servings. Give one serving a day, in the evening, before going to bed at night.
In the eighth month of intrauterine development, the growth of tissues and organs of the body of the embryo continues, the hardening of bones, the growth of hair and nails. The process of transformation of the seven tissues reaches the level necessary for existence separate from the mother.
Смесь порошка солодки, стеблей лотоса, папируса, камыша и перца чаба в дозе 1120 мг., принимаемая с молоком, устранит маточные боли, возникающие на этом месяце pregnancy. To prevent miscarriage, they drink a milk decoction of the roots of feronia ivory, Hungarian quince, Indian nightshade, Trichosanthes, sugar cane and Indian nightshade.
Ninth месяц pregnancy.
At this time, the maturation of the energy and physical components of the child's body occurs. Ojas has not yet settled in his body, so this month is also undesirable for childbirth. Prana from the mother's body enters the child not only through the umbilical cord, but also through his whole body. This month, all seven chakras of the child are working. All pranic channels and channels along which each of the three doshas moves are created and are functioning. Kundalini awakens.
The child is more and more actively in contact with his parents, however, it becomes a bit crowded in the uterus, so this month there may be some decline in his mobility.
Смесь порошка кокулюса индийского и васеллы сердцелистной, взя¬тых по 1120 мг., принимаемая с медом и сахаром, устранит маточные бо¬ли, возникающие на этом месяце pregnancy. To prevent miscarriage, they drink a milk decoction of hemedesmus, camel thorn, bindweed and licorice.
Tenth месяц pregnancy.
The tenth month is the month of preparation for childbirth. By its end, the final fixation of Ojas in the body of the child takes place. The period of full maturation of the child is two hundred and eighty days. По истечению this срока происходят роды.
Если роды происходят раньше this срока, но на десятом месяце раз¬вития, проблемы не возникают, если же ребенок рождается на седьмом, восьмом or девятом месяце, то могут развиваться некоторые физические и психологические отклонения. The child is born weak, he needs more time to adapt to the environment.
Sometimes the baby stays in the uterus longer than the due date. If the delay lasts two to two and a half weeks, this is not scary; with a longer delay, it is worth artificially inducing labor by stimulating labor. The best way to do this is not with injections, but by massaging the abdomen with melted butter, in which red pepper or calamus rhizome was boiled for seven minutes in a water bath, or with herbal decoctions that cause uterine contractions. These procedures should only be performed under the supervision of the obstetrician who will deliver the baby.
Смесь виноградного сока с сахаром и лепестками синего лотоса уст¬ранит маточные боли, возникающие на этом месяце pregnancy. A decoction of a small amount of ginger in milk has a similar effect. To prevent premature birth, they drink a milk decoction of licorice, ginger and cedar.
A bit of mysticism.
It is strange that people try not to notice all the mystical depth and fullness of life. We try to find a reasonable, “scientific” explanation for everything, and when we cannot do this, we close our eyes and refuse to facts, we do not believe


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