Message: #277938
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 19:08

How to control a selfish man. 48 simple rules. Elena Valentinovna Rvacheva

только о нем, ждет его звонков. He became the main theme of her life and completely absorbed all her time and thoughts. She abandoned her friends, her favorite dance classes, just to be always free for him. At the first call, she rushed to the meeting, she was ready to help in everything. Her life became life for him. And the calls came less and less, he had less and less time for meetings, and in the end he said: "I'm sorry, we're not on the way." AND в чем же проблема? He was disappointed in the once very cheerful, inaccessible, mysterious woman, turned into a spineless creature that follows him like his shadow.

Rule #33
Don't indulge him! No need to look a man in the mouth and fulfill all his desires and requests. From this you will only lose and grow out of him even more selfish. Be weak, but not sacrificial.

A woman should have her own position, believe in it and be able to correctly convey it to her man.

It is necessary not to indulge him and not forgive for everything, but to be supportive.

Next to a strong man, a woman should be weak and meek. But do not confuse meekness with self-sacrifice. Meekness consists in accepting a man as he is, in the absence of a desire to remake him. However, do not go to extremes. You can force him to do something, or you can inspire him to feats. You can be submissive, agreeing to everything, as long as he is satisfied, or you can not contradict, but at the same time maintain your position.

Meekness is the inner maturity of a woman, the ability to act wisely in life situations: to do everything with love and strive for harmony.

A man is looking for a way out of his negative energy through activity, for example, in ancient times, chopping firewood was this way. A woman overcomes obstacles through meekness - the ability to accept her man. The meaning of harmonious relationships is the ability to express one's thoughts and feelings, accept strangers and give a man space for development. And if you take care of him all his life and guide him on the true path, then you can turn from a girlfriend and potential wife into a “mommy”.

Rule #34
Be a real woman, meek, able to convey her information to a man not with cries and tantrums, but with wisdom and love, but at the same time firm in intentions. The strength of a woman lies in her steadfast desire to be happy and the prevention of what can destroy this happiness.

Selfishness is a romance that lasts a lifetime with the dearest person, that is, with oneself.

How to behave with a man? ANDспользовать принцип разумного эгоизма.

Fitting doesn't mean breaking!

Rule #35
Love yourself more than your man. The more you love yourself, the more likely it is that a man will love you with the same strength.

Do only what your soul lies in, what interests you and causes positive emotions.

Never do what you don't want to do. No need to break yourself by changing your habits, adjusting to your loved one.

If you don't want to visit people you don't like, don't go. But don't talk about it openly. Explain the refusal with urgent matters, such as going to the doctor or being late at work. Accept the invitation, but mind your own business.

Do not force yourself in everyday life. So, if a whole mountain of dirty dishes has accumulated, but you really want to watch your favorite TV series, put off washing and calmly watch TV. Don't deny yourself anything. AND не чувствуй угрызений совести по этому поводу. After all, you are first and foremost a woman, not a dishwasher. If he doesn't like it, let him clean it himself. In general, you should not take all the worries on yourself. Shift some of the household chores to the chosen one.

A tried and tested method will help to shirk unpleasant things. Never argue or refuse a man his requests, agree in words and do not say that you are lazy, while doing nothing yourself. And if he asks why you didn’t do anything, then pretend to look confused and smile with the words: “I’m sorry, darling, I forgot. Please don't get mad!" AND пусть он даже разозлится. Having accustomed him to such things, you will force him to play by your own rules, and at the same time introduce him to the household.

Rule #36
Remember that you have not only duties, but also rights. Claim more rights and take on fewer responsibilities.

AND уж ни в коем случае не пытайся делать мужские дела, даже если умеешь. Do not rush to hammer a nail into the wall to hang a fallen picture, although for you this is elementary. Ask your man and be sure to wait for the result, even if he does not deign to rush to do it immediately.

Don't worry about him getting overwhelmed. Let it work, it will only benefit both of you. AND не забывай о благодарности за любой вбитый гвоздь.

Learn to say no. Don't agree with your man on everything. If you don't feel like doing something, then just say no.

Never bother yourself with other people's problems that do not concern you at all. These are not your problems, and you should not climb into someone's life with advice or consolation. There is no point in wasting your emotions. This does not mean that you should not listen to your loved one, but do not take everything to heart, filter out information. And in order not to disappoint him, learn to pretend to be an attentive interlocutor. After all, an egoist can spend hours talk about your beloved, shifting the burden of your problems on your shoulders.

Learn to manipulate a man and don't let him manipulate you. Make him do what you want. Be the neck, but not the head. AND не бери на себя слишком много.

Only in this way can one learn to enjoy life with an egoist, without disappointing him, but without infringing on one's interests.

Rule #37
If you want to be close to your loved one, become irreplaceable for him.

To do this, you need to become for him not just a girlfriend, but also an adviser, partner, somewhere a “vest”, and somewhere a leader. The need for you should be so high that it is difficult to do without it.

Create coziness and arrange life in such a way that the most fastidious egoist feels comfortable. It is really important to take care of his convenience, as men value comfort very much and rarely run away from a good hostess.

No less important place you should occupy in his bed.

Nothing brings a man and a woman closer than common affairs and interests. If you want to become indispensable, do something with him. You can just be his "fan" or a strategist who helps with his intuition. A woman who becomes a reliable partner is able not only to fall in love with even an egoist, but also to keep him for a long time.

A woman is more eager to communicate, but a man is also looking for communication with a woman. However, it is more important for him not to chatter over a cup of coffee, but to discuss some common topic or problem. Experiences, decisions, actions of a man together with a woman or for her place this woman in a special place, and memories of such events leave a deep imprint in his memory.

When you are doing a common thing, do not deprive your man of taking more responsibility for himself. Leave him difficulties and difficulties. AND ни в коем случае не превозноси себя, даже если ты это заслужила.

You can help a man with advice, but you don’t have to do something for him or make decisions for him. You can't deprive him of his victory. ANDначе вместо благодарности ты получишь отстраненность, использование тебя, а возможно, и предательство.

But strong relationships based only on a common cause or interest cannot be built. Everyone needs personal growth. Therefore, improve internally, set yourself new goals and achieve them, acquire new skills, visit new places. Not hinder a man, let him grow in his own and your eyes. Only during movement can such feelings as happiness, fear, experiences arise. Personal development leads to life wisdom and harmony with oneself and others. Developed personalities attract attention and arouse interest.

Rule #38
To keep a man, be interesting to him.

Attract him not only with external data or thriftiness, but also with your hobbies, a rich inner world. Include him in your hobbies, because joint interests become the basis of the spiritual closeness of partners.

Chapter 5
Patience and a little effort
“Women's happiness - if there was a sweetheart nearby, but nothing else is needed,” remember the popular song?

Is it so? Is it possible to be content with intimacy with a loved one and not want anything more? And if the darling is an egoist? Is it still possible to be with him and be happy?

In the previous chapters we found out what egoism is, its causes and consequences. AND если твой мужчина эгоист, но ты по-прежнему намерена строить с ним отношения и готова на борьбу, немаловажно понимать, на что ты идешь. AND, главное, ради чего. Now try to apply all the rules in your life and learn to be content with the results. Advice to you and love!

Rule #39
Get ready to win! Not секрет, что такой настрой – важный стимул для достижения цели.

"The most honorable victory is that won over selfishness." (Buast Pierre)

This is also the most difficult victory. It requires not only maximum effort, but

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