Message: #277938
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 19:08

How to control a selfish man. 48 simple rules. Elena Valentinovna Rvacheva

friends have repeatedly told you that your loved one cannot stand the color green in clothes, then you should listen to this. Not надевай лишний раз свое зеленое пальто, хотя бы если вы идете куда-то вместе. AND уж точно не стоит покупать ему вещи этого цвета. Not надо злоупотреблять его терпением и травмировать его лишний раз. After all, his friends know him better than you. Try to find out from them about his passions, and not only in flowers, but also in his favorite dishes, places of rest, films. AND ты сможешь подготовить для любимого приятный сюрприз.

Rule #44
Not стоит слушать все, что говорят окружающие. Not все советы могут быть дельными. You should learn to filter them, distinguishing what is good and what is harmful.

So, if you are told that it is better for you to disperse, perhaps people are jealous or revenge for something. It doesn't necessarily have to be the best thing for both of you.

But if his mother offers you a book with recipes for your favorite dishes son, then there is nothing to say except gratitude.

Listen to your intuition, and it will tell you what to take into account, and what is better not to abuse.

Rule #45
Encourage him to be different. Each person is, first of all, an individual with his own strengths and weaknesses. Learn to respect the feelings and desires of a man, celebrate his virtues and encourage him to fight against his shortcomings.

Understanding your partner means accepting them for who they are. Respect means accepting that his feelings and thoughts may differ from yours.

Basic rules that will help you learn to appreciate your man:

1. Never belittle his merits. This hits hard on his ego and in the end can push him away from you.

2. Not забывай хвалить мужчину. Learn to notice any, even the most insignificant achievements, focus on them and be sure to encourage him for this with warm words and kisses.

3. Not вороши прошлое. Not напоминай ему о неудачах и ошибках. They are already behind. It is better to talk about new plans and draw bright prospects in all colors in order to awaken his desire to achieve the goal as quickly as possible.

4. Learn to respect the actions and actions of a man that he does for you and your relationship. Support will only strengthen his efforts, and approval will cause a desire to continue in the same spirit.

5. Find in him and emphasize those qualities that distinguish him from others and that you like the most.

6. Let your chosen one be a real man and show himself so that you can be proud of him. Not отнимай у него право быть сильным.

7. Learn to appreciate his attitude towards you, encouraging any, even the most clumsy compliments and ridiculous actions. Let him be romantic.

8. Not делай из него идеал, чтобы потом не разочароваться.

Rule #46
To learn to respect another person, you must first learn to respect yourself. If you know how to appreciate your virtues, you will be able to notice them in your partner.

Understanding a man does not mean bowing before him, completely submitting and changing yourself for him. To respect a partner means to respect his feelings and desires; accept that they may not match yours; and stay close to him with herself, without playing and without losing her own individuality.

Rule #47
Be consistent in their plans and actions. Clearly go to your goals without switching from one task to another. Get results before moving on to the next step.

In order not to waste your time and energy, determine from the very beginning: what exactly do you want? What should be your chosen one? What relationship suits you? How do you see yourself in these relationships? And then - full speed ahead! Try to mobilize all the forces to achieve the goal. Think carefully about your actions and make a plan.

To facilitate its implementation, do everything in sequence. Select the main goal and auxiliary ones, creating for yourself a certain chain of actions that will allow you to step closer to the main thing step by step - the fulfillment of your desire.

Notсколько советов:

– Not сдавайся, даже если у тебя не сразу все получается.

– Not ругай себя за неудачи, лучше научись извлекать из них опыт.

– Not беги впереди паровоза. Not стоит торопить события. Everything must take its course.

– Never give up on a dream, even if it seems very distant and unrealistic to you. Our thoughts are material. AND чем больше ты будешь думать о своих желаниях и мысленно представлять, что они осуществились, тем скорее это произойдет.

- Who wants - looking for opportunities, who does not want - looking for reasons. ANDщи возможности и не откладывай ничего на завтра.

– Believe in your strengths and praise yourself for even the smallest success - after all, this is already an achievement.

– Not бери на себя слишком много, чтобы не разочаровываться тем, что не успела или не смогла.

- Distribute your forces so that they are enough not only to achieve the goal, but also so that, having achieved what you want, you can enjoy the result, and not collapse in exhaustion.

– Учись радоваться даже маленьким достижениям, AND тогда, добившись цели, ты сможешь почувствовать себя счастливой.

Rule #48
Not отступай от цели! Notсмотря на трудности и лишения, не сворачивай с пути. Only the most patient and persistent will be rewarded. Learn to be proud of your victories.

Only by realizing how much work it took to achieve the goal, what you had to go through and what you managed to achieve, you can learn to be proud of yourself and enjoy success.

How to do it? There are several easy ways.

1. Setting a goal, make a plan according to which you will act. Resultы осуществления каждого write down the point.

2. Learn to praise yourself for even a small achievement.

3. Enjoy every day. Joy is the path to happiness.

4. Enjoy the very process of achieving your goals. Even the most difficult trials bring you satisfaction from your own self-improvement.

5. Be благодарна судьбе и людям, которые окружают тебя, за все хорошее, что с тобой случается.

6. Appreciate and thank your man for every act and just because he is there and loves you.

7. Not забывай о том, чего уже достигла. This will help you learn to be proud of yourself, even if not everything is successful yet.

Not нужно строить несбыточных планов и идеализировать весь мир вокруг. Be реалисткой и воспринимай происходящее как данность и стартовую площадку для развития новых гармоничных отношений. Not стоит также тратить время на самобичевание за то, что не удалось. It is better to learn to value yourself and your successes, respect yourself and others and just enjoy life.

The same goes for your partner. Not акцентируй внимание на его негативных чертах характера или неудачах. It is better to notice and appreciate the good that is in him, his character and actions.

Only with a positive outlook on the world and those around you can learn to be truly happy and make a loved one happy.

«Not отрекаются, любя…» Если любишь человека, то не делай поспешных выводов и не принимай решений, которые потом не простишь себе. Try to soberly assess the situation and try to change it, or rather, change your attitude towards it.

It is better to do and regret than to regret all your life that you did not do it.

AND даже если тебе не удастся полностью исправить своего эгоиста, ты получишь неоценимый опыт построения гармоничных отношений с любым мужчиной.

ANDтак, резюмируя все вышесказанное, выделим основные моменты, которые помогут тебе научиться быть счастливой с эгоистом.

1. Try to learn that the most important person in your life is you. But do it sincerely, and not like the example of your selfish man. Believe in your uniqueness and importance. Answer the question: “What exactly do I want?” AND не отказывай себе ни в чем. Let pleasant events and the joy from them cover the lack of attention from your man.

2. Show your feelings and express desires out loud. Not надо ждать, пока он догадается, что exactly what you wanted to say or why you furrowed your brows.

3. Give your partner time to get used to the new you. Not жди от него мгновенной и, главное, правильной реакции на твои слова и действия. He, accustomed to selfishness, needs to comprehend the new rules of the game, especially since he is not used to hearing a different opinion and reckoning with you.

4. Not провоцируй его на эгоизм своим чересчур трепетным отношением и чрезмерной заботой. Not надо жалеть мужчину. Think of him as a mature person, an accomplished person who is able to take care of himself.

5. Learn to enjoy life and not torment yourself over trifles.

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