Message: #291315
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 16:57

A woman is worth her weight in gold through the eyes of a man. Alexey Yasnogorodsky

A woman is worth her weight in gold through the eyes of a man. Alexey Yasnogorodsky

About the book

The book by Alexei Yasnogorodsky is the best psychological recipes for effective behavior in relationships, a step-by-step technology that is guaranteed to change the life of any self-respecting woman for the better.

The book will be useful to unmarried women and will help:

• become happy and feminine, meet an interesting man and love yourself;

• learn how to find and attract a reliable man, as well as how to keep his love;

• choose a partner more consciously, understanding yourself better;

• finally stop coping with everything on your own and feel the care, support and protection of your beloved man;

• understand what pitfalls you need to know about in advance in order to get around them;

• make sure that after the wedding your fairy tale has just begun;

• stay "free" while married.

The book will be useful to married women and will help:

• live happily with your beloved man;

• avoid betrayal and betrayal;

• push the man to take responsibility for the family and children;

• take the path of reason, get rid of negative psychological programs;

• learn about the main mistakes that destroy relationships in the family, and how to avoid them;

• Breathe new life into your marriage.

Falling in love with a man and living with a man are two big differences!

I would be happy to read a review, question or story about the application of the tips from the book. Email address:

Hello my dear reader!
I address in the feminine gender, because I am well aware that men, of course, will not read this book. It was not written for them. And instead of reading popular psychological literature, men, at best, will work, provide for their family and beloved woman, go in for sports or play with children. In the worst case, the craving for reading will be defeated by TV, fishing, beer or a computer ...

And you know what? Will it be the first "set" or the second - largely depends on the woman. Why? Yes, precisely because a woman for a man is the meaning, incentive and motive for which he works, earns money, makes a career and plays (with children, of course, and not at a computer). Or, in the absence of such a motive, he poses in a bar in front of friends, goes to a meaningless low-paid job, or even generally spends time in places not so remote.

I came to this simple conclusion a long time ago. In the distant 90s, while still a novice psychologist, I thought about the clearly striking unequal distribution of "supply and demand" in the "relationship market". A man is psychologically addicted to sex, literally manic in his desire to get sexual pleasure, considers it something inadequately global and super-important. For women, sex (as it seemed to me then) is a means of influence and control, which she is able to dispose of with an absolutely cold head, without the slightest loss of self-control. And even when a woman needs to portray this very loss of self-control, we always know that she does not lose her mind. Then, over time, I understood these psychological and physiological patterns in more detail, saw the true nature of attraction and conflict in the relationship between a man and a woman, points of similarity and clash of our interests.

However, the answers have raised new questions. And what other means of influence on each other do we have? Why are we to each other? What is the deep nature of love? Is it even possible to get along and peacefully coexist with two absolutely different creatures from a psychological and biological point of view?

Confused by these questions, I did a little psychological research. It consisted in the fact that every man, friend or client I met on my life path, I began to ask a very simple, but plunging many into heavy reflection, question: “What is the most beautiful phenomenon in the universe for you?” Thinking, a man, if he did not have, as it is customary to say in modern sexology, "features", most often answered something along the lines of: "Well, this is, like ... A woman." This is what the vast majority of men said. A little competition for a woman in my survey was her favorite work (business), much less often - children. It was then that I became convinced of the statistical validity of the words of Aristotle Onassis: "If there were no women, all the money in the world would mean nothing."

What is interesting: even “psychotraumatized” by painful relationships, divorce and the loss of significant funds as a result of relationships with women, men for the most part recognized this, albeit unpleasant for them, but not passing cravings ...

Polling thus a large number of men, I gradually became aware of the incredible power that a woman has over a typical representative of the stronger sex. And up to the present time, the scale of this power never ceases to amaze me. In a nutshell: it's huge!

It is also surprising that women themselves are not always fully aware of the possibilities of their influence on the “strong” half of humanity. This strange uncertainty manifests itself in the often meaningless attempts to control and struggle for power over a man. Moreover, using his own methods: aggression and competition. Why even fight for something that is already in abundance? This is reminiscent of a situation with a man dying of hunger, standing on a mountain of food. All you have to do is change your perspective! I hope this and my further metaphors will be clear to you ...

I affirm: women have great energy, but they don't always know how to use it!

They hold in their hands a source of atomic energy, which can be used to feed cities, or it can be turned into a bomb that brings death and destruction. By directing energy in the right direction, by properly disposing of it, you can achieve from life in general and from a man, as a private representative of this very life, - very, very much!

ATTENTION! In the first lines of this book, I must make an important caveat. Being a man and experiencing in some way male solidarity, I in no way encourage women to use their power to manipulate, deceive, enrich themselves, etc. Such behavior in a strategic plan brings destruction not only to men, but also to “overplayed” women. And, unfortunately, there are a lot of them in the modern world. I believe that it is precisely such “games” that explain the crisis of the family institution, the general dissatisfaction with relationships and total loneliness in this, oddly enough, overpopulated world ...

Do you remember the question from the joke: can a woman make a millionaire out of a man? Yes, if he used to be a billionaire! This is a joke about, so to speak, a “minus woman”. But the “plus woman” is able to make a millionaire out of a man, even if he did not have huge capitals before meeting her. How? This is my book...

I declare absolutely categorically: a woman can do anything! Using examples from my psychological practice, I will show you what miracles your female power is capable of, where to get it, this power, and where use wisely. How to be always happy with life and stay in a state, figuratively speaking, of a "five percent orgasm." To be in a state of joy, serenity, tranquility and absolute harmony - with yourself and with the world.

The purpose of this book is to show you, my dear reader, your own strength. Or rather, your possibilities. Potential! In the following presentation, I, as a man by gender and a psychologist by profession, will help you see yourself from the outside, and at the same time I will pass on a lot of useful and simple techniques on how to become the only and most desirable for a man (specific or “promising”). The one he will choose every day! Month after month, year after year. All you need to do is just trust the information presented in the book for a while and try to put it into practice. I promise it will work!

I took up writing the book after the requests from the visitors of my trainings on various topics of psychology became extremely persistent. People asked for a structured and clear presentation of the material that we studied in the seminar mode, so that it was always available. Now (finally!) it is in your hands - take it, use it, have fun! Read slowly, be sure to underline the thoughts that are important to you with a pencil, argue with me in your internal monologue and complete all practical tasks. I'm sure you'll like it.

I will be glad to receive your thanks, wishes and questions at the e-mail address: I will definitely answer!

Dear reader! Even if you are not currently in a formal or informal relationship with a man, I strongly advise you to study the techniques presented in my book. Do it in advance, before the long-awaited meeting takes place. You will have time to understand, assimilate and practice the most valuable psychological techniques that very few people own. I have no doubt that people can communicate telepathically and read non-verbal information, so the most important effect of mastering the material will be the status of an “elite woman”, unmistakably read by all worthy men, each of whom (depending on your desire, of course) will become your faithful admirer. We, men, despite some, as women believe, "underdevelopment" of the


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