Message: #72705
Татьяна Юсупова » 09 Feb 2017, 21:36

What is the diet for gall disease bladder

Recently, such a disease of the gallbladder as cholecystitis, which manifests itself in a chronic and exacerbated form, has become very common. The most significant causes of the manifestation of this disease include the use of:
fried and fatty foods;
high-calorie meals;
foods high in cholesterol.
As a rule, in order for the treatment to be complete, patients are prescribed a diet for gallbladder disease.
Causes of the disease

In the walls of the gallbladder there is muscle tissue that performs a contractile function, with the help of which the movement of bile is carried out. If the body functions normally, then tissue contraction occurs as usual, and when the mobility of the biliary tract is impaired, dyskinesia begins, leading to the development of the disease. The main symptom is periodic pain in the right hypochondrium. In the event that a person does not pay attention to such signs, gallstone disease may occur.
As a rule, with cholelithiasis, stones appear in the bladder itself or its duct. Very often, with small sizes of such stones, they simply pass into the cavity of the duodenum, as a result, the attack ends. In other cases, the stones begin to clog the biliary tract, which leads to the appearance of acute cholecystitis.
Diet while dieting

Usually, in addition to medical intervention, patients are prescribed a diet for inflammation of the gallbladder. The diet will depend on how complex the disease is. For example, if cholecystitis worsens, then liquid foods such as:
unsweetened tea;
juice diluted with water;
light vegetable grated soup.
Porridges are allowed only after the attack is completely removed, usually it happens on the 4th day. If you have chronic cholecystitis, then the diet menu will be more varied. Meals become even more frequent, but in small quantities, this is necessary so that the outflow of bile becomes timely and there are no stagnations. The entire diet should be enriched with proteins and a small amount of fat, since it is these substances that contribute to the full functioning of the body. Nutritionists allow the use of vegetable and butter, but it is completely undesirable to use heavy fat of animal origin.
Costs note that the gallbladder diet will be very strict if surgery is planned. In such a menu there are no vegetable and animal fats, so it can be classified as vegetarian. As for vegetables and fruits, it is allowed to use only those products where there is no essential oil, that is, the diet is unthinkable without:
But not all people suffering from such a disease are ready to completely give up meat, so they can eat:
lean poultry;
boiled fish.
It is very important to drink plenty of fluids, its amount should be more than three liters daily. In addition, subject to such nutrition, you can not use:
salty and smoked dishes.
A diet for gallbladder disease helps to restore impaired functions of the excretory system. It is for this reason that doctors prescribe to their patients with similar problems such a diet, which includes foods containing:
milk protein;
vegetable oil;
vegetable fiber;
a large amount of liquid.
Each dish should be boiled or baked, because this will remove extractive substances from the products.
Usually, a diet for the liver and gallbladder implies that all foods consumed should be of medium temperature, that is, not very hot, but not cold either. You need to eat at approximately the same time, at least 6 times a day. This is due to the fact that a large portion will take too long to digest, and all because the function of the digestive system is weakened. Although with proper digestion, even a lot of food eaten will be digested as soon as possible.

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