Message: #100767
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 23:49

Horoscope of Sexual Compatibility

a person is rarely taken into account when studying the compatibility of partners. But it is also wrong to look for a solution exclusively in this area, one must also take into account the ruling planets.

The 1st house is ruled by Aries, which in turn is ruled by Mars. This house includes: the appearance of a person, his character and personal habits. Physically: it is controlled by the human brain. This is the home of the personal self.

An astrologer, observing the position of the planets, which at the time of a person’s birth on curve 1 of the house (the intersection point of two curves), can determine which self will prevail in this person and with whom it is better for him to communicate, romantically and sexually. In other words, the astrologer explains what a person wants for their partner in order to justify or change their self image.

The 2nd house is ruled by Taurus and Taurus is ruled by Venus. It includes the financial affairs of a person, his possible gain, loss or collapse. It is often called the house of money. It governs the throat and predicts a person's potential wealth. By studying the 2nd house, an astrologer can help a person in the correct use of his potential happiness.

The 3rd house is ruled by Gemini and Gemini is ruled by Mercury. These include: family environment, short trips, all attempts at communication on a secular level, the degree of the practical side of the mind, perception and the ability of a person to adapt to different circumstances. It governs the arms, hands, fingers and shoulders. It is usually called the house of relatives.

By studying this type, an astrologer can show how family circumstances affect the philosophical (moral and social) standards of a person, whether he will follow his beliefs or not.

The 4th house is ruled by Cancer and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. He deals with the hearth, father, mother and real estate. He governs the stomach and chest. This is a house of home furnishing.

An astrologer studies the 4th house in order to understand the spiritual world of a person and how it affects a person’s relationship with the outside world. The 4th house reveals domestic harmony or conflict long before the ruling planet influences other aspects of the person.

The 5th house is ruled by Leo and Leo is ruled by the Sun. It includes: love, entertainment, reflection and children. He предсказывает возможную удачу или неудачу в любовной жизни и возможную выгоду, которую в дальнейшем получит от детей. He управляет сердцем и спиной. It is commonly referred to as the pleasure house. By studying the 5th house, the astrologer will find out to what extent a person will pursue pleasures, including possible extramarital affairs.

The 6th house is ruled by Virgo and Virgo is ruled by Mercury. It includes: health, services that a person provides to society (his work). He управляет потребностями тела и уходом за ним (телом). He управляет кишечным и солнечным сплетением. When an astrologer needs to determine the state of a person's health at the moment and for the future, he studies the 6th house. This is the home of health and work. The astrologer will also know what misfortunes occur in the family of this person (referring to health from a sexual point of view), since a sick person rarely performs marital duties well. A person often decides that it is better to leave a spouse than to be involved with someone who cannot give him sexual pleasure.

The 7th house is ruled by Libra and Libra is ruled by Venus. It includes: marriage, business partnerships, public benefactors and enemies. He управляет веками, почками и, у женщин - яичниками. He называется домом супружества и указывает степень возможной удачи и счастья или же несчастья. By studying the 7th house, an astrologer can help a person form the ideal of a future spouse. This house also controls a person in relation to business partners and can clarify and clarify his worldview.

The 8th house is ruled by Scorpio, while Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. It includes: possible fortunes (material and spiritual), as well as inheritances, wills and various valuables left from the one who died. No wonder this house is the house of death. He управляет половыми органами. The astrologer studies the 8th house in order to reveal the secret sex life of a person and determine what material benefits the person will bring matrimony.

The 9th house is ruled by Sagittarius and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. It includes: religion and philosophy, the number of trips that a person makes in his life, and especially that a person makes to foreign countries. This house also governs the abstract functions of the brain, indicates the dreams and ideals of a person. He управляет поясницей и бедрами. This house is the house of the sublime mind. An astrologer can predict whether a person will stay abroad and marry there or return to their homeland. He также указывает степень одухотворенности и определяет тип партнера, которого человек должен искать для супружеской гармонии.

