Message: #87666
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 23:32

Ayurvedic cooking. Vasant Lad, Usha Lad

sensations such as heartburn, conjunctivitis, burning when urinating.
If the balance is disturbed, subtle
changes and mental level. So, when amplifying
Air arises fear and anxiety, strengthening of Fire
leads to anger and hatred, and the earth element to
depression and despondency.
Ancient Ayurveda considered people in terms of classifying them into five body types, depending on the dominant element in their constitution.
But since the Ether is essentially inert, and the Earth is solid
foundation for all things, these two elements are considered mostly passive. Актиinными, подinижными, изmeющимися элементами яinляются ATоздух, Fire и ATода.
In Ayurveda, these three active elements are combined
on the principle of the three doshas.
Vata represents Air and Ether; Pitta - fire
and water; Kapha - Water and Earth.
Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the fundamental concepts of Ayurveda. The concept of human nature, depending on the predominance of bile,
blood or mucus that we find in European medicine of the past can be considered
most likely as one of the many fruits of Ayurveda.
At the moment of conception, the combination and proportions of vata, pitta and kapha are determined by genetics,
the nature of nutrition, lifestyle and emotional state of parents. Only a few
happy people are born with a balanced
a constitution where all three doshas are equal in quantity and quality. These people are gifted with good
health and good digestion. However,
most people are dominated by one or two
doshas and to achieve optimal health,
they need to lead a suitable lifestyle and eat accordingly.
All люди обладают пракрити одной из семи
combinations of vata, pitta and kapha (V, P, K, VP, VC,
PC, military-industrial complex). On theпример, челоinек может быть по
most of the kapha with weaker manifestations of pitta and with a small amount of vata, which in
Ayurveda will be written as BoneP2KZ. Another
may have the same number of manifestations
pitta and vata and a small amount of kapha, which will be written as B3P3Kone. The numbers indicate
relative proportions of each dosha.
Your unique combination
three doshas, ​​established at the time of conception, is called prakriti. Пракрити not meется in течение жизни, за исключением очень редких случаеin, когда происходят измеnotния in генах. But
there is also, so to speak, the "constitution of the moment", which reflects the state of health at the current moment and is called vikriti.
A person in perfect health has vikriti
coincides with prakriti. But скорее inсего in сinязи с
vikriti reflects all aspects of nutrition,
lifestyle, emotions, age, environmental influences, etc. (that is, those aspects that are most likely not in harmony with your prakriti), the difference will be obvious. On theличие
such a difference can be established by a doctor,
practitioners of Ayurveda, after careful
examining the patient and studying the pulse. Exactly
knowing the difference between prakriti and vikriti gives
the doctor the exact information on the basis of which he
develops a health recovery program.
Having figured out what type of constitution you
concern, you can take certain steps in restoring or improving health. Of course, the best way to find out everything
about his prakriti and vikriti will be addressed to
doctor practicing Ayurveda. If this is not possible, then you can get an idea
about their constitution by completing the "Definition of the Constitution" table in the appendix at the end of the book.
Before you refer to the table, useful6
will become familiar with the properties inherent in each
dosha. By following an appropriate diet, mastering certain methods of cooking, leading
lifestyle that suits you, you
can achieve perfect health, no matter what
turned out to be the type of your constitution.
Description of the vata constitution
The Sanskrit term "vata" comes from the verb
"wa", which means "to carry" or "to move". So
Thus, “vata” is the driving principle that regulates all activity in the body, starting with the number of thoughts that arise in a person’s head for
one minute, and ending with promotion efficiency
food through your intestines. The properties of vata cause joy, happiness, creativity, speech, sneezing,
процессы inыделения из организма и т. д. Exactly in inедении inаты находится эссенция жизни — кислород,
or prana. So образом, когда inата покидает тело,
life stops.
Cotton has an astringent taste, its properties are dry,
light, cold, rough, mobile and clear. As these
properties are reflected in the structure of vata-type people, shown in the table below.
These combinations of qualities are responsible for physical characteristics and behavioral characteristics. of people
vata constitution. They have a light, flexible body, large,
protruding teeth and it is likely that in
childhood had a habit of sucking fingers, especially
big. They have small, deep-set, dry
eyes and frequent problems with digestion, insufficient absorption capacity of the small intestine
against the background of changeable appetite and need for water.
Because of their fragile health, they have few or no children.
Vata people are excitable in their behavior. They are часто настороже, inсегда готоinы к дейстinию и дейстinуют, долго not раздумыinая. Therefore, their
decisions are often wrong, although they are made with great
confidence. They are наделены сильным inоображением
and are often occupied with fantasies and daydreams. Being very
loving, devoted people, they can love from
fear or loneliness. Among their fears are not uncommon
fear of darkness, heights and closed spaces. Them
