Message: #87034
Ольга Княгиня » 10 Mar 2017, 20:28

Medicinal plants in traditional Chinese medicine. V. L. Kochetkov

we still did not understand the cause of osteochondrosis and stomach ulcers. But you and I, dear reader, have chosen for ourselves a synthetic path of knowledge. We will be democratic and tolerant of opinions. We will try to combine hard-to-combine Western and Eastern ideas into a single image and take into account any information artifacts that are beneficial to health.
The structure of traditional Chinese medicine is formed from several functional systems or several functional system groups. The main systems are called dense organs. These are the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and spleen. These are strategic systems, or systems-programs that determine the main parameters of the body's work. In general, under the term "system" we will understand certain anatomical formations in the body. An organ or part of an organ, in the European sense of the term. Tissue or tissues that form the organ itself and not only the organ, for example, muscle tissue, bone tissue, etc. Necessarily part of the nervous system, both central and peripheral, parts of the vascular system, both venous and arterial, lymph nodes and ducts, mucous membranes or part of the mucous membranes. And, of course, tissues, areas, formations, known as the endocrine system, or endocrine glands. As well as other anatomical and structural units. But, as we said, anatomy is not decisive for us. It is more important for us to accept and remember all kinds of structural and anatomical diversity, the particles and areas that form this diversity are organized differently from the point of view of functioning in traditional Chinese medicine. That is, in the creation, definition of a functional system, the leading feature is not anatomy, not the structural similarity of a particular area or tissue in the body, but a single functioning. It can be said that the components of our body are united, not anatomically, but functionally.
Traditional Chinese medicine has five main functional groups. Each group consists of several relatively independent functional systems. leading, the dense organs are the programmatic ones that determine the work of the whole group. A functional system is a structure united by a common idea, mode of action, program of work, principle, regime, etc. So, dense organs give the whole group this idea, program, method, etc. They, dense organs, of course, and do something themselves, but their main job is to manage subordinate and dependent functional systems.
The dense organ of the heart, as you know, pumps blood. But this pump in Chinese medicine still formulates the work of its satellite - the organ-system of the small intestine. Which takes food from the stomach, processes it, assimilates it, and also formulates the work of the muscle system. The latter include: striated muscles, the one that sometimes obeys our consciousness, as well as smooth muscles, which we cannot control. As you know, smooth muscle cells are also located in the walls of blood vessels, veins and arteries and largely form the stomach, uterus, colon, gallbladder and bladder. In addition, single smooth muscle fibers are found in the skin, the excretory ducts of the endocrine glands, in the eyeball, the prostate gland, etc. And all these muscle cells are controlled from the heart system, through the small intestine system. And yet the sensory organ of touch is also included in the functional group of the heart - the small intestine. By the way, manhood or vice, as you please, is largely organized from muscle tissue. Here's your pump.
The dense organ of the lungs is, firstly, the lungs that breathe. Secondly, the lung system that controls the organ - the large intestine system. This intestine receives what is not used from the small intestine, forms it as a product, extracts liquid from it, thereby participating in the exchange of fluids, and then expels it as unnecessary. In addition, the colon, under the influence of the lungs, controls metabolic processes in the system of the skin, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, in the paranasal sinuses, and partly in the venous system of the lower extremities and small pelvis. As well as the sense of smell as a sensory organ.
The dense organ of the liver, working like a liver, directs the work of the gallbladder subordinate to it. The gallbladder system in traditional Chinese medicine not only stores bile and releases it in portions, on demand, into the small intestine, but It also functions as a system that controls the activity of connective tissue. These tissues in Chinese medicine appear under the term "ligaments". This is the bag-ligamentous apparatus of the joints and ligaments that support the internal organs in their proper place, and the frame of the organs themselves. Heart, lungs, liver, intestines, prostate gland, etc. Connective tissue is present both in the wall of blood vessels and in the skin, participates in the connection of muscles with the skeleton, is present in endocrine formations, sensory organs, etc. And all this is subordinated to the liver - gallbladder system. The system of visual perception of the world, the eyes and the entire apparatus that is attached to it, also functions under the direct guidance of this system. And also mucous. Lungs, nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract, bladder, urethra, uterus - almost everything. And one more thing - the endothelium of the arteries, also, in general, the mucous membrane, the inner lining of the arterial vessels - all are subordinate to the liver-gall bladder system.
Dense organ of the spleen. More correctly, the spleen is the pancreas. Digestive, insulin-producing functions are known. Controls the work of the stomach. This organ accepts the sent food, returns it in case of indigestion, slightly processes the established one and passes it to the small intestine. The adipose tissue or subcutaneous fat is subordinate to the stomach. It is called subcutaneous, probably because it is very noticeable, just under the skin. However, adipose tissue is present at different ages in varying amounts and in the membranes of internal organs, kidneys, heart, and liver. And in the pelvis, the walls of the intestines and blood vessels, the orbital cavity, etc. Nature does not tolerate emptiness. Where there is no due, there is adipose tissue. Fat, as you know, breaks down to water, so the stomach is also involved in the exchange of fluids. And this is blood, and lymph, and intracellular and intercellular fluids, and more. Of course, the sensory organ that tests food, that is, taste, is controlled by the spleen-pancreas-stomach system.
The dense organ of the kidney filters the blood to the state of urine and channels it into the bladder. Naturally, the exchange of fluids in the body is closely related to the work of the kidneys. The bladder, as an organ, is not limited in its activity only by the expulsion of what is left of the blood. Organ - the system of the bladder forms metabolic process in bone tissue, under the guidance of the kidney system, of course. Cartilaginous tissue, the most important component of any joint, is largely structured through bone tissue. The kidney-bladder system controls and the last of the indisputable sense organs is hearing.
We briefly got acquainted with the leading functional systems and should make an explanation of how structural formations interact both within the system and with each other. Such interactions are carried out both through the nervous nervous system and in the endocrine way, but most importantly - through the BAP system. The abbreviation BAT is revealed as biologically active points. What it is is not known for certain. The main thing is to accept the fact of their existence. It has been established that on human skin there are many different-sized areas with excellent electrical potential, different thermal conductivity, which otherwise feel pain, in general, are not like that. How they were discovered by the ancient Chinese is not clear, and it is not so important. There is a legend that a certain subject often suffered from headaches. But he continued to work regularly in the field with a hoe in his hands. One day, either by accident or in despair, he hit himself on the leg with a tool, a hoe, and soon noted with surprise that the pain in his head had disappeared. Since then, you see, a quick-witted subject beat himself, and then all those who were suffering consciously. Then the therapeutic procedures took on a more humane character. Points on the body were burned with coals, wormwood cigarettes, then pricked with stone needles and, further into the age of metal, respectively, with metal ones. It's hard to believe in such a story, but oh well.
The title is also not very good. On a person, a biological object, non-biological points have a tattoo, and what is their activity or passivity is completely incomprehensible. They would call points of influence or healing, but that's not the point. It is important that BAPs exist and interact with each other, with individual organs and tissues, and with entire systems and groups of systems. There are thousands of BAPs on the human body, and they are combined into a single functional system, which we will call the conducting system. This system is described in traditional Chinese medicine manuals as 12 paired and two unpaired meridians, or channels. Sometimes, advanced authors add eight more "wonderful" vessels to them. But on in fact, the conducting system is much more complex and diverse. One can draw such an analogy. Imagine the communication system of a large city. These are various transport routes, and gas, water and heat pipelines. These are electrical and telephone networks. These are cellular and radio telephones, radio stations, locators and repeaters, radio and television receivers, traffic lights

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