Message: #88306
Ольга Княгиня » 13 Mar 2017, 16:04

An Astrologer’s Handbook. Austrology of relationships. Francis Sakoyan

for pleasure, social activity, the ability to be creative and education (raising children). positions of the House and aspects of the rulers of the natal Fifth Houses for both personalities

Comparison of the planetary location and aspects of this House makes it possible to determine the degree of possible cooperation in practical activities and, at the same time, the degree of responsibility of each of the parties. Such astrological studies are important in clarifying the relationship "employer-performer", "partner-partner" or "doctor-patient" horoscopic studies in the Sixth House make it possible to establish how these personalities correspond to each other in relation to self-discipline in work and life (tastes, habits, etc.) The comparative location of the planets in this House and the comparative aspects of the natal ruler of the Sixth House for both partners are informative, as well as comparative aspects of the planets of the Sixth House of either the natal horoscope or Mercury, the natural ruler of the Sixth House

If the planets of the horoscope of one personality fall into the Seventh House of the horoscope of another personality or form aspects with the planets of this personality in the Seventh House or the personality with the ruler of the Seventh House, then we can quite reasonably talk about the probable attraction of these individuals to each other, the nature of which will be determined in accordance with with specific planets An unfavorable (opposite) arrangement in aspects when comparing natal horoscopes speaks of antipathy in relationships, which, however, can later manifest itself in the form of litigation and divorces. Comparisons in the Seventh House allow you to determine the general nature of the relationship of individuals - family, friendship or business; and also indicate possible areas of mutual interests - social activity, friends, art, psychology.

Comparative horoscopic studies in this House allow us to judge the similarity of the mutual interests of both personalities in in relation to corporatized activities (banking, capital investment, insurance, tax activities, etc.) Unfavorable aspects in comparison mean the inevitability of disputable and conflict situations in this field. If individuals have a sufficient spiritual worldview, then their mutual hobbies in the occult sciences, parapsychology, etc. are quite likely. The desire to increase their overall intellectual development is also very likely. and practical joint activity, a rather deep mutual understanding in intimate life is also possible, depending, again, on the degree of manifestation of the comparative aspects of this House.

If the planets of the horoscope of one person are in the Ninth House of the horoscope of another person or form aspects with the planets in the Ninth House or with its ruler, then in the relationship of these personalities the religious, philosophical and highly intellectual sides will be most pronounced. At the same time, both personalities will strive to enrich themselves when communicating with each other. with a friend Unfavorable aspects will be the very notorious “bone of contention” in matters of being so serious for both sides Personalities in this kind of relationship will be excellent travel partners If the influence of the planets Uranus, Neptune or Pluto is clearly visible, then spirituality may well arise between individuals telepathic communication The study of history, culture and other sociological sciences may well be the scope of their common interests.

Comparative horoscopic studies in this House show how deep and strong the relationship of individuals in the field of their professional activities. If the comparative aspects are strong enough, then it is quite likely that the power and authority of one person will manifest in relation to another, as, say, in the relationship "employer-performer" or "parents-children". A more experienced or older person influences the activities of another. It is likely that both of these individuals are involved in politics or other social activities. Unfavorable aspects introduce disagreements into these relationships. If the comparative aspects are positive, then the relationship of both partners brings the desired positive results of their joint activities.

If the planets of the horoscope of one person are in the Eleventh House of the horoscope of another, they form aspects with the planets. of the Eleventh House or with its ruler in the horoscope of this person, then one can fully talk about the friendly relations of these individuals, as well as their joint professional, socio-cultural or spiritual activities, and at a fairly serious level. A strong manifestation of aspects when compared only complements and strengthens intellectually- the scientific background of these relationships. The partners spiritually enrich each other, introducing an extraordinary novelty of realities into their joint life activity. In the love-romantic side of the relationship, the intellectual basis and strong friendship prevail, and not purely emotional and sexual attraction. Unfavorable aspects introduce elements of falsehood and superficiality into these relationships.