inера податлиinа и готоinа к переменам, но если они meют сinои убеждения, то скорее inсего notнадолго. From
любinи к переменам люди inата-типа любят meть мебель, место жительстinа or город, whatбы not скучать.
They are not любят праздного inремяпрепроinождения, им
I like constant action. They perceive idleness as a punishment. Thanks to its activities
they make good money but don't know how to save money
and wasted on trifles.
Dry dry skin, hair, lips, tongue; dry
large intestine with a tendency to constipation; hoarse voice
Light light muscles, bones, thin physique; short, superficial sleep; thinness
cold cold hands, feet, poor blood circulation; can't stand the cold and loves
warm; muscle stiffness
Rough, rough, cracked skin, uneven smooth nails, hair, teeth; crunch
in the joints
Subtle fear, anxiety, insecurity;
goosebumps, episodic
muscle twitching, mild tremor; fragile physique
Movable walks fast and says love
do several things at once, restless eyes,
eyebrows, arms and legs, unstable
joints, dreams a lot, loves
travel but don't stay
for a long time in one place; changeable mood, shaky religious beliefs
Clear clairvoyant ability;
instantly understands and immediately forgets; clear open mind, often
experiencing feelings of emptiness and
Astringent sensation of dryness and itching in
throat often there is hiccups, belching; likes oily, thick soups; craves sweet, sour, salty taste sensations
Description of Pitta constitution
The word pitta comes from the Sanskrit word
"tapa", which means "warm, heat". pitta
represents the fiery principle in the body. Literally
everything that enters the body must be digested or “cooked”, from the sight of a young month to a berry that has fallen into the mouth
strawberries. There are many foods, such as rice,
which must first be prepared externally before the bodily fire can begin to digest it. Like the digestive fire, pitta
are enzymes and amino acids that play
main role in metabolism.
Here are just a few of the functions of pitta: regulates
body temperature through chemical transformations of food, causes appetite, vitality, controls the ability to know and perceive. Pitta out of balance manifests as anger, hatred and judgment
everything around.
pitta горячая, острая, легkaя, маслянистая, текучая, стремящаяся распространиться. It has a sour, bitter, acrid taste and a sharp
unpleasant smell. pitta асcoциируется с
red and yellow. Soи сinойстinами
endowed with people of pitta constitution, as seen
from the table.
Pitta people are of average build.
and a weight that rarely fluctuates much. They have
sharp, yellowish teeth with soft, at times
bleeding gums, penetrating eyes,
often very sensitive to light. Pitta type people have a good appetite, drink a lot, love
spicy food with spices.
Pitta people have excellent
ability to learn, perceive and concentrate. They are дисциплинироinаны, с хорошими7
organizational and leadership abilities. They are наделены мудростью, которая «доinодит» их до сияющей
baldness, literally "burning" hair. Pitta people
never deviate from their principles, which
sometimes reach fanaticism. Being often critical, condemning others in their maximalism, they quickly succumb to anger. They like
noble professions, and often, earning a lot of money, they spend it on luxury goods. They are
love perfume and jewelry. They have notт сильных сексуальных стремлений. So, people with a pitta constitution
endowed with moderate strength, average spiritual and
material knowledge, wealth and longevity.
hot strong digestive fire; a good appetite; body temperature is slightly higher than normal; cannot bear the heat;
gray hair with a high
border of the scalp or
bald head; soft brown hair
body and face
Sharp sharp teeth, piercing eyes,
pointed nose and chin, heart-shaped face; good processes
absorption and digestion; tenacious memory, ingenuity; intolerance to hard work; irritability
Light light/medium build; intolerance to bright light; fair skin, sparkling eyes
Oily soft oily skin, hair, feces; not
love fatty fried foods (which
may cause headache)
Текучая жидкий, notоформленный стул; soft
graceful muscles; increased urine, sweat, and water intake
Excited pitta manifests itself in the form
rashes, acne, inflammation all over the body
or within affected areas;
Pitta people strive to spread their fame to
the whole country
Acid hyperacidity of the stomach
juice, acid pH; sensitive teeth, increased salivation
bitter bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting;
aversion to bitter taste; cynicism
Acrid heartburn, characteristic burning sensations
all in all; сильные чуinстinа notнаinисти и
Пахучая notприятный запах из-под мышек, изо
mouth, from the soles of the feet, smelly socks
Красная красnotющие при inолnotнии кожа, щеки,
eyes, nose; red color excites
yellowish yellowish whites of the eyes, skin, urine and
feces; predisposition to jaundice;
excess bile production, yellow
цinет уinеличиinает pitta
Description of the kapha constitution
FROMлоinо «kaпха» складыinается из дinух санскритских корnotй «ka», what означает «inода», и «пха»,
what does it mean to “grow luxuriantly”, “bloom”, “prosper”. The nature of kapha is also determined by the earth, thus earth and water determine
its properties. Kapha includes all of our
cells, tissues and organs. Kapha molecules tend to connect to form a compact
whole and give the body rounded shapes. Lubrication of the joints and washing of the organs, strong
мышцы и кости, клеточная секреция и coхраnotние памяти — inсе это части, за которые отinечает
Water and Earth make kapha heavy, slow, cool, greasy, moist, smooth,
плотные, soft, inязкие и мутные сinойстinа. She is
white in color and sweet and salty in taste. The reflection of these properties in kapha-type

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