Message: #101348
Марк Аврелий » 20 Apr 2017, 06:08

Final Pose

After completing the 10 exercises, focusing on the movement of the arms, raise them through the sides to shoulder level, then turn the palms and lower them with downward pressure, mentally pushing the cloudy qi out of the body.
The body should be relaxed, breathing even and soft. Repeat 6-8 times.

Final pose

Notes and instructions:
1. The practitioner can perform any of the 10 exercises described above, depending on their physical condition and ailments. It is better to do the exercises in the morning, after emptying the stomach and bladder, or one hour after breakfast.
2. For beginners, the exercises should be performed gently and slowly; their duration and intensity should increase gradually, step by step. Otherwise, damage to muscles and joints is possible.
3. These exercises should be done in the morning in a clean and quiet place; an adequate supply of fresh air must be ensured. (Inhalation of fresh air is very essential for recharging the body with vital qi energy).
4. Deep sleep and an appropriate diet can enhance the effects of these exercises.
5. Before treating others, a qigong acupressure specialist must thoroughly master the necessary minimum of relevant medical knowledge and skill in performing special manipulations of qigong acupressure therapy, as well as have sufficient practical experience. When self-treating, the patient should apply acupressure qigong very carefully and slowly, the intensity and duration of stimulation should be increased gradually.

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