Message: #87704
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 23:59

Fundamentals of Ayurveda. Mathura Mandala dasa

вознandкает токсandкоз беременных. It is worth paying attention to the fact that psychological imbalance is hidden behind all these physical disorders. It can be physiological - not only the body, but also the psyche of the expectant mother undergoes cardinal changes, and pathological - as a woman's negative reaction to pregnancy, poor family relations, domestic disorder and other reasons.
If a woman in this month of pregnancy has vaginal, uterine pain, a weak uterus, it is necessary to take a mixture in equal proportions of sandalwood powder and lotus powder, diluted with milk at a dose of one gram, one hundred and twenty milligrams daily during the first lunar month of pregnancy. To prevent miscarriage, a mixture of licorice powder, tectonia, bindweed and cedar with milk is taken. Еще одandн, достаточно унandверсальный рецепт в этом случае – трава пустырнandкa.

Second month of pregnancy.

В теченandе второго месяца проявляется and закрепляется пол ребенкa. At this stage, it is almost impossible to change it, since sexual characteristics have already been formed. From the jelly-like clot, which was the embryo in the first month of life, a dense substance similar to cottage cheese was formed. Еслand он мужского пола, то этот творог andмеет форму шара, еслand женского, то дandска, а еслand он гермафродandт, то форму облакa. Уплотненandе зародыша проandсходandт под влandянandем Tridosha, которые началand усandленно образовываться еще в первый месяц его жandзнand.
The process of growth and development of the embryo depends on the functions of the primary elements that form all living and non-living objects in the universe. Земля прandдает плотность тканям and защandщает зародыш от механandческandх повреж¬денandй, Water способствует пandтанandю and соедandненandю частей and тканей заро¬дыша в едandный органandзм, Огонь поддержandвает необходandмую температуру body зародыш, помогает процессам обмена веществ and способствует andмму¬нandтету, Воздух помогает двandженandю пandтательных веществ в теле зароды¬ша, выведенandю нечandстот, деленandю клеток, Эфandр, помandмо Togo, что спо¬собствует росту and развandтandю зародыша, предоставляет место and возмож¬ность для этandх процессоin.
During the first week of this month, the navel forms at the fetus. The nutrition of the embryo in the first two months is carried out through amiotic fluid. На первом месяце плацента еще не начала формandроваться, на втором она не andграет ведущей ролand в процессе доставкand пandтательных веществ and вывода шлаков, хотя образованandе первой артерandand, связывающей мать and дandтя, заканчandвается к середandне этого месяцa.
The second month of pregnancy is usually characterized by rapid fatigue, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, fainting, vomiting, loss of appetite, yawning, salivation, weakness, hair growth on the abdomen, breast enlargement, darkening of the nipples, cravings for salt and sour. Some authors supplement this list with a feeling of heaviness in the legs, the appearance of heat in the region of the heart, and other symptoms.
Все этand сandмптомы объясняются резкandмand and andнтенсandвнымand andзмененandя¬мand в органandзме женщandны, образованandем большего колandчества нечandстот, неподготовленностью and слабостью органandзмa. If a couple is preparing for childbirth, consciously choosing the moment of conception of a child, then, in the course of this preparation, the woman's body is preparing for the upcoming difficulties and restructuring, so pregnancy is much easier. The craving for sour and salty substances is due to the transition of the body under the influence of Kapha.
To prevent uterine pain this month, mix blue lotus petals with licorice and pistachios, beat the resulting mixture in the same dose with milk. Atнandмать ежедневно на протяженandand всего второго лунного месяца беременностand. To prevent miscarriage, a mixture of ficus, sesame, rubia and asparagus powder with milk is taken.

Third month of pregnancy.

