Message: #87314
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 11:00

Yoga and the secrets of longevity. Gita Sweeney

the lower back to the surface. Feel how your internal organs are filled with heaviness under the influence of gravity, relaxing the entire lower abdominal region.
4. Inhale, completely relax your back, letting it rise from the floor.
5. Exhale and lower your lower back again to lightly touch the floor, hold this position for 1-3 minutes.

Pelvic lifts are useful for creating sustained strength in the muscles of the lower abdomen and spine.
1. Select the center position of the head on the floor. Inhale, completely relax your back. Exhale and relax your lower back, pressing it to the floor. Feel how your internal organs become heavy due to gravity, straighten your spine until it touches the floor (lifting your tailbone slightly).
2. Inhale, completely relax your back. Don't move with every breath.
3. Repeat, touching your back to the floor with each exhalation, and continue to relax as you inhale. Repeat the exercise for 3-5 minutes.
General Warnings
If you feel pain in your knees, move your feet a little further away from your buttocks.

STRETCH "CAT" Starting position
Place your hands, knees, and feet hip-distance on the floor, making sure your knees are directly under your hips, and your hands and straight arms are under your shoulders. Spread your fingers wide.
holding a pose
1. Inhale while keeping your arms and hips straight and vertical. Exhale and backbend.
2. As you exhale, lift your upper back up towards the ceiling.
3. Continue stretching on each inhale and exhale for 1-3 minutes.
Completion of the pose
As you exhale, sit on your heels, touch your forehead to the floor, hands near your feet, palms up. Rest in the Embryo position, allowing your breathing to return to normal.

General Warnings
If you have problems or pain in your knees, use a soft pillow or place your hands on a low support. If you have problems or pain in your back and neck, stretch slowly, relaxing your back only until the condition appears. discomfort.
Starting position
1. From the “Kitty” pose, sit on your heels, your chest is pressed against your hips, your head rests on the floor.
2. Place your arms and hands on the floor, palms facing up. Get comfortable and relax.
Completion of the pose
Slowly straighten your back and rise to sit on your heels, pull your spine up.
If you experience discomfort, place folded blankets over your thighs and over your chest. Place another blanket under your forehead.
General Warnings
For those with knee problems, avoid creating any tension or pain in the knee joints.

Starting position
1. Stand against a wall with your feet hip-width apart and parallel to each other. Stretch your arms up along the wall, stretching towards the ceiling. Bend your elbows and fold your arms into a triangle, fingers in the lock.
2. Step back and exhale as you slide your chest down the wall. Move away from the wall until your feet are perpendicular to the floor.
holding a pose
Hold the position of the hands, resting your forehead against the wall, lower your upper back towards the wall. Breathe while holding the pose for 30-40 seconds.
Important Actions
• Shoulders and chest are maximally open
• Knees are strongly fixed
• Neck extended
• Позвоночник движется по направлению к стене Completion of the pose
Take a step forward and relax your arms by lowering them down. Rotate your shoulders to release muscle tension.
By changing the position of the hands on the wall (higher or lower), you act on different areas of the muscles of the back and shoulders.
General Warnings
Don't pull your knees back. Avoid shoulder pain.

Starting position
1. Stand facing the wall, lean against it with your palms located at waist level and shoulder width apart.
2. Pressing against the wall, step back until your arms and torso are parallel to the floor. The feet are parallel, the knees are tucked up, the legs are vertical and perpendicular to the floor.
holding a pose
With each breath, continue to stretch your arms, shoulders, and torso, pushing against the wall with your palms. With each exhalation, lift your sit bones, increasing the stretch in your hamstrings and calves. muscles. Hold the pose for 40-60 seconds or more.
Completion of the pose
Займите вертикальное положение и повращайте плечами, чтобы снять напряжение в muscles.
Vary the position of the palms on the wall (higher or lower), feel how the movement of the hands affects the stretch.
Important Actions
• Torso and arms are stretched
• Sitting bones are raised to increase leg stretch
• Stretching of the arms, shoulders and torso
General Warnings
Don't pull your knees back. Keep your chest in line with your hands, arms, and sacrum, stretching rather than pushing your chest down. Do not overstretch your shoulder joints.