The comparative aspects of this house make it possible to judge the degree of possible relationships at the subconscious and psycho-emotional level. Unfavorable aspects indicate that individuals are not open to each other, in their relationship lies deceit and evasiveness. Both personalities tend to build relationships based on the desire to exist outside of reality in a certain world of dreams and dreams. Strongly pronounced aspects suggest the emergence of karmic connections based on an associative analysis of past life experience. Psychotelepathic and intuitively penetrating channels are far from uncommon in relationships of this kind. The sphere of mutual interests includes meditation, psychomysticism, religion, occultism, psychology, etc. Partners enrich themselves and, due to subconscious psychoidelic interaction, inspire their associative imagination

Information about the dispositors and rulers of signs is in some cases used to determine the degree of compatibility of two individuals. If the Sun or ascendant signs of both personalities, or the Sun sign of one and the rising sign of the other personality, have the same planet-ruler, then it is possible to talk about their natural mutual understanding and similar worldview. Even if individuals are born under clearly incompatible signs (for example, Gemini and Virgo), they, nevertheless, may well form good relationships, as they have a common ruler - Mercury, which allows both to show rationalism in a number of issues of real life, leaving aside disagreements in logical thinking and impartial assessments. Individuals born under the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, Taurus and Libra, Aries and Scorpio, also, despite the unfavorable aspects of their relationship, may well "get along" with each other due to the fact that they have a common planetary ruler.
If the ruler of the Solar or Ascendant sign of one individual turns out to be in the Solar or Ascendant sign of another individual, then it is quite reasonable to talk about their natural mutual understanding and the possibility of jointly solving some life tasks and achieving goals. For example, if one individuality has the Sun in Gemini and Mercury in Taurus and at the same time coincide with the Ascendant of another individuality, then we can talk about the great mutual interests of these individuals in material and practical matters. Also, if one individuality has Aquarius rising with Uranus in Taurus in while the Sun is in Taurus for another individual, then these individuals are very likely to have common scientific ideas or incredible business projects of a winning nature.
If one individuality has a planet forming powerful aspects and Angular, being in states of exalted dignity, the ruler of the Ascendant or singleton (alone) at the point of focus, and another individuality has a large number of planets in signs, the ruler of which is this powerful exalted planet of the first individuality, then such individuals will have a common interest and desire to build relationships with the coloring determined by this particular powerful exalted planet. Например, если у одной индивидуальности Марс в Toозероге в Десятом Доме совпадает со Средненебесной точкой и синглетон в Южном полушарии с сильными тринами с Сатурном во Втором Доме, а также с Ураном и Меркурием в Шестом Доме в оппозиции with Jupiter в Четвертом Доме, то такой Mars will obviously determine incredible professional ambitions and dominate the horoscope. If, in addition, another individual has the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aries, and Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon in Scorpio, then such individuals will feel a strong attraction to each other on the basis of ambition, competition, efficiency in achieving certain goals and desires. Walking hand in hand through life for a long time, they become, as they say, "do not spill water" in their powerful purposeful activity.
If one individual has a planet in the sign of his ruler or exaltation, and another has the same planet in the house of a minor ruler or exaltation, then these individuals will have compatible or similar features. When forming relationships and their coloring will be determined by a particular planet. So, if one individuality has Venus in Pisces, and another has Venus in the Twelfth House, then these individuals will treat each other with sympathy, understanding, intuitively appreciating the beautiful and perfect.
When both individuals have several planets in two different signs, ruled by the same planet, then we can talk about a community of interests on a number of issues determined by a particular planet. For example, if one individual has the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Sagittarius, and another has Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn in Pisces, then the sphere of common interests will be determined by Jupiter and Neptune (religion and mysticism).
When the Sun of one person coincides with the planets of the horoscope of another, then we can talk to a certain extent about the dynamics of the interaction of the will and desires of these people in that aspect of their relationship, which is determined


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