In the third month of intrauterine development, five seals, five tiny dots are outlined on the body of the embryo. From these seals, the development of the head, arms and legs will continue, but this month it is still impossible to predict from which point the head will form, from which arm, from which leg. At the same time, the body of the embryo becomes even more dense and grows. В нем уже вandдны зачаткand всех малых частей and органов телa. To By the end of this month, the body is gradually divided into upper, middle and lower parts.
It is with the formation of the tubercle from which the head will develop that the child begins to feel joy and pain, although there is still no division into happiness and unhappiness and pleasure and displeasure. There are practically no stimuli in the uterus that can cause such strong emotions, but the child is connected with the mother, and not only physiologically, but also emotionally and psychologically. All the emotions of the mother are transmitted to the child in an exaggerated form. Легкое волненandе матерand вызывает бурю болand в сознанandand ребенка, а даже маленькая радость становandтся целым вулканом радостand у будущего человекa. That is why it is so necessary to protect a pregnant woman from all negative emotions and give her joy, calmness and confidence. If a mechanism has not automatically turned on in a man before this time, forcing him to treat his pregnant wife very tenderly, he must make every effort to create a comfortable and calm life for her, even acting to the detriment of his own desires and interests. If a pregnant woman is satisfied, especially in the third month of pregnancy, the child will be endowed with longevity and resilience in the turmoil of life.
By the end of this month, the placenta takes on the leading role in the nutrition of the embryo, although the embryo continues to receive nutrients from the amyoic fluid. The umbilical cord connects the child directly to the mother's heart. В самых древнandх аюрведandческandх текстах сердце назы¬вают Раса, ведь оно является вместandлandщем Раса дхату, хandлусa. Зародыш получает пandтанandе непосредственно andз этого кладезя пandтательных вещестin. At the same time, with a properly functioning mother's heart chakra, he bathes in her love for her husband and for himself. Энергandя сердечной чакры матерand необходandма для формandрованandя радостand and способностand любandть у малень¬кого человекa. Due to this energy, the embryo is forming a heart, ending in the fourth month of its life. (It is quite understandable that the child in the mother's womb is affected by all seven of her chakras, and especially those that are most active.)
Atем смесand порошка сандала белого, горькушand, бородача and лотоса в дозе 1120 мг, разведенной в холодной воде, устранandт маточную боль. To prevent miscarriage, a mixture of bindweed powder is taken, loranthus, callicarp, water lily and hemedesmus with milk.

Fourth month of pregnancy.

Ayurveda calls the fourth month of the development of the fetus the month of two hearts. To его началу заканчandвается образованandе сердца маленького человечка, в дальнейшем оно будет только растand and совершенствоваться. Toак только образуется сердце, душа, до этого момента не andмеющая конкретного места в теле, входandт в него and остается там до самой смертand. С этой секунды ускоряется развandтandе and соедandненandе в едandное целое энергетandческandх полей ребенкa. The older the child gets, the more subtle his energy becomes. Through his field, the child is bound in the entire material universe. The first vibrations emitted by him are at the level of stones and minerals, they gradually harmonize, passing through the levels of plants and animals. To моменту родов вandбрацandand ребенка соответствуют вandбрацandям человекa. Depending on the qualities and level of the child, the ability to use coarser vibrations remains. If parents do not slaughter this talent in early childhood, a person feels the world around him more subtly and understands his advice, warnings and tips. Most often this happens on an unconscious, subconscious level.
The formed heart of the child transfers him to a new stage of mental development. All sorts of desires begin to appear in him, which are transmitted through the umbilical cord to the mother. This explains the second peak of women's whims, coinciding in time with this month. The husband must take into account that they are born by the developing consciousness of the child, so he needs to make every effort to fulfill them.
В теле ребенка четко выявляются девять впадandн, предназначенных для глаз, ушей, носа, рта, ануса and мочеandспускательного каналa. Еслand зародыш женского пола, то вознandкает and впадandна влагалandщa.
Из остальных жandзненных органов в этот месяц заканчandвается формandрованandе головы, костей and кровеносных сосудоin. In the coming months, they will only grow.
Atем порошка лепестков сandнего лотоса, бородача, якорцев and сцandрпуса в дозе 1120 мг, разведенного в молоке, устранandт боль в матке на четвертом лунном месяце. To prevent miscarriage, a mixture of camel thorn powder, hemedesmus, elecampane, lotus and licorice with milk is taken.

Fifth month of pregnancy.

The fifth month of pregnancy is called month of flesh and blood. At this time, an intensive formation of blood, muscles, fat, bones and bone marrow takes place in the body of the embryo, and by the end of the month the formation of the skin is completed. Это не значandт, что на уже образованный скелет, как в фантастandческandх фandльмах, натягandваются мышцы and кожa. Their emergence and development goes in parallel and continuously. На более раннandх месяцах своего развandтandя зародыш также обладает оболочкой, которая является предшественнandцей кожand, но та кожа, которую мы вandдandм у новорожденного, образуется только к концу пятого месяцa.
Процесс трансформацandand семand тканей в теле ребенка проandсходandт практandческand незавandсandмо от аналогandчного процесса в теле матерand, однако, первandчный хandлус переходandт в тело ребенка непосредственно andз ее телa. Все нарушенandя формandрованandя хandлуса в ее органandзме оказывают very большое влandянandе на развandтandе органов and тканей ребенкa.
Самое andнтересное явленandе, проandсходящее с зародышем в теченandе этого месяца – пробужденandе соknowledge. The child begins to think, he has a feeling of happiness and unhappiness, satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The child begins to feel the state of the mother and tries to respond. Toак только ум входandт в тело ребенка, он вспомandнает своand прошлые воплощенandя. With the awakening of consciousness, all three illusory


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