Starting position
1. Standing, lean back against the wall, feet at a distance of 30-45 cm from the wall. The head, shoulders, back, loin and buttocks are firmly pressed against the wall. Feet hip-distance, knees slightly bent.
2. Tilt your torso forward and let it hang freely.
holding a pose
1. Inhale, keep your feet in position and in contact with the wall.
2. Exhale and relax your torso, relaxing your neck and shoulders.
Completion of the pose
1. With your arms hanging freely, keep your knees bent and your tailbone tucked in, then slowly straighten your spine up the wall (do this for 60 seconds).
2. Touch the wall with each vertebrae in turn, setting and stretching them in an upward direction until your head touches the wall. Stay in this position for 30 or more
seconds. Modifications
If this exercise is too difficult, hold the pose for only 15 seconds, repeating it two or three times.
General Warnings Нельзя выполнять больным глаукомой. It should not be performed by patients with sciatica or those who have problems with intervertebral discs.


surya namaskar
Saluting the Sun
Surya Namaskar is a series of twelve asanas performed along with the breath as a fluid movement (Vinyasa). A series of asanas is usually practiced 12 times - one for each sign of the zodiac, facing east every morning, after sunrise. These movements improve digestion, reduce weight and increase the feeling of youth and vitality. We recommend using Surya Namaskar exercises as a warm-up.
1. Stand in Tadasana (see page 39) with your hands together in front of your chest (namaste).
2. Inhale spread your arms to the sides and lift them up above your head in a circular motion of large amplitude. In this position, the elbows are straight and behind the ears, palms facing forward.
Each other. With each breath, lean on your heels and pull in your navel slightly to release your sacrum and lower your tailbone. At the same time, lift your sternum up and into your body, arching your chest up. As the sacrum moves down and the chest rises, the shoulders and arms are stretched up and back.
3. As you exhale, bend your knees and tilt your torso forward and down towards the floor. At the same time, lower your arms through your sides down. Stretch and straighten your spine.
4. While inhaling, take a deep step back with your left foot. Bend your right leg at a 90 degree angle. Open your chest forward and relax your hips, dropping them down towards the floor.
5. While inhaling, place your right foot back at a hip-width distance from your left foot. Stand on the front of your feet as you extend your arms, shoulders, and torso into one straight line. Point your pelvis up as you lower onto your heels.
6. Inhale and lower the hips down until the body is extended in one straight line - from the crown to the feet. The arms are strong and straight.
7. While inhaling, bend your knees, lower your chest and chin down until you touch the floor. Buttocks remain on weight.
8. Inhale as you slide forward along the floor. Tighten your legs and buttocks. Then, pulling your elbows back and keeping them close to your body, lift your head, neck and chest off the floor, bending up.
9. Inhale as you lift your lower back and buttocks up towards the ceiling (beginners get on hands and knees first), returning to pose 5.
10. Leaving the hands in the same position, inhale and step forward with the right foot, placing the foot between the palms, raise the head and neck (similar to pose 4).
11. As you exhale, pull the left foot to the right, placing the feet hip-width apart (similar to pose 3).
12. Inhale поднимите arms через стороны вверх над головой, одновременно выпрямляя туловище. In this position, the knees are slightly bent (similar to pose 2).
13. As you exhale, return to the starting position, connecting the brushes in namaste (similar to pose 1).
Repeat Surya Namaskar by switching the position of the legs in poses 4 and 10, i.e. perform this pose twice, one on each side, to complete one set. Do 2 to 12 approaches.




Mountain Pose
Starting position
1. From a standing position, feet parallel, stretch the soles, pressing them firmly to the floor. Each time you inhale, feel your close connection with the earth.
2. Holding this feeling, tighten your legs. Exhale and start stretching up. Stretch your hips, chest, chest, neck and head. With each exhalation, stretch up each part of your spine, vertebra by vertebra.
holding a pose
As you inhale, stretch your tailbone and sacrum down. Focus on connecting with the earth. As you exhale, stretch your spine up (from the waist). Relax your arms and hands, do not strain your neck muscles.
Completion of the pose
All standing poses begin and end with Tadasana.
Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of 5-10 cm. Head, shoulders, buttocks touch the surface. To stretch your lower back, move your tailbone down the wall. Simultaneously open your

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