The 10th house is ruled by Capricorn and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. It includes: the possible glory of a person, ambition, position in society, profession. He управляет костями и коленями. It is called the home of success. The astrologer predicts whether a person marries for love or for convenience.

The 11th house is ruled by Aquarius and Aquarius by Uranus. It includes: friendship and various aspirations. He определяет степень, в какой друзья будут помогать и наоборот, препятствовать человеку. It also indicates the relationship of a person to society and humanity in general. Governs the legs and ankles. It is called the house of friendship. The 11th house astrologer predicts conflicts in the family and in sexual relationships.

12 House is ruled by Pisces and Pisces by Neptune. It includes: unforeseen tragedies in a person's life, degeneration of the senses, solitude and possible hospitalization. He определяет степень личной свободы и пожертвует ли человек ею ради другого. He правит ступнями. It is called the home of secret enemies. The astrologer predicts troubles, misfortunes, perversions, addiction to drugs and impotence.



March 21 - April 20.

1st main character.

1st sign of the Zodiac.

1st fire sign.

Ruling planet: Mars.

Lucky number: 9 and all numbers divisible by 9.

Astrological symbol: ram.

Astrological colors: crimson, red, golden yellow, and all brilliant colors.

Astrological stones: diamond, aquamarine, amethyst.

Aries rules the 1st house of the horoscope.


Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, directs people of this sign to an active life, giving them a constant supply of energy, making them restless, restless, ambitious and competitive.

The place of this sign in the horoscope number 1 and the people of this sign also always want to be the first in everything. Aries is a very selfish sign.

The symbol of Aries is a ram, an animal that goes for everything with a headbutt, and everyone who has dealt with Aries knows that they, like rams, go straight to the goal.

Aries is also the first fire sign of the Zodiac and this increases its activity. Mars, the ruling planet, has a positive influence, making these people confident and courageous. Unlike another Mars-ruled sign, Scorpio, Aries is a young warrior, restless and eager to fight, even if he lacks experience. There is a certain youthful naivete in his personality, which brings him a lot of disappointment, because. they want things to be done quickly and rarely have patience, they often start a task and leave it to others to finish. So, they start their career before they have found their place in life. Heи часто нуждаются в совете со стороны менее пылких и стремительных людей. Heи идеалистичны и романтичны. Unfortunately, Aries rarely remembers their experiences and often remains gullible after many insults and setbacks. Heи преуспевают в профессиях (особенно в театре), когда центр внимания и вокруг них много восхищенных людей. Many movie stars were born under this sign. Aries also excel in sales, insurance, and interior and home decorating, in all areas where they have personal contact with clients. People of this sign are pioneers in many areas. They have an inexplicable originality that always wins. Aries is not a deep, not wise sign, but sincere and loyal. Young men are often drawn into fights, and young women also show similar strength and fury in sports and at work, fighting for their high position. Aries love their independence. When called for adventure, they respond quickly, no matter what the cost.

A distinctive feature is their ability to go further (to pass by some things). Even when they are hurt and angry, they will quickly forget the next day. Being rejected (in a business setting and in love), they rarely take time to think, but quickly fuss to be accepted somewhere else. Aries loves to be in the company and he arranges evenings. Usually they are good hosts of the evening, they will definitely ask his friend to replace them, making sure everything goes well.

These people are noble and cannot come to the aid of someone in misfortune. Aries men are men of the Sir Walter Relley type. Women have an aversion to everything vulgar and vulgar. Aries is very fond of demonstrations in expressing their views. Radko they keep their emotions inside themselves.


Aries is also active in the field of sex. These people fall into the category of "hot-blooded" people. But since their "I" is never forgotten, even in the midst of erotic passion, there is a danger of being drawn into such relationships where there is no spiritual satisfaction.

Unlike Scorpio and Taurus, who prefer prolonged sexual intercourse, Aries often does it

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