Message: #67947
Buckshee » 03 Feb 2017, 09:19

Ayurveda is the science of self-healing. Vasant Lad

spicy, well cleanses the blood, acts as a tonic, helping digestion, relieves constipation. Acts as a sedative for respiratory conditions such as coughs and asthma. It is used against arthritis and as an antibacterial agent. Turmeric can be added to protein-rich foods to aid digestion and prevent gas. Turmeric успешно употребляется для поддержания флоры толстой кишки. As a gargle, turmeric is used to treat tonsillitis and throat blockages. Для этого готовят полоскание из двух щепоток куркумы двух щепоток соли на стакан warmй воды. Turmeric обладает также противовоспалительным свойством. For abrasions, bruises and traumatic swellings, a turmeric paste prepared from half a teaspoon of turmeric with a pinch of salt is applied locally. When applying such a paste to the affected areas, pain, swelling and inflammation quickly disappear.
Turmeric также употребляется при лечении диабета. For this, four or five capsules are taken after a meal to bring blood sugar back to normal levels.
YELLOW SORREL. This herb is a famous native of America. It has antipitta properties. It is a laxative, cleanses the blood, and is used as an anti-inflammatory medicine. Therefore, it can be used for the symptoms of arthritis, to relieve pain, with increased skin sensitivity and redness of the skin. It is effective in tea form in the treatment of dermatitis, hemorrhoids, eruptive inflammation of the neck, back and armpits. Due to its anti-toxic properties, yellow sorrel purifies the blood and calms imbalances in pitta. The root of this plant is used externally for ulcers, skin infections, and hard-to-heal abrasions.


In addition to the use of medicinal plants, Ayurveda uses the healing properties of metals, jewelry and stones. Ayurvedic teachings say that everything that exists in nature is endowed with the energy of the Universal Consciousness.
All forms of matter are simply the outer manifestation of this energy. prana, life force, flows from the Universal energy, which is the essence of all matter. In this way, металлы, камни и драгоценности являются внешним проявлением определенных форм энергии. These materials are reservoirs of pranic energy and this energy can be drawn for healing purposes. The ancient rishis of India discovered these energy actions through meditation.
Adverse influences on the normal functioning of the body, mind and consciousness can be neutralized by the use of jewels and metals. When applied to the skin, they emit electromagnetic waves that act on body cells and deep tissues. For example, при ношении ручного браслета из серебра и свинца можно избежать грозящих нарушений печени.
The physical health of the body, its spiritual and mental level depend on the cosmic influence. Just as a house is protected from lightning strikes with a copper rod, so the body can be protected from the electrical and magnetic radiation of the atmosphere through the use of jewelry and metals. Pure metals radiate astral light, which provides a powerful counteract to the negative influence of the planets.
All metals contain tremendous healing energy. Heavy metals such as mercury, gold, silver, copper, iron, lead and tin are used for treatment. However, even pure metals can contain some contaminants that are toxic to vital organs such as the liver, spleen, and heart. That's why аюрведическое учение предписывает особые методы очищения металлов. The metal is heated and worked with butter, cow urine, milk, ghee, fresh milk butter or sour grain gruel. These ancient methods perform a more subtle cleansing than simple chemical cleansing, allowing human tissues to experience the effects of pure metals, without any toxic effects. The beneficial effects of certain metals are described below.
COPPER. Alleviates excess kapha and fat. A good tonic for the liver, spleen and lymphatic system. Especially useful for people who tend to gain weight, retain water, or have lymphatic buildup. Copper also helps in the treatment of anemia. For the treatment of obesity and liver, as well as diseases of the spleen, drink two teaspoons of copper water three times a day for a month. To prepare this water, ten pennies in lime water, then put them in a quart of water and boil until half the volume of water boils away. Wearing a copper bracelet around your wrist also helps.
GOLD. Gold is effective in toning the nerves. It improves memory and intelligence, strengthens the heart muscle and increases endurance. Gold is good for hysteria, epilepsy, heart attacks, weakness in the lungs and liver. Refined gold turns into ash, burning in a fire. The energy of gold can be revealed by drinking golden healing water. To prepare this water, place a piece of gold jewelry (without any stones) in a volume of two glasses of water and boil until half of the volume boils away. The electron energy of the gold will enter the water during this process. One teaspoon of this water can be taken three times a day. Golden water will energize the heart, causing a weak pulse to become steady, healthy. Gold also improves memory, intelligence and understanding, stimulates the awakening of consciousness.
Gold has a warming property and should therefore be used with caution in Pitta constitutions. Some people cannot tolerate gold and may develop a rash when gold is applied.
IRON. Beneficial for bone marrow, bone tissue, red blood cells, liver and spleen. It increases the formation of red blood cells and therefore its ashes are used in the treatment of anemia. It is effective for enlargement of the liver or spleen. Iron strengthens muscles and nerve tissues, has restorative properties.
LEAD. Very effective remedy for skin diseases. It is also used to treat leucorrhea, vaginal disorders, tumors, gonorrhea and syphilis.
MERCURY. Очень heavy и сильнодействующий металл. It helps to stimulate the enzyme system, change and restore tissues. Mercury is considered the seed of the god Shiva in Indian mythology. Stimulates the intellect and awakens the consciousness. It should never be used alone, but always with sulphur. The energy of some herbs is increased thousands of times when taken with mercury and sulfur. These two substances transfer the action of herbs to the subtle channels and tissues of the body.
SILVER. Another very important healing metal. It has a cooling effect and is beneficial in treating pitta excesses. Helps strength and endurance. Used to treat vata diseases. However, for people of kapha constitution, it should be used with caution. Silver helps with exhaustion, chronic fever, weakness after fever, heartburn, inflammation of the intestines, overactive gallbladder and heavy menstrual bleeding. Серебро очень помогает при воспалительных сердечных болезнях, при violationsх печени и селезенки. Silver water is prepared in the same way as golden water. Питье warmго молока, согретого в серебряной посуде, увеличивает силу и выдержку.
TIN. Rejuvenating element. Refined tin ash is used in the treatment of diabetes, gonorrhea, syphilis, asthma, respiratory infections, anemia, skin diseases, lung diseases, and lymphatic blockages.

