Message: #55283
Аннета Эссекс » 13 Jan 2017, 10:40

Carb-free diet at home. Menu, grocery list

Fans of delicious food who need to reduce excess weight should pay attention to a carbohydrate-free diet. It has already been tested by thousands of athletes and ordinary overweight people. After all, with the help of the menu of a carbohydrate-free diet, getting rid of a large number of extra pounds in a short period of time is quite simple. During the period of dietary nutrition, you will not have to feel hungry, and cheerfulness and good mood will continue in the following months. After all, the resulting indicator of reduced weight will continue if the diet is correct.
BUT! Due to the abundance of fats in dietary food, many testers had to complain about subsequent disorders in the body, up to chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the heart, kidneys, and increased cholesterol levels. Therefore, a carbohydrate-free diet at home can be used only with the permission of the doctor and strictly after a complete examination of all organs and systems as a whole.
From this condition it follows that losing weight on foods rich in proteins and fats is only allowed for absolutely healthy people who really need emergency weight loss. Therefore, after reading about another celebrity on the net, it is worth remembering which staff of health workers is behind it and how true the information received is.
What can you eat on a no carb diet

Ideally, a “no-carb” diet includes: eggs, chicken breast, fresh veal or beef, fish, a whole variety of seafood, carbohydrate-free tofa soy cheese. The list also includes sour-milk products in limited quantities. Up to 200 grams of yogurt, cottage cheese can be consumed per day. Their fat content should be kept to a minimum. Such a diet is safe for the body and is allowed even for people who have not undergone a medical examination.
Whoever is in good health, and there is no fear of earning a metabolic disorder, thyroid disease or another system, then you can safely eat fatty sausage with bacon, and pork with lamb, and fatty fish.
Features of nutrition with a carbohydrate-free diet

In order for a carbohydrate-free diet for weight loss to bring joy, benefit to the body, and at the same time reduce weight, you need to choose the right products for daily use. It is equally important to know how to properly prepare this or that ingredient so that it does not went beyond what was allowed in the diet. Otherwise, instead of reducing body weight, there is a risk of gaining extra centimeters.
Rule 1. You need to cook meat without any vegetables and seasonings. Therefore, cutlets will not be in this diet. The only exception will be a small amount of lemon juice, a pinch of dill with parsley. Also not excluded – cilantro, green onions. Sausages often use forbidden carbohydrates in the form of starch, sugar. And from animal fat there is an increase in cholesterol, which will not help the body in any way when losing weight.

Rule 2. A carbohydrate-free menu diet for a week is calculated if fatty foods abound in the diet. Although the use of mayonnaise, butter, and other fats will not affect the figure, the body will be grateful if it digests them as rarely as possible.

Rule 3. In the meantime, the diet has a place in the diet, then the next week it is unacceptable to eat bread products, potatoes, pasta, cereals, confectionery products. Indulgently, you can approach the use of fruits in their raw form.

Rule 4. Returning to your usual diet is worth a moderate pace. Daily amount of carbohydrates can be increased by no more than 20-40 grams.
Rule 5. You need to drink more than ever on the days of maintaining a carbohydrate-free diet. After all, such an amount of protein dishes provokes stagnant processes in the intestines. And water is absorbed by the large intestine, after it, along with the rest of the food, passes all the way to the small intestine. It is here that the splitting and digestion of all useful substances takes place.

Rule 6. This item will please everyone who is not used to living on a schedule. The number of meals per day can be stretched by 10 times or limited to 4-5 single regimens.

