Message: #86971
Ольга Княгиня » 10 Mar 2017, 18:57

Steps to longevity. Boris Bolotov

should be directed to the thermometer reading scale. You must carefully monitor the readings of the mercury column. When the column of mercury begins to rise, one must mentally or aloud repeat the words: “Increases”, “Increases” ... “Increases”. at first все будет так, until the reading stops. But inы не должны изменять своего настроя и по-прежнему повторять предыдущие слова. Thus, you need to exercise for fifteen minutes a day. Do not despair if the first experiments do not give any results, but on the tenth, hundredth time you will notice that the thermometer readings will be obedient and the temperature will rise exactly as much as you wish. At этом совершенно уже не имеет значения, держите ли вы термометр в руке или не держите. The temperature will rise exactly at that point in space to which you turned your attention. At the next stage, you will be able to safely train your abilities for all sorts of other influences on surrounding objects through the formation of a mode of action. For example, if you look at a person and mentally repeat the following words: “You feel good,” “It becomes good,” “Good,” “Good,” “Good,” how this person will really feel good. Later you will notice that your every contact with anyone will almost always be accompanied by good feelings. People will feel it too and will want to meet you. Many have told me about this, but it is simply impossible to meet everyone. However, to feel my influence, it is enough to read my texts, which carry images of health from my whole being. Understanding the power of the impact of images of health, you can learn to form them yourself. Learn and you will succeed too. In conclusion, I would like to express my opinion and wishes to the readers in the following words. The proposed methods of healing the body become an order of magnitude more effective if they are mastered at home under the supervision of a doctor. Self-treatment by official medicine is not allowed, but self-healing, on the contrary, is welcomed. However, mastering the techniques requires a certain skill and skill, which do not come immediately and, as a rule, under the guidance and supervision of a knowledgeable and experienced person. Particular attention should be paid to the process of reading this booklet. Indeed, the text of the description of this or that material is processed in terms of the formation of the mode of action. This means that such techniques are much more effective in raising the vitality of a person than psychotherapy. Form for yourself an image of action, that is, an image of health. Always to your loved ones say to people such words: “Today you look much better than yesterday, which means that tomorrow will be even better. It is already really getting better, ”and also:“ Vital forces are pouring into your body all the time, despite the action of negative forces, and you become completely healthy. You can say these words mentally to yourself, or simply repeat: “I feel better, I feel better! ..” Goodbye, dear reader! You really are getting better and better, and as long as I'm alive, everything will always be like this!

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