Message: #277938
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 19:08

How to control a selfish man. 48 simple rules. Elena Valentinovna Rvacheva

grumbling at him all evening.

########B) You admit your mistake not before he shows you a geographical atlas.

########B) Try to convince him that the capital of Colombia has a double name since yesterday.

########Г) ANDскренне раскаешься в своем невежестве.

No. 8. Mark those statements that, in your opinion, suit you the most.

########A) It makes me angry when I'm wrong.

########B) I'm not independent.

########B) I like to work hard.

########D) I always plan my affairs.

########D) They say I'm stubborn.

########E) Many consider me slow.

########F) I am shy of strangers.

########Z) I myself am to blame for my failures.

########AND) Я не люблю поручать другим то, что могу сделать сама.

#9 You have an unexpected break at work. How do you feel?

########A) Fine. You deserve some rest.

########B) Excellent. Grab a bite and get ready for what's to come.

########B) Disgusting. It annoys you when there is nothing to do.

########D) Guilty. After all, you are not paid money for tea parties.

#10 In your relationship with your boyfriend, do you:

########A) You decide what to do.

########B) Don't do anything without consulting him.

########B) Sometimes you take advice when you are in a difficult situation, but you prefer to make the final decision yourself.

########D) You are equal partners, and he has the right to know as much about you as you do about him. That is absolutely nothing.

No. 11. What is your approach to life?

########A) I have realistic goals and specific deadlines for achieving them.

########B) I do not tie myself rigidly to any goals, although I am interested in success.

########B) Let everything take its course. Nothing depends on me anyway.

########D) I feel good only in normal conditions, when the bosses are fair and the deadlines are not pressed.

No. 12. Your friend invites you to go to a striptease with him. You:

########A) You won't go. What more!

########B) You will definitely go. This will make it easier to follow him.

########B) Go and criticize the looks and clumsiness of strippers.

########D) You will make a counter offer to go to the ballet, and if he refuses, you will use blackmail.

No. 13. You went to visit a guy you met recently, and his house is a mess. What will you do?

########A) Nothing. You are not his servant.

########B) Try to shame.

########B) You won't pay attention, everyone has such moments.

########D) You will clean up everything, perhaps he will appreciate your thriftiness.

Let's count the points:

1 A-3 B-0 C-3 D-2

2 A-2 B-3 C-0 D-2

3 A-0 B-2 C-1 D-3

4 A-1 B-2 C-3 G-0

5 A-0 B-3 C-1 D-2

6 A-3 B-0 C-2 D-1

7 A-2 B-1 C-3 D-0

8 One point for each plus.

9 A-2 B-1 C-0 D-3

10 A-3 B-0 C-1 D-2

11 A-3 B-2 C-0 D-1

12 A-0 B-2 C-3 D-3

13 A-1 B-3 C-2 D-0

Check the result.

36 points and above

Do not try to keep everyone under control, you can overstrain. Life is unpredictable, and trying to make everything go according to plan is doomed to failure. Deceived hopes shorten life, not want too much.

Do not make such high demands on your loved ones, moderate your appetites, otherwise you will be left in splendid isolation. Learn to listen to others, and in the end you will understand that they are no worse, and sometimes much cooler, than you. There is no absolute ideal, and life is full of joy, even if things don't go your way.

23–35 points

You are always striving for balance. Your ideal is harmony in everything.

You know when to open your mouth and when to remain silent. Your friends are always happy to be with you. You are a comfortable person, and people seek communication with you. Life gives you a lot of amazing discoveries, and you perceive its blows as good lessons for your further advancement.

22 points and below

Try to look around, there are many interesting things in life, and all this often passes you by. Do not allow everyone to command you.

Try to think about yourself, about what you want, and not about your friends or relatives. Think about your favorite foods, your favorite movies. Set aside one day a week exclusively for yourself and do only what you want. Learn to say no, even when it's scary to start. Trust me, nothing bad will happen. And people, perhaps, will begin to reckon with you more when they understand that you have your own interests.

Rule #29
Reasonable selfishness is appropriate for you. Do not be afraid to think about yourself and your interests, and not just about your loved one and his blessings.

