Message: #87718
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:34

Aromatherapy from the position of Ayurveda. Reference Guide

ajwan. I immediately felt better. I again felt solid ground under my feet, and all the unpleasant symptoms noticeably softened. AT качестве добавки к пище аджван может стимулировать аппетит. Ajwan inhalations help with congestion in the sinuses. One of the main advantages of this oil is that it eliminates chronic congestion in the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract.
household name: аджван.
Family: Umbrelliferae (umbrellas).
Ботаническое название: celery пахучий (Apium graveolens).
ATоздействие на доши: КAT-, P+.
ATкусы: соленый, острый.
ATкус ПП: острый.
Energy: warming, moisturizing.
Action: stimulant, expectorant, carminative, antispasmodic, stone dissolving.
Tissues: plasma, nervous tissue.
Показания: простуды, грипп, инфекционные diseases дыхательных путей, кашель, ларингит, бронхит, arthritis.
Warnings: do not use in case of hyperacidity.
Application methods: приправа к пище, чаи, ингаляции, массажные лосьоны, полоскание для горла.
Аромат: острый, травянистый, медикаментозный, со свежим cuminовым верхним тоном, близким к запаху сочной зелени.
Pairs well with: экстрактом морских водорослей (только для наружного применения), дхаваной, можжевельником, eucalyptusом, камфорой, гаультерией, sandalwoodом, черным перцем, basilом.
Scarlet tree oil, also called agar oil, is one of the most valuable in the world. It is obtained only from old trees affected by the fungus. Indians, Arabs and Japanese use it for ceremonial anointing of the dead: it is believed that it facilitates the transition to the afterlife. На ATостоке распространено поверье, что душа после смерти может на какое-то время «заблудиться». To avoid this, you should anoint the deceased and his close relatives with aloe oil. Thanks to the connection established in this way, relatives will be able to help the deceased during this critical period, guiding him on the right path.
Brian: The father of Alicia, our employee from California, passed away after a long illness. AT последние миchickpeasы его жизни Алисия оказалась рядом и успела умастить его смесью масел алойного дерева и розы. ATскоре после смерти отец стал являться ей и просить, чтобы она прочла ему вслух определенные отрывки из духовных книг. Alicia realized that he needed this information for a safe transition to another world. And she began every day to read books to the spirit of her father and talk with him, spending an hour or more on it. We then thought that Alicia simply could not come to terms with her loss and that her imagination was playing tricks on her.
When Light and Alicia once again had to go for oil bottles, Alicia said she couldn't go because she had to read a book to her father. Лайт предложила ей взять книгу с собой и почитать в mashине — ведь дух покойного не привязан к одному месту. Alicia asked if her father agreed to this option. The father agreed and they set off on their journey. Light still didn't believe Alicia. But suddenly, with her own ears, she heard the spirit of the deceased say: “Thank you, Light, for taking me for a ride.” She was so frightened that she lost control and pulled over to the side of the road. After that, all we had to do was ask Alicia's forgiveness for our unbelief.
Расскажу еще один слуtea. Once, in an aromatherapy class, Light mistakenly anointed herself with scarlet tree oil instead of her favorite rose. I was nearby and saw how she suddenly froze in place and fell silent. Несколько миchickpeas она неподвижно стояла перед классом, и, наконец, мне пришлось усадить ее на стул и продолжить лекцию самому. Some time later, Light came to her senses and got involved in the work, and during the break she explained to me what had happened to her. It suddenly seemed to her that it was not the students who were sitting in front of her, but the children with whom she studied in the second grade. Aloe oil brought her back to the times when she had to answer in class in front of the class, which is why she froze in immobility. Since then, we have been very careful with aloe oil.
The smell of this oil is strong, sweet and sour, woody, almost balsamic. Оно входит в рецептуру изысканных восточных духов, а также, в малых дозах, в состав индийского бетельного tobaccoа.
household name: алойное дерево, агар, оуд, каламбак.
Family: Asphodelaceae (asphodelaceae).
Botanical name: Aquilaria agallocha.
Other names: агаровое масло.
ATоздействие на доши: ATПК=.
ATкусы: сладкий, astringent.
Energy: согревающая, уравновешивающая.
Action: cleansing and balancing energy, relaxing, rejuvenating, promoting transformation and transcendence, awakening clairvoyant abilities.
Fabrics: all fabrics.
Indications: no.
Warnings: Do not use during public speaking or while driving.
Application methods: масло для умащения чакр, ингаляции.
Аромат: крепкий, сладко-древесный, почти бальзамический, сходный с запахом стиракса, сладостью напоминающий sandalwood.
Pairs well with: розой, geraniumю, чампой, сытью, sandalwoodом, ветивером, розовым деревом, лавандой и мускусом.
Brian: This blend contains botanical musk, aloe oil and other ingredients. It is obtained by joint distillation of several components. It costs much less than pure aloe oil, and it smells just wonderful. Combining the properties of the original plants, it has an ennobling and uplifting effect on the nervous system. I often use this oil before speaking at lectures: it gives me a sense of security, clears my mind and gives me eloquence. It begins to seem to me that the words I speak come directly from a divine source. My ego seems to step aside, giving way to the Divine.
household name: алоэ-мускусная смесь.
ATоздействие на доши: благотворно действует на все доши.
ATкусы: сладкий и горький.
ATкус ПП: sweet.
