Message: #87718
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Mar 2017, 00:34

Aromatherapy from the position of Ayurveda. Reference Guide

chronic diseases precisely because they live in a world of abundance and are prone to abuse.
Four life goals (teachings of Ayurveda):
1. Fulfillment of obligations to society.
2. The accumulation of material wealth in the course of the performance of duties.
3. Satisfaction of legitimate desires with the help of accumulated material wealth.
4. The realization that life is something more than our obligations to society, material wealth and satisfaction of desires.
According to Ayurvedic philosophy, good health is impossible without a healthy immune system. The immune system is the great gift of Divine Mother Nature, the gift that nurtures, maintains and nourishes our body, and also protects it from outside invasion. As long as the immune system is healthy, we are reliably protected from diseases. AT древних ведических текстах иммунитет обозначался словом, которое в буквальном переводе означает «прощение болезни». It is understood that diseases arise due to unhealthy thoughts and wrong image. life.
So, illness is a signal that the need for change is ripe. We need to get rid of our habitual idea of ​​the symptoms of the disease as annoying and senseless interference, and then we will gain strength. ATыздоровление наступает тогда, когда мы перестаем возлагать вину за свои невзгоды на других людей или на внешние обстоятельства, и начинаем воспринимать эти невзгоды как испытания, открывающие перед нами новые пути. Illness can be turned into an opportunity for growth and development. Thus, health is a dynamic balance between the integral and unique human personality and nature as the totality of all manifestations of being. And such a balance is achievable only on the condition that we do not forget about our duty to nature.
Let's summarize. Ayurvedic philosophy states that the basis of health is a close and harmonious relationship between all aspects of our "I", between all our thoughts, emotions, impulses and spiritual aspirations. In addition, good health requires maintaining harmonious relationships with other people, recognizing our debt to Mother Nature, living in accordance with our ideas about the meaning of life, and striving to achieve worthy life goals. Ayurveda places an important role on the health of the immune system, indicates that the source of strength is the ability to forgive, and states that immortality is achievable.

According to the Ayurvedic theory of the five elements, man is a small semblance of the universe. ATсе, что есть в человеческом теле, присутствует в той или иной форме и в великом теле вселенной. AT аюрведе считается, что все сущее состоит из пяти элементов: земли, воды, огня, воздуха и эфира. The properties of these "building blocks" are important for understanding the cause of balance and imbalance in the human body.
Earth is the personification of the solid state of matter. Its distinguishing features are stability, immobility and hardness. ATо внешнем мире камни и почва стойко сопротивляются действию разрушительных сил воды и ветра. The same "earthly", stable structures are present in our body. These are bones, cells and tissues - the systems through which blood and oxygen circulate. The earth is a stable substance.
ATода - символизирует перемены. ATо внешнем мире вода участвует в круговороте: испарение — формирование clouds - precipitation. Streams of water, flowing down from the hills into the sea, gradually erode hard rocks. River water moves soil particles and the nutrients it contains; thanks to rivers, trade and cultural exchange began to develop at the dawn of civilization; Life itself on our planet exists due to the presence of water. AT нашем теле кровь, лимфа и другие жидкости, омывая клетки тела и перемещаясь по сосудам, снабжают энергией все части организма, выводят отходы, регулируют температуру тела, доставляют к больным органам субстанции, необходимые для борьбы с чужеродными веществами, а также переносят от одного органа to other hormonal information. ATода — это нестабильная субстанция.
Fire is a force that transforms solid substances into liquid and gaseous substances and vice versa. Under the influence of sunlight, ice melts and turns into water, and water evaporates. Thanks to fire, water acquires the ability to transform, and this is how climatic cycles arise. The sun is the cause of the circulation of heat and other types of energy in nature. Solar energy creates food chains. AT нашем теле элемент огня присутствует в виде сил межатомного и межмолекулярного притяжения. Fire digests food, partly turning it into fat (long-term energy stores) and muscle, and partly distilling it into available energy. Fire is the cause of nervous activity, including its higher forms, such as feelings and thoughts. Fire is like a form without substance.
ATоздух — это газообразная форма материи. He is mobile and flying. We cannot see the wind swaying the branches of the trees, but we can feel it. We see how material air can be when watching a hurricane, typhoon or tornado: developing, they absorb power, collapsing, they give it away. We feel the air with every inhalation and exhalation. We feel how it passes through the respiratory tract, getting into the lungs. Если дыхание прервется хотя бы на миchickpeasу, мы всем своим существом почувствуем, что воздух решительно необходим для life. AT нашем теле благодаря воздуху (кислороду) происходят реакции окисления, то есть переходы энергии из одной формы в другую. Fire cannot exist without air. ATоздух — это бытие без формы.
Ether is the space in which everything exists. ATchickpeasреннее пространство нашего тела подобно космическому пространству, в котором небесные тела separated from each other by distances of millions of miles: in the composition of each atom, 0.001% of charged particles account for 99.999% of emptiness. It is space, that is, the distance between objects, that allows us to distinguish things from each other. Ether is simply distances separating material objects from each other.

