Message: #67999
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 11:03

Super Squats How To Gain 30 Pounds Of Muscle In 6 Weeks. Strossen

роста, сфотографируйтесь перед началом программы и делайте снимки регулярно, а также ведите графики ваших рабочих scales. If you work as you should, then the last point will greatly surprise you.
Many are already in the habit of weighing themselves regularly, so this is usually not a problem - just be sure to record the result to track growth. Also, after you start to lift, your tape measure will most likely always be at hand and you will measure your biceps several times a week. Even if you don't get that meticulous, keeping track of your size will become a habit once you start exercising. The taste for photography, too, usually comes by itself. Those who care about their appearance are likely to amass a collection of their own photographs, while those who view it only as a means (to develop strength and promote health) will not care whether they have photographs or not. So the only thing left to discuss is the training diary.
Your training data is one of the most important things influencing future actions. Without them, you are forced to hit targets in the dark. The purpose of keeping a training diary is to collect data about your activities - it reflects your situation and provides both information and support to help you achieve your goals. For example, if you are not gaining weight well and you have a diary, then viewing it can показать вам, что вы недостаточно строго придерживались тренировочного графика и плохо следили за увеличением рабочих scales. Conversely, you will be motivated by the satisfaction of not missing a workout in the last six weeks, adding forty kilograms to your working weight in squats during this time, and gaining thirteen kilograms of strong muscles. Displaying your results as a graph allows you to view your diary under a microscope. For example, you will immediately see if the actual increase in working weights corresponds to the planned one.
Don't think that a workout diary has to be anything special - any notebook will do, and ordinary notebooks have a rich track record in this field. Write down the date and list every single exercise, along with weights and reps. Record data in the form "weight x number of reps" for each set performed. You can also add your own weight, general comments about how you feel, and individual comments about how you feel during individual exercises. For example, your diary might look like this:
As you can see, each exercise is accompanied by a record of the weight and number of repetitions for each set. Separate comments are added where necessary - these can be explanations or encouragement - whichever is more appropriate. Keeping and studying your training diary is one of the most useful additions to your basic exercise-diet-rest regimen, and it is a tool that is too often underused or underused. There is power in information. Remember that your diary gives you the information you need to build your power.

The right attitude

In the Super Squat pages, you've been advised to go beyond your limits, to use your mind to push your body to new heights. It's time to talk about a special way that will help to cope with this task. The basic version that we will use has been known by many names, but let's keep it simple and just call it "mental speaking".
While this technique literally works wonders, there are two things to warn you about. Firstly, the mental speaking technique is an art, so take the time to practice before you start using it to the fullest. coil. Second, as amazing as this technique is, don't try to use it for a dozen different purposes at the same time - focus on one. On this program, you will have to work hard to find a better use for it than maintaining your constant progress in squats. Later, you can use it to improve almost any aspect of your character or behavior.
Let's lay the foundation for this art. One way of working with the head in training is imagining success - creating what we are striving for inside our mind so that it is easier for the body to follow the intended path. Here's how it works:
First, you need to learn how to achieve very deep relaxation - this will clear the field for the imagination to work. Secondly, down to the smallest detail, using all the available senses, we will present a picture of the goal that we have set for ourselves. Thirdly, we will repeat this many times before we get to the heart of the problem. Fourth, right before we get to the point, we will make one last mental recitation of our planned action. Fifth, we will do what we strive for. It's not as difficult as it sounds, and the results are almost miraculous.
We will not go into details, but our success in mental recitation will be much greater if we first achieve a state of deep relaxation. There are many ways to do this, but they are all within three basic techniques: (1) deep breathing, (2) gradual relaxation, and (3) auto-training. Let's take a quick look at each of the techniques and put together a mental training program that can significantly increase your working weights.
Deep breathing generally lives up to its name. Take slow, deep breaths that fill your diaphragm—not just the tops of your lungs. To check if you are filling your diaphragm correctly, lie on your back and take a few breaths. If your belly is still and your chest is rising and falling, you are not breathing correctly - watch your belly rise and fall with your breath.
Gradual relaxation includes regular contraction and relaxation of the muscles (Jacobson, 1938). The point is that muscle tension and relaxation are incompatible and you need to distinguish the former from second. The best way, and therefore the path to deep relaxation, is to alternately tighten and relax the muscles.
Autotraining is widely used by athletes from Eastern Europe (Garfield and Bennett, 1985). It allows you to control a surprisingly large number of internal functions - including many that, until recently, were thought to be beyond conscious control (for example, heart rate). Auto-training in our performance will not reach the limits of its capabilities, we will only use it to teach the body to relax on a verbal command.
Some people respond better to certain techniques, others to others. Therefore, to achieve the best result, our approach will combine all three.
For our relaxation exercise, find a quiet place where you can lie down, where it will be warm and where you will not be disturbed. It could be a park, a beach or your bedroom. Clothing should be loose - no tight collars or belts, and it's a good idea to take your shoes off. Apart from breathing, you should remain still during the entire exercise, so it is worth getting comfortable from the very beginning.
Lie on your back without crossing your legs. Place your arms at your sides or cross them just above your waist. Even though you don't plan on falling asleep, it's best if you close your eyes. Take a few slow, deep breaths, making sure your belly rises and falls. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. As you inhale, imagine a soothing yet powerful wave covering your body like a blanket, and as you exhale, imagine how all your possible stresses, tensions and anxieties disappear into space. Take at least three or four of these breaths. Then slowly turn your head, shrug your shoulders gently and make a couple of faces that will make your facial muscles tighten, and then relax them. Then just relax. These exercises will identify the most common tense spots and help you get rid of the tension.
By now, you should already be feeling more relaxed, and remember that your ability to relax will improve with practice. Now move on to the toes and feet - tense the muscles, hold the tension for a second and relax. Rest for a second or two and do the same with calves - strain, hold the tension for a second and relax. Take a break again and move on to the hips. Repeat the procedure with the abdomen, chest and lower back, shoulders and upper back, neck and finally the face. Be careful not to contract the muscles to the point of cramping during the exercise - just to get a good feel for the tension - and then relax.
Take two or three deep breaths - the same as at the very beginning of the exercise. You should now feel noticeably more relaxed than when you started, but we will go through one more step on the way to an even deeper degree of relaxation. Start with your right leg and say, “My right leg is warm and heavy. I'm relaxed." Repeat this to yourself five times and do the same with the left leg. Do the same for the right and left hands. Finally, repeat the following five times: “My whole body is warm and heavy. I'm relaxed."
At this point, you will feel ready, but you will not feel your body. You are now ready to start mentally reciting your success!
Давайте рассмотрим мысленное проговаривание успешного подхода squats. Remember, the same technique can be used for literally any aspect of your life. Imagine your room - imagine as detailed a picture as possible. What does he look like? Familiar scents? Sounds? Tactile sensations? Imagine a barbell with your working weight on - mentally putting on plates can help create a clear image. Look at

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