Message: #291315
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 16:57

A woman is worth her weight in gold through the eyes of a man. Alexey Yasnogorodsky

sensual sphere, are able to accurately identify this "smell" - the wonderful aroma of perfect consciousness!

In order to decide on any changes in life (which, as you know, pose an unconscious danger to the body), a person needs very serious reasons. For example, a severe crisis. We humans are biological beings who find it very difficult to change their habits. This natural pattern contains an important self-protective meaning, but it can also spoil our life greatly. When a new habit is required to replace the old one for a happy and effective life, a strong person begins to develop this habit by an effort of will, while a weak one, most likely, will not do anything like that. Instead of working on himself, he will prefer to devalue the required quality by substituting a serious scientific psychological justification for his laziness, and at the same time pour cold contempt on those who point it out to him.

Who will not benefit from this book? First of all, proud, lazy and greedy women will not read it. And therefore unhappy. They usually dislike the thought that before they can take something, they must first give something. This is a character property, an element of a life scenario, parental programs and a general attitude to life. The ideology of "freebies" that has settled in the deepest structures of the personality. Habits that lead nowhere. In my life, I have never met people whose arrogance would coexist with joy and serenity, so let's leave attempts to “make them happy” to other specialists.

To my personal regret, now in general there are many trainings for women teaching perfidious manipulation of a man in order to obtain various material benefits and services from him. Bookshelves are littered with literature in the spirit of "how to cheat an oligarch" and similar "stervology". I think that if women who proudly call themselves bitches looked up the meaning of this word in the Explanatory Dictionary, they would forever lose the desire to be associated with such an epithet. However, now the ideology of consuming the resources of a man is the main leitmotif of popular women's trainings and is selling well. For example, in an advertisement for one such seminar, I saw a detailed description of the process of going to a car dealership for a new car as a guaranteed result after passing this very training. Such marketing techniques, appealing to base instincts and greed, are unfortunately extremely effective. "I'll teach you how to parasitize a man for life!" ("From you 15 thousand.")

These trends are nothing but markers of the degradation of society. My position on this issue is radically different. I believe that the mission of a woman in a relationship with a man is, metaphorically speaking, building a joint business called "family", where each of the shareholders invests in the project in full, without "freebies". Only in this case it will be viable for many years. Women, in their own interests, should realize as soon as possible that without strong, sincerely revered men, society cannot become healthy.

The idea that a woman is interested in a strong man seems banal. If we go up to a hundred or two women on the street and ask them what kind of man they would choose as their life partner, strong or weak, I think that all as one will answer: “Of course strong!” (not forgetting, of course, to first twist your finger at your temple). And the more clearly we realize that a woman is interested in a strong man, the more incomprehensible the following paradox seems: with her own hands a woman weakens her man! In the book, we will discuss in detail how she does this, what are the motives behind such absurd behavior (banal fear and unconscious aggression towards men, what else) and what to do with it all.

Please, reader, understand: there are only two ways for a man to move in your energy field: up or down. Not only relationships and people, the whole universe is in constant motion. Therefore zero does not exist! Relationships always develop in plus or minus. The man next to you, with your direct participation, will either grow or degrade. It is difficult to say how this will affect your family, it is important to understand that in both cases the probability of a breakup will remain, as well as the probability of any unforeseen event in the world in general. In the case of his height, a man may leave you due to the fact that you do not keep up with him. In the case of degradation, he will practically not be able to leave you, there simply won’t be enough strength. However, in this situation, you will leave already. Or, alternatively, you will always have a scapegoat on hand to blame for everything. their failures. It's good to have someone around to kick at moments of extreme disappointment in life, right?

When I announced this book to some of the participants in my psychological trainings, among other comments I heard this: “In no case should this book fall into the hands of my friend!” You can't say that I was surprised. The fact that women's competition exists, I "guessed" before, but I became interested in the specific reasons for fear. Many of them have been named, but I would like to quote one: "It suits me that I know more than her."

Wanting to know more is the ambitious and noble goal of any worthy person!

The rich learn all their lives, the poor think they already know enough...

The main female career is family, children, relationships

What is quality in a relationship
How to make relationships truly happy and joyful in the long term, and not momentarily? In this book, I will not tell you how to "lure" or "fall in love" a man. Demonstrate your wrist, gracefully cross your legs, cast languid glances. All these techniques are for poorly educated schoolgirls, and all of them will not help if you do not know how to do the main thing. What you really need to not only "hook", but also learn to get along with a man. And if you know this is the most important thing, then you will have problems not with where to take a man, but with how to deal with the queue of those who want to. Agree, in life it is better to have a choice problem than a lack of choice ...

The man-child dilemma
It is interesting that my psychological research, described at the beginning, had a further continuation. The same question (“What is the most beautiful phenomenon in the Universe for you?”) I also asked women. Guess what most of their answers were? Yes, that's the majority! All women answered without hesitation that the most beautiful phenomenon in the Universe is far from being a man, but their ... child!

Thus, it turns out that a man for a woman is a means for obtaining (and preferably subsequent life support) the most beautiful phenomenon in the Universe for her. Consumable, so to speak, material. No matter how negative the sound of this phrase, there is no point in arguing with the biological and evolutionary reality. A woman by nature itself (which, as you know, manifests itself in us through instincts) "programmed" to give birth to the strongest and most successful man available to her personally, and to ensure the survival of her offspring.

There is one significant difficulty for a woman, which not everyone can cope with and which can destroy any, even the most promising, relationship. It consists in the fact that, despite such a given (and in some ways, contrary to it), a woman needs to build relationships with a man so that he does not feel this “unimportance” and “minority”. For men, this is a really sore spot, it is not for nothing that the peak of divorces occurs at the time when a child is born in the family and the woman shifts the focus of her attention to him (which, as you know, is not rubber), inevitably depriving the man of manifestations of love that are important for him. Some people do it, some unfortunately don't. I hear you say that mutual work is necessary, and a man should also try. Of course, he will try if he really needs it, but our book is for women and only for women, so all further recipes for solving the “man-child” dilemma will be given precisely as algorithms for effective female behavior. They work and have been tested by many participants in my seminars, so just go and do it! I guarantee you will be more than pleasantly surprised by the result.

A woman worth her weight in gold is a worthy goal
The title of this book uses a precious metal metaphor, not to get your attention or even as a sign of cynicism, but simply because the marriage market is the same trading platform as, for example, a jewelry store. Whether you like it or not, there, on the shelves, lit by the bright light of halogen lamps, there are jewelry made of gold and diamonds. They can be expensive or very expensive. Or even very, very, very expensive, the acquisition of which an ordinary person cannot even dream of. And they can be cheap - fake, fake and ugly. But we, people, unlike even beautiful, but soulless objects, have a unique ability to increase their value. Effort of thought and will. This, as you probably already guessed, is what we are going to do now.

Women's competition in our country is not a myth, but

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