Message: #277938
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 19:08

How to control a selfish man. 48 simple rules. Elena Valentinovna Rvacheva

also a certain attitude, without which the struggle is practically useless.

Successful people know this from their own experience and devote a lot of time to mental preparation. Sporting achievements can serve as a striking example. How do athletes prepare to win? Notмалую часть времени в раздевалке они посвящают психологической подготовке к предстоящей игре.

In addition, the mood is akin to conspiracies that can inspire a person that he is capable of anything and can get what he wants.

A positive attitude and an optimistic attitude towards what is happening and those around you helps to achieve success, even in work, even in your personal life. To do this, you need to develop such abilities in yourself.

To do this, you need to learn a few truths:

1. You create your own destiny. As the song says: “After all, you are a man, you are both strong and courageous, make your own destiny with your own hands. ANDди против ветра, на месте не стой. Пойми, не бывает дороги простой…» Not стоит ждать манны небесной и полагаться во всем на случай. You can waste your whole life in vain. Only those who seek will find. Therefore, it is simply necessary to do something so that changes take place in your life.

2. Notт ничего невозможного. ANDспользуй тренинг: «Я все смогу, я всего добьюсь». Repeat this constantly, replacing your insecurity with the conviction that everything is possible and everything will work out for you. Set yourself up for success and it will surely come.

3. Any business that you undertake, even the simplest, must be done well. You spend your time and energy, so the result should please you.

4. Know how to emphasize your achievements and be proud of them. Not стоит ждать оценки твоих действий со стороны, пусть даже от любимого человека. Learn to feel satisfaction from the results of your work.

5. Not бойся ошибаться, ошибки – это тоже шаги на пути к успеху. Any experience is important. AND если тебя не сломали трудности, значит, они сделали тебя сильнее.

ANDтак, нужно просто поверить в успех и то, что тебе все под силу. ANDди вперед смело, не бойся оступиться.

Rule #40
More positive! It will help not only to tune in to the fight, but also not to give up ahead of time. Fate only smiles on those who smile on her. It is very important to be positive in everything you do, and even what you think about.

It is important to be optimistic, because on the way to the goal, many things can go wrong as you would like. But it is a positive attitude to success that will allow you not to be afraid of problems and solve them for your own benefit.

You can feel sorry for yourself and blame fate. But the more you complain about life, the more often it will bring you grief.

First of all, you need to learn to think positively. Not секрет, что человек притягивает к себе ту энергетику, которую сам отдает окружающему пространству. It acts like a magnet: by complaining about failures, we ourselves attract them to ourselves. Luck comes only to optimistic people. And if you get upset over trifles all the time, then they will simply drag you into a swamp of difficulties and failures.

Most people see the bad and give little importance to the good. To be the opposite, you need to change your worldview. Our thoughts are material. Do you want to be happy - set yourself up for the positive.

First you need to stop complaining and shedding tears. Not нужно завидовать тем, кому, по твоему мнению, больше везет. It is better to build your own happiness.

But you can't be positive without loving yourself. Give less time to your mistakes and shortcomings, let go of complexes and erase from memory all the failures of the past. Tell yourself: "I deserve better!" AND с этого момента направляй свои внутренние ресурсы на достижение задуманных целей. You can start small, for example by pampering yourself with something pleasant. Moments of pleasure and fulfillment of the smallest desires will attract a positive attitude into your life.

AND как только этот настрой будет получен, начинай действовать, чтобы изменить жизнь к лучшему. It is important to do everything from the heart and in a good mood, then the fruits of the activity will bring joy. Love yourself and the world around you, share smiles with it, take care of your neighbors. AND не стоит ждать благодарности в ответ. Be generous with kindness, and it will reciprocate.

Remember, a positive attitude should become a symbol of your life. You need to practice it daily, then in the very near future you will achieve amazing success, and life will begin to amaze and delight with its colors!

Rule #41
Invite your loved one to the community! Show him that you are on his side, become his true friend.

For a man, there is no more reliable bond than friendship. And the egoist is unlikely to have friends at all. Therefore, you can take a worthy place in his life, not only as a beloved woman, but also as a friend.

In addition, any commonwealth is a voluntary association of independent units created for mutual assistance and joint actions aimed at one goal.

AND если ты сможешь привлечь к содружеству своего избранника, то, объединившись в борьбе за прекрасное будущее, вы сможете создать крепкие отношения, а в дальнейшем гармоничный союз.

In order for your loved one to take part in your life together and do it consciously and with aspiration, you need to show him that you are completely on his side, that you support him and believe in his undertakings. Only by proving your loyalty and winning his trust, you can count on support.

Friendship is a disinterested relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory The components of friendship are trust and patience. Without this, it is impossible to build harmonious, strong relationships between partners. Friendship serves as a solid foundation for mutual understanding.

It is believed that there can be no friendship between a man and a woman. However, the desire to help each other, to share trouble and joy is nothing but true friendship. Any man subconsciously looks for just such a woman as a companion who can understand him, listen to him, give the right advice, etc. If you want to keep a man, become his friend. Friendship will help not only to get closer, but also to prolong relations, making them strong and mutually enriching. Not забывай о доверии. If you learn to trust your man and achieve the same in return, you will have less reason to be disappointed in each other.

AND хотя эгоисту очень сложно дружить, он не лишен желания иметь надежного друга и может сам стать таковым. You also have advantages: you are also his woman, whom he knows, loves and appreciates.

However, friendship should not become the main thing in the relationship between you, it can only help you get closer and get to know each other better. Not пытайся стать для него боевой подругой, готовой и в огонь и в воду пойти за любимым. Not лишай его общения с другими людьми и не ограничивай его свободу. Not нужно и себя посвящать полностью интересам партнера. Any action bears fruit only if it is done with pleasure. Learn to combine love and friendship. Then you will become an indispensable life partner for your man and, perhaps, the only person close to him.

Rule #42
Be sure to share your doubts and desires with your partner, learn to admit mistakes and involve him in working together on these mistakes. Then harmony in the relationship is guaranteed to you.

AND пусть что-то не получается сразу, не дави на него и не казни себя. Just try to always analyze what is happening and draw appropriate conclusions.

Rule #43
Not отказывайся от помощи со стороны. As they say, give - take. This applies to both advice and any other help. Not пренебрегай мнением окружающих, оно может оказаться очень полезным.

"The only force capable of moderating individual selfishness is the force of the group." (Emile Durkheim)

Not забывай, что взгляд со стороны бывает вернее и объективнее, чем твой собственный – влюбленный.

Besides, there is safety in numbers. AND в твоей борьбе за счастье все средства хороши. Not бойся обращаться за помощью к близким людям. And if these people themselves offer help, it’s a sin not to use it at all.

To do this, you do not need to create a coalition against a man. You just need to work together to help him understand himself and show from the wrong side of his actions.

To understand and comprehend your mistakes, the opinion of not one, but several people can become the most convincing.

So, for example, by common efforts, you can attract a person to certain actions or hobbies. Do you want him to go to your parents' dacha and help there? Ask them to speak directly to him, and not do it, as always, through you. First, it will come as a surprise to him. And secondly, a pleasant moment for his pride - after all, he is asked. And, of course, come up with a pleasant or even necessary additional reason that will help you convince him to agree. For example, offer to go fishing with your father, talking about the fact that only in your pond you can catch real trout. Let it be slightly exaggerated, in the end, you can mix up the name of the fish. AND если он действительно поведется на это, то потом извинишься, ведь тебе важен результат.

And in nature, a person generally looks at many things differently. Perhaps he himself will like it, and he will want to come there again and again.

If his

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