Message: #78009
Юля Смоленск » 19 Feb 2017, 13:45

The threat of early miscarriage: causes and treatment

positive. It is better to postpone sexual relations for later.

If the worst happened

If it still failed to prevent the threat, and the pregnancy was terminated at an early stage, this can be a severe blow to the woman. But there is no need to panic, it is necessary to understand the reasons. In most cases, miscarriages occur due to the non-viability of the embryo and, most likely, the next time everything will be fine.

Many women after a miscarriage become depressed and are afraid to get pregnant again. In this case, it is better to contact a psychologist to solve the problem as soon as possible.

Just in case, you can monitor the level of progesterone in the blood for several cycles. Although luteal phase deficiency is rare, it does not hurt to exclude it, as well as to be tested for infectious diseases of the genital area. Think about whether medication, alcohol, or other substances could have caused the miscarriage.

If doctors do not find visible reasons for spontaneous abortion, you need to tune in to the best and start taking folic acid. As soon as the body recovers, you can plan a pregnancy.

The threat of early miscarriage is not a diagnosis and in most cases does not require any treatment. Сохраняющая терапия оправдана только при нарушениях гормонального фона или Rhesus conflictе. In other cases, it is recommended expectant tactics.

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