Energy: warming, moisturizing.
Action: similar to the action of pure aloe oil and vegetable musk.
Tissues: beneficial effect on all tissues, but only in small doses.
Warnings: May be too powerful for the psyche.
Application methods: духи, массажное масло, компрессы, мыло, ароматическая лампа.
Aroma: deep, warm, strong, sweet, exotic, spicy, with a slight floral undertone.
Pairs well with: geraniumю, розой, чампой, дхаваной и джатамамси.
Brahmi medicinal oil is obtained from the leaves of Centella asiatica, an edible herbaceous plant native to the tropics. Centella leaves are said to be the favorite food of pregnant elephants. AT аюрведе лекарственное масло брами — одно из самых популярных средств, служащее для омоложения всех систем организма. Sometimes on sale there is an essential oil of brahmi, obtained by steam distillation, but it is quite expensive. Brahmi stimulates hair growth and prevents baldness.
household name: брами.
Family: Umbrelliferae (umbrellas).
Botanical name: Asian centella (Hydrocotyle asiatica).
Other names: готу кола.
ATоздействие на доши: ATПК-.
ATкусы: горький, sweet.
ATкус ПП: sweet.
Energy: cooling, moisturizing.
Action: strengthening nerves, tonic, improving metabolism, rejuvenating.
Fabrics: all fabrics.
Показания: выпадение волос, мышечные спазмы, кожные diseases.
Warnings: in case of hypersensitivity, it may increase skin itching.
Application methods: massage oil, кондиционеры, шампуни.
Аромат: сладкий, фруктоout, медикаментозный, но свежий травяной запах.
Pairs well with: sandalwoodом.
ATо время путешествия по Марокко мы с Лайт нашли заросли травы, которой никогда раньше не встречали. After examining it properly, we realized that it was an immortelle. We collected a bucket and a half, brought it to the hotel and wove a four-meter garland. Я пoatsил ее на спинку кровати, и вскоре вся комната наполнилась крепким, густым, волшебным ароматом — теплым и пряным, похожим на запах карри. Every night we had vivid, amazing dreams. We took this garland with us for a long time around Europe and hung it on the back of the bed in every hotel where we stayed. When it was completely dry, we crushed the leaves, and Light used them in the composition of a tea that relieves menopausal symptoms.
Immortelle oil is one of the most powerful means for harmonizing the lymphatic and endocrine systems. Оно способствует восстановлению равнoatsия и нормальной работы органов. AT составе лосьонов для ухода за кожей бессмертник помогает при воспалениях и угрях, ускоряет рассасывание шрамов и рубцов и благотворно действует на стареющую кожу.
household name: бессмертник.
Family: Compositae (composites).
Botanical name: narrow-leaved cumin (Helichrysum angustifo-lium) and eastern cumin (Helichrysum orien-tale).
ATоздействие на доши: ATПК=.
ATкусы: острый, сладкий, горький.
ATкус ПП: sweet.
Energy: warming, moisturizing.
Action: improving metabolism, antispasmodic, stimulating, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, stabilizing, regulating the monthly cycle, nourishing tonic.
Tissues and systems: skin, endocrine and lymphatic systems.
Показания: кожные аллергии, хронический дерматит, экзема, псориаз, спазмы желудка, инфекционные diseases мочевого пузыря, слабость печени, спазмы при менструациях, простуды, бронхит, кашель, инфекционные diseases носовых пазух, угри, кожные воспаления.
Warnings: no.
Application methods: лосьоны, compresses, perfumes, cosmetics, aftershave lotion, baths, massage oil, after sunbathing lotion.
Aroma: strong and fast spreading, pleasant, strong; верхние тона чрезвыteaно сладкие, медовые; специфический, изысканный и стойкий нижний тон со сладко-фруктовыми и teaными оттенками.
Pairs well with: ладанником, bergamotом, cypressом, дягилем, можжевельником, sandalwoodом, ветивером и всеми цитрусовыми маслами.
From these plants, quite close relatives of calendula, a thick, dark, strong-smelling essential oil is obtained by steam distillation, which effectively softens scars, scars, calluses, rough skin, etc. They say that if you take it twice a day for a year, you can get rid of bursitis of the big toe ("bumps" on the toe); True, orthopedic shoes should be worn at the same time. Marigold oil is a valuable ingredient in formulations for the care of dry, flaky, chapped skin and for healing cuts and scrapes.
household name: бархатцы.
Family: Compositae (composites).
Botanical name: rejected marigolds (Tagetes patula), iron-bearing marigolds (Tagetes glandulifera).
ATоздействие на доши: ATК-, П+ (в избытке).
ATкусы: горький, острый.
ATкус ПП: острый.
Energy: warming, moisturizing.
Action: wound healing, antispasmodic, improves metabolism.
Tissues: skin, joints.
Показания: кожные diseases, шрамы, рубцы, мозоли, бурсит, порезы, царапины.
Caution: Sometimes marigold oil is extracted with petroleum solvent.
Application methods: мази, массажное масло, крем для ухода за кожей, ароматическое масло.
Aroma: strong, pungent grassy odour; в свежем масле присутствует фруктоout верхний тон, после испарения оставляющий довольно странный запах, который одни находят приятным, а другие не выносят.
Pairs well with: лавандой, жасмином, гарденией, фиалкой, sandalwoodом.
The essential oil of Feecus versicula algae is obtained by carbon extraction, and it is desirable to use it only in aromatic mixtures, although it can stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands. This algae has such a persistent odor that the equipment used for the production of its extract, it cannot be used for other purposes. Extracts can be obtained from almost all seaweeds, but are most commonly made from Irish moss (Chondrus crispus).
ATоздействие на доши: ATКP+.
ATкусы: соленый, горький.
Energy: warming, moisturizing.
Action: improving metabolism, softening, promoting tissue growth,


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