The five elements adopted in the system of Ayurvedic philosophy form in pairwise combinations three dynamic forces - three forms of interaction, called doshas. "Dosha" in Sanskrit means "that which changes >>. Indeed, the doshas are in constant motion, maintaining a dynamic balance among themselves. Doshas are fundamental life forces, or biological "juices". They are inherent only to living beings, consisting of organic matter. And without them, life would be impossible.

ATата — это сила, состоящая из элементов эфира и воздуха. The activity of vata depends on the proportions of these two elements: the volume of ether (space) determines the ability of air to gain strength. ATата — это принцип движения, принцип динамического взаимодействия эфира и воздуха. AT человеческом организме она проявляется в движении нервных импульсов, воздуха, blood, пищи, отходов и мыслей.
ATате присущи семь качеств: холодность, легкость, непостоянство, подвижность, сухость, разреженность и шероховатость. These qualities determine its effect on the body. Excess vata can cause nervous irritation, high blood pressure, flatulence in the intestines, and mental confusion and confusion. Lack of vata leads to death of nerve cells, constipation and congestion, and also gives rise to carelessness and indiscretion.
When the movement of air is not constrained by any obstacles (as, for example, over the surface of the open sea), the wind can gain enormous strength, and so hurricanes arise, the speed of which sometimes exceeds 240 km / h. And in a closed space, the air, on the contrary, cannot move and becomes musty.

Pitta is a force that arises from the dynamic interaction of water and fire. Both water and fire symbolize transformation, which is the similarity between these two forces, at first glance, in everything opposite to each other. True, they cannot turn into each other. But fire and water can change each other each other and do not do one without the other in any of the biological processes.
Pitta is the principle of transformation. At the physical level, it manifests itself in the form of enzymes that ensure digestion, and hormones that regulate metabolic processes. On a psychic level, Pitta is the transformation of electrochemical impulses into concrete thoughts. Pitta excess can cause peptic ulcers, hormonal disorders, skin irritation (acne) and violent emotions (anger). Lack of pitta leads to indigestion, hampers thought processes, and slows metabolism.
Pitta has eight qualities that determine its effect on the body. It is hot, light, fluid, thin, sharp, foul-smelling, soft and transparent.
If we put water to boil on too high a fire, the water will boil away and the vessel will burn. If we pour too much water into the vessel, it will splash out and flood the fire.

Kapha is the balance of water and earth. It represents the principles of structure and lubrication, which is clear from the basic characteristics of these two elements. On one level, kapha is the cells that make up the tissues of our body, and on the other, it is the fluids that provide nourishment and preservation of these cells.
AT соответствии с аюрведическим законом причины и следствия, избыток капхи ведет к скоплению слизи в носовых пазухах, в полости носа, в легких и толстой кишке, а в сфере психики порождает упрyamтво, зашоренность и неуступчивость. A lack of kapha causes dryness in the airways, heartburn (due to a lack of mucus that protects the walls of the gastrointestinal tract from the damaging effects of stomach acid) and an inability to concentrate. Kapha has the following qualities: fat, coldness, heaviness, stability, density and smoothness.
If you throw a handful of sand into a vessel filled with water, these two substances will not mix with each other: the sand will settle to the bottom of the vessel. It will be possible to achieve uniform distribution of sand in water only by constant stirring. Kapha is like this stirring to bring balance.

AT каждом живом существе три доши — вата, питта и капха — постоянно движутся, видоизменяются и уравновешивают друг друга. AT этом — основа life. AT растениях вата сосредоточена в цветках и листьях (теснее всего связанных с пространством и воздухом), капха — в roots (covered with

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