Remember that you are first and foremost a person with your own desires, needs and goals.

If you have a hobby that you usually don't have time for, make it a rule to do a little of it every day. AND как бы ни нуждался в тебе твой мужчина, дай ему понять, что у тебя должно быть время на себя и хобби. In the end, show him that he will only benefit from this, because doing what you love will give you self-confidence and cheer you up. And at the same time, it will allow you to switch your attention from his person for a while.

Don't be afraid to pamper yourself! Have you ever dreamed of shopping? So go and unwind, and at the same time replenish your wardrobe with things and accessories that will not only cheer you up and self-esteem, but also attract the attention of your loved one to you as the most desirable and beautiful woman.

If you are on a diet, but you really want sweets, do not deny yourself the joy. Nothing wrong with a couple of cakes will happen. But what a pleasure you will get!

Realize long-term plans. Did you want to go to the theater or to meet your friends? Be sure to set aside time for this. Positive and good mood from such events are guaranteed to you, so should you deny yourself this?

But others will have to learn to refuse. AND не надо этого бояться. You don't owe anyone anything.

Rule #30
Don't let anyone make you feel guilty about loving yourself. Only a woman in love with herself is able not only to attract attention, but also to keep a real man next to her.

Start every morning only with positive emotions. Looking in the mirror, resort to the old and tested method of self-hypnosis: “I am the most charming and attractive ...” Do not be afraid to compliment yourself and praise yourself. AND самое главное, повторяй это каждый день, пока сама не поверишь в свои слова.

Rule #31
Don't pretend to be a dumb victim! The most effective way to deal with male selfishness is to treat him the same way he behaves with others. No need to endure, you must immediately express your “fi” if you don’t like something.

In this case, patience is completely inappropriate. If you allow yourself to be insulted today and humiliated tomorrow, then you will simply lose your partner’s respect and completely “dissolve his hands”. Your self-esteem will suffer, which in the end can lead to complete sacrifice. Do you need it?

A woman in a relationship should strive to receive maximum attention from a man and try to make her desires come true in the first place. Teach your partner not only to listen to you, but also to take into account your interests. Therefore, talk as much as possible about yourself, your needs and goals. Any, the slightest manifestations of selfish behavior on the part of the chosen one should be immediately stopped, emphasizing their intolerance for such an attitude. ANDначе в дальнейшем они превратятся в лавину эгоизма, которую остановить уже будет нельзя.

Draw his attention to your problems, even the most insignificant ones. Alternatively, you can make him feel sorry, for example, by talking about a hard day or a sudden migraine attack. Ask him to help you cook dinner or get a relaxing massage that will be just a lifesaver for you. Simulation in this case will help to arouse his pity, which will make you once again feel like a weak woman. And you will let your beloved understand how much you need his strong shoulder.

There is no need to be a dumb victim, proving your love with humility and silent submission. A real egoist will never appreciate such behavior, as he takes it for granted. ANDзменить его представление о тебе и проблемах в ваших отношениях способны только самые решительные меры. Make him overcome himself and do something nice for you. Doing something constantly for the sake of others, especially since the “other” is a loved one, that is, you, your man will eventually get used to this behavior and learn to enjoy it. And you do not forget to thank and praise, expressing sincere joy from his noble deeds.

Rule #32
You do not need to unquestioningly obey a man. He won't appreciate it.

Every woman should have a mystery that a man will try to solve. AND пусть этой загадкой станет твое личное пространство, в которое вход для него закрыт. Only in this way will you be able to maintain balance in a difficult relationship with an egoist.

Prioritize in advance and let him know about this taboo.

If a woman spends all her free time on her beloved, his interests and needs, she eventually loses her own "I" and becomes uninteresting to him.

One of my acquaintances - a self-sufficient, beautiful, stylish, very versatile person - was waiting for the prince on a white horse. She changed men like gloves, enjoying their worship and admiring glances. The image of the Snow Queen did not frighten the male gender at all, rather, on the contrary, it attracted with inaccessibility, rebelliousness, the ability to express one's opinion and not obey other people's desires. AND вот она встретила ЕГО. AND за считаные дни стала превращаться в совершенно обычную женщину, которая думает


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