Message: #94504
Марк Аврелий » 31 Mar 2017, 07:51

Head Circle Movement Exercise

Head circle exercise

Starting position: standing straight and level, look straight ahead. On the count of “one”, lower your head down (look at the floor) and simultaneously with a nod of your head in its lower position, take a short noisy breath through your nose. Then, with soft, smooth circular movements, turn your head from right to left and, lowering it down, again take a short noisy breath. Exhalation is absolutely passive, it is forbidden to even think about it. It leaves after each breath through the nose or mouth (as convenient). Do not delay or exhale exhalations! Remember: an exhalation is an outgoing inhalation, it goes out on its own.

Perform 8 smooth circular movements of the head, pause (rest 3-5 seconds) and then continue the exercise. Circular movements of the head should be smooth, unhurried. In no case do not strain your neck, do not move your body, do not close your eyes. If you feel dizzy, sit down and continue the exercise while sitting.

Having made 2 “eights”, i.e. 2 times 8 breaths with the nose, followed by rest, change the direction of movement of the head – rotate from left to right. Remember: inhalation is done only when the head is lowered down. No sudden strenuous movements, the neck should be absolutely relaxed.

In total, we performed 32 breath-movements (“thirty”). The norm for this exercise is 3 “thirty”, i.e. “a hundred”.

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