Do not forget that it takes about 6 hours for the complete assimilation of protein products. Therefore, with frequent (more than 6 times) meals, some of the nutrients will not be properly absorbed. In addition, the pancreas along with the liver is constantly experiencing a tremendous load.
What to make a menu for a week for a carbohydrate-free diet

Choosing dishes for each meal is easy. Here are a few options for how a carbohydrate-free diet is applied at home:
Have breakfast with five egg whites seasoned with herbs;
Repeat the morning meal, but now fat-free yogurt without fruit filler;
Dine with chicken broth combined with chicken breast;
Have a bite to eat with a small piece of chicken fillet or fish;
Dine on fish or veal (steam them without adding salt).
For adherents of fatty foods, the carbohydrate-free diet menu for the week offers:
For breakfast, a couple of sausages;
For the next breakfast, a couple of eggs;
For lunch, meat in the amount of 200 grams
For an afternoon snack, broth seasoned with sour cream;
Eat a piece of oily fish for an evening meal.
There are other, more complex recipes that this type of diet allows.
How the no-carb menu works

There are several points for the body that a carbohydrate-free diet causes:
As a result of the almost complete absence of carbohydrates, glucose. The glucose present in the body can be converted into cellulite deposits under the skin, but only for a short time. When reserves are exhausted, these accumulations leave the body.
The amount of insulin produced is reduced. It is not necessary, because glucose does not enter the body. As a result, the figure begins to slim down faster.
With a decrease in glucose and the cessation of insulin production, hormones are released from among the contra-insular ones, represented by adrenaline, norepinephrine, glucagon, dopamine, somatotropin. The result of such processes is rapid weight loss.
Appetite decreases. Expenditure of one’s own fat reserves leads to the formation of ketone bodies that feed nerve cells instead of glucose. Therefore, the feeling of hunger is reduced, the diet goes smoothly.
About the dangers of a diet without carbohydrates

Unfortunately, for every plus of this diet, you can find a negative effect:
The likelihood of constipation is high, but it is possible to prevent it with the help of fresh fruit salads.
Creates difficult conditions for the digestive system, when eating fatty foods. Together with alcohol, such a diet can lead to acute pancreatitis, which is among the life-threatening.
A high concentration of protein breakdown products can provoke the development of urolithiasis. With an increase in the concentration of cholesterol, there is a risk of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases. But this is possible if the diet continues not for a week or a month, but for several years. The liver also suffers in those who characteristic, as in diseases of the biliary tract. Those who have a tendency to flare gout cannot use a carbohydrate-free diet at all.
For whom the prescribed menu and table during the week becomes the main rule of nutrition, then the result of good health and weight loss will be achieved by 100%.

Message: #519285
Белла Чуркина » 22 Jul 2019, 13:41

Reply To: Carb-free diet at home. Menu, grocery list

Меня тоже заинтересовала <a href=”; rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>диета без углеводов</a> Существует две основных разновидности диеты с низким содержанием углеводов. Различаются они количеством углеводов, которое можно употреблять в сутки. Некетогенные. Допустимый объем составляет до ста пятидесяти граммов в день. Но вводится понятие «хороших» и «плохих» углеводов. Первые — «долгие», они содержатся в злаках, цельзерновых продуктах, овощах, некоторых фруктах. «Долгие» углеводы не вызывают всплесков инсулина в организме, не провоцируют чувства голода, но обеспечивают длительное ощущение сытости и достаточный запас энергии, в том числе для активной физической работы. Вторые — быстрые, к ним относится сахар и все его «производные»: кондитерские изделия, газированные напитки, выпечка, пр. Употребление простого сахара вызывает резкий выброс инсулина в кровь для его расщепления. При этом излишки нерастраченной глюкозы запасаются в виде жира. Употребление «плохих» или быстрых углеводов запрещено. Кетогенные. Разрешен объем углеводов до пятидесяти граммов в сутки. К кетогенным диетам относятся системы питания Аткинса, Дюкана на начальном этапе. Суть их заключается в запуске процесса кетоза, при котором жировые массы задействуются организмом в качестве источника энергии. Сжигание жира провоцирует образование продуктов распада — кетонов. Определить их наличие можно по анализу мочи. Кетоны — крайне агрессивные элементы, которые вызывают нарушения в работе почек, обладают канцерогенным действием. Кетогенные системы питания дают самые быстрые результаты, на них удается стремительно худеть. Но выброс кетонов в кровь вызывает симптомы интоксикации, что проявляется в ухудшении самочувствия, общей слабости, возникновении тошноты, головокружения. Переносить эти симптомы придется в течение четырнадцати-двадцати одного дня, пока организм привыкнет получать энергию из нового источника

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