Jewels, stones and color therapy

Just like metals, jewels, stones and colors contain energy vibrations of healing properties. The healing energy of jewels and stones can be activated by wearing them in the form of jewelry - bracelets and rings, or by placing precious stones in water at night and drinking this water the next day. Jewels can be cleaned by placing them in salt water for two days. With their positive and negative vibrations, jewels radiate and at the same time repel energy. They activate the energy centers in the body, helping to develop sensitivity.
This is followed by a list of jewels favorable for people according to their time of birth, followed by descriptions of the properties and use for the treatment of many famous jewels and stones.

Calendar of stones according to the month of birth

- pomegranate
- ruby
- amethyst
- sapphire
- heliotrope
- Moonstone
- diamond
- opal
- agate
- topaz
- pearl
- ruby

Jewelry use

Для здоровья - amethyst, гелиотроп, жемчуг.

Чтобы ощутить тонкое воздействие энергии - diamond, ляпис лазурь, рубин.

Для привлекательных качеств - heliotrope, жемчуг.

For the development of mental abilities - lapis linkquis.

Для восприимчивости - agate, берилл.

To create a general protection - beryl, lapis linkquis.

For protection against colds - carbon steel.

Для защиты от гнева - pearl, опал.

AGATE. Smoky color. Agate protects children from fear and helps children to start walking earlier, maintains their balance. This gem stimulates spiritual awakening. Помогает облегчить капха violations. Agate contains the elements of ether, fire and air. It should be worn as a neck bracelet in a gold necklace.
AMETHYST. Blue or purple. Contains the elements of ether and water. Gives personal nobility, love, compassion and hope. Helps control emotional temperament. Good for treating vata and pitta imbalances. Amethyst should be worn around the neck in a gold necklace.
BERYL. Yellow, green or blue. Contains the elements of fire and ether. Стимулирует избыток pitta, облегчает избыток вата и kapha. Promotes intelligence, power, prestige and position in society. Enhances the value of art and music. It should be worn around the neck in a silver frame or in a silver ring worn on the index finger of the left hand.
HELIOTROPE. This quartz stone contains some drops of red color. Helps to stop hemorrhage, is the best blood purifier. Helps spiritual education of children. A good remedy for diseases of the liver, spleen and anemia. Contains fire and water. It should be worn around the neck in a gold necklace near the heart.
DIAMOND. White, blue or red. The energy of this highly refined gemstone carries subtle vibrations to the heart, brain, and subtle tissues. Red diamond has a fiery energy that stimulates pitta. Голубой алмаз имеет охлаждающее свойство, энергия которого успокаивает pitta и стимулирует kapha. Бесцветный алмаз стимулирует pitta и стимулирует kapha. In Ayurveda, diamond is used as a heart tonic. To do this, the diamond must be placed overnight in a glass of water and drink this water the next day. Diamond is an exquisite rejuvenating stone. It brings prosperity and spiritual uplift. It helps to create close kinship ties, thus traditionally


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