Message: #68037
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 11:57

The New Bodybuilding Encyclopedia Book 4. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Otherwise, if he is subject to psychological pressure, he can only complain about himself.

The subtle art of psychological warfare. Как-то на конкурсе "Мистер Олимпия" one9eight0 года я нагнулся к Фрэнку Зейну и пошутил... a result, he laughed so hard that he lost all concentration for the next pose.

Один из самых знаменитых случаев психологического давления в бодибилдинге произошел на конкурсе "Мистер Вселенная" one975 года в Южной Африке (он зафиксирован в фильме "Люди, качающие железо"). Ken Waller, the eventual winner, stole Mike Katz's T-shirt for fun; Of course, this did not stop Mike from taking part in the competition, but he got an additional headache in a situation where the tension was already almost unbearable. Although Mike took this prank with exaggerated seriousness in the movie, I think he really put a lot of time and effort into finding his T-shirt, and when you compete at such a high level, you can not waste time on trifles.

I must admit that on occasion I myself have used similar tactics. На «Олимпии» one9eight0 года, стоя на сцене рядом с Фрэнком Зейном, я начал обстреливать его шутками. Soon he was laughing so hard that he could hardly get into the right positions. During another competition, I informed Serge Nubret that one of the judges wanted to move him to a lighter weight category. "That's what I was afraid of," Serge said grimly. Since then, he has been simply obsessed with this idea. As a result его процедура позирования рассыпалась, поскольку он не хотел выполнять определенные позы, которые (по его мнению) указывали на недостаточный вес. In an intense rivalry, as between myself and Serge Nubret, the psychological factor can be decisive.

Franco had his own way of psychological pressure on opponents before the competition. He arranged for someone to call him when one of his rivals came to practice at the World Jim gym. Having received the notification, Franco immediately went there, performed several warm-up series, and then took off his training suit and began to run around the hall in short shorts. Most bodybuilders prefer not to show their muscles when they are preparing for a competition, but Franco acted as if he did not care at all: he was just eager to show his athletic form. I once saw Chris Dickerson practically run out of the gym when Franco pulled off this trick, and then went on to goad Chris into taking off his shirt as well and facing off against him. As you can see, psychological warfare can begin long before the day of the competition.

На «Олимпии» one9eightone года Франко позаботился о том, чтобы его имя как можно чаще появлялось в средствах массовой информации. He was interviewed for Italian television and photographers filmed him in various poses, as if he was already a winner. At the same time, other participants had the impression that they were considered ordinary extras. I myself have used a similar tactic. By prior arrangement, some photographers only took pictures of me during the performance, until the other participants began to feel like they were not paying attention. Backstage, I also posed for photographers who ignored other bodybuilders and told me how great I looked. Of course, someone of my rivals began to ask themselves the question: "What am I doing here?"

No one is vaccinated against psychological pressure. I must admit that in return for my tricks, I was often repaid in the same coin. В one969 году Серджио Олива продемонстрировал один прием, познакомивший меня с методами психологической войны. Before going on stage, Sergio walked all the time in a long white coat, hunched his shoulders and lowered his head. I got the impression that the muscles of his back are not at all as good as they say. Even when he went to a corner to apply a coat of oil, I didn't get a good look at him. But потом Серджио нанес удар. When he walked out onto the brightly lit stage and flexed his lateral muscles, I swear I had never seen anything like it before. He seemed to tell me: "Here you have nothing to count on." And so it happened. I was destroyed. I looked at Franco and he tried to reassure me by whispering that it was all about the lighting, but that was little consolation.

While posing, Sergio kept calling me "baby". He was calm and confident (“Hey, baby, look at this pose!”), And I just didn’t have any chances. But не забывайте: этот трюк был удачным лишь благодаря чемпионскому качеству его мускулатуры. If a lower rank bodybuilder tried to do the same, I would just ridicule him.

But самым мощным способом психологического давления на соперников является ваша спортивная форма, если вы обладаете отличным телосложением и знаете, как показать его в самом выгодном свете. Many bodybuilders make the mistake of staying on stage and posing for as long as possible. This is risky as the audience starts to tire of them. "End the show when everyone is laughing and clapping" is a show business axiom that applies to bodybuilding as well. I always tried to bring the hall to the highest intensity, and then leave the stage. As a rule, I was called for an encore, which made an additional impression on the judges.

On the one hand, psychological warfare can be very subtle, and on the other, it can be open and brutal. На «Олимпии» one979 года, когда все участники собрались для взвешивания, никто из них не хотел первым раздеваться и показывать свою мускулатуру. Frank Zane потихоньку отошел в сторону, разделся, взвесился и ушел, прежде чем кто-либо успел понять, в чем дело. On the same day on the ad A poster hailing "Frank Zane, our champion" appeared on the billboard of a motel near the airport, a clear psychological shake-up for the incoming rivals.

If you are by nature not inclined to resort to such tricks, just know that from time to time you will become a target for other people's designs. When you are aware of your opponent's maneuvers and don't let them throw you off balance, that's half the battle.


So far, I've talked about the things that allow a bodybuilder to present himself well on stage and off stage: how to pose properly, how to dress, how to behave and build relationships with the media. Now I would like to dwell on another aspect of bodybuilding that too often escapes the attention of modern bodybuilders - how to represent your sport.

When I came into the world of bodybuilding, I admired champions such as John Grimek, Reg Park, Steve Reeves, Larry Scott and Bill Pearl, not only because of their great muscles, but because of their human qualities. They were worth looking up to. They were real representatives of bodybuilding in the outside world: the way they looked, dressed and talked had a beneficial effect on the development of bodybuilding as an independent sport.

They not only took their own from bodybuilding, but also filled it with new content. I have always tried to follow their example and myself encourage others to do the same. When you reach a certain level, your actions begin to have an impact on the sport as a whole. You are no longer just a bodybuilder who trains only for himself; you can promote bodybuilding or give people a negative impression of it depending on what you say and do. When I come to Atlanta for the city games, the mayor of the city always includes Lee Haney in the list of famous professional athletes he invites to the ceremonies. After leaving the big sport, Lee is actively involved in social events. When he stands next to national football and basketball stars or Olympic champions, which indicates the high status of bodybuilding in our country.

In addition to influencing the public perception of bodybuilding, you, as a champion, have the ability to influence the future of the sport. You you can become a judge or an administrator, write articles for magazines, or, like me, become a producer and organizer of bodybuilding competitions. Never forget that your words and actions can have real power, even independently of you.

To paraphrase a quote from a relative of my wife Maria, "Don't ask what bodybuilding can do for you; ask yourself what you can do for bodybuilding." Then in the future, a generation of young bodybuilders will grow up who will be grateful to you for what you have done.

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