Message: #100872
Ольга Княгиня » 19 Apr 2017, 00:47

Introduction to Synastric Astrology. Absalom the Underwater

of planets in conjunction, but also on the general distribution of our roles and the accentuation and aspects of the planets in natal charts. The general meaning of the connection at the first initiation is a dead link, that is, the activation of my planet necessarily entails the activation of the partner’s planet, and the nature of the interaction practically does not depend on us; what it is can be judged by the natal and synastric aspects to the conjunction. The synastric connection is an energetic aspect, that is, tension arises between the planets, as between boxers in a clinch, and its resolution by us is uncontrollable - the paired egregor puts his experiments on us, and those around him can watch them with interest. Однако через синастрическое соединение может происходить и мощный отток энергии, особенно если в нем участвуют Сатурн, Плутон, Нептун или Луна, и тогда повторяющиеся отрицательные медитации будут буквально истощать партнеров, а иногда и окружающий их внешний world. The synastric connection of even the planets of the same name does not give rivalry - here we are united with partners, and the paired egregore is in charge of the distribution of energy. For example, for the synastric connection of my Sun with the Sun of the partner, volitional control is characteristic - let's say, I command - the partner obeys, but does it as if reflexively, that is, without resisting and not opposing his initiative to my intentions. And if at some point he turns out to be stronger, I will subordinate my will also reflexively. Personal effects from synastric conjunctions should be determined by the natal aspects of the planets. Of course, at first we will be attracted by the synastric conjunctions of harmonious planets, but their energy quickly becomes boring. Very peculiar effects arise when my harmonious planet connects with the partner's afflicted planet - at first his tension is relieved, and he feels great help and support from me without any of my efforts; I am also very interested and instructive with him. However, these initial advances and hints of a paired egregore, meaning my real help to a partner, are quickly depleted, and mutual disappointment sets in with my partner; however, with a strong inclusion of the affected planet and the significant troubles and experiences that accompany it, he may again turn to me, and I will most likely do something for him. The combination of the affected planets gives a lot of mutual displeasure and claims, and we will instinctively avoid including them, which, however, will not always succeed and will raise the question of personal development of these planets to a height: that is, each of us will understand that here from a partner only trouble, and you need to do something yourself.

Synastric оппозиция - аспект непримиримых, но безрезультатных сражений с партнером и постоянной дележки энергии paired egregore. If there are softening trines (natal or synastric) on both sides of the opposition, then these battles can initially bring partners a lot of joy and fun, since they will not be taken seriously and resemble sports, but over time, when the relationship begins to exhaust itself (and for the first initiations is a regular rule), elements of antagonistic rivalry and attempts to pull the blanket over to one's side will arise more and more often and are experienced by partners more intensely. ATнимательное наблюдение (к которому партнеры, однако, не будут склонны) покажет, что стычки и соперничество в борьбе увенчиваются видимым успехом то одного партнера, то другого вне зависимости от их усилий: просто в одни периоды оказывается сильнее и удачливее первый, в другие - второй. The most intense option is the synastric opposition of the affected planets - then the defeated one cries bitterly and may be forced to move on to working out the corresponding planets in his personal map - and this will certainly benefit him, even if he remains irreconcilable in relations with a partner. The most severe option is obtained when the harmonious planet of one partner is in opposition to the affected planet of the other - a kind of cat and mouse arises in which a fun win-win game of one turns into torment of the other, which most likely will go completely unnoticed by the first. However, in this case, after some time, the first partner receives a karmic return, which can also be broadcast through other synastric aspects (or even occur in other plots, that is, not related to this partner). ATторое значение синастрической оппозиции - антагонизмы и противопоставление пары внешнему миру - на этом союзе сказываются слабо просто потому, что пара редко ощущает себя единой. But if this does happen sometimes, then such an opposition can serve as a completely fatal reason for a split. The synastric opposition of the feminine and masculine planets, for example, my Moon to my partner's Mars, manifests itself in a peculiar way. Here I will be inclined to put the partner in front of a dilemma: either he directs all his energy to taking care of me, or I completely ignore him, and my last reaction will infuriate him, since in his reality my main function is to support his actions, and how as soon as I begin to evade this, he attacks me with all his might, accusing me of indifference, selfishness, and so on. However, if I am an experienced vampire, I can simply eat all his energy, and he remains completely exhausted and desperate, and I am well-fed, but with large bruises on the astral, etheric, and sometimes physical body.

The synastric trine is an aspect of a joyful and harmonious joint rest and generally unclouded consumption of the energy of a paired egregore, and if possible, of the entire surrounding world, which may strongly dislike this aspect of ours. When the synastric trine is turned on, partners can just feel good - they rest both from their own problems of each of them, and from mutual conflicts and contradictions; here the tension subsides and you can enjoy life and each other for some time. True, over time, the trine can get bored, but if the planets that form it are not entirely harmonious in the charts of partners, then this will not happen for a long time. Here danger threatens rather, from the outside world, from which the synastric trine takes a fair amount of energy and harmony. The fact is that at the first initiation, the harmony of relations is always achieved at someone else's expense - either a paired egregor, or the outside world, which around partners is filled with dullness and despondency or falls into depression. Так, например, две барышни с синастрическим трином между ATенерами могут очень комфортно ощущать себя в любом окружении и, принимая мимолетные мужские знаки внимания, не обращать, тем не менее, взоры на их непосредственные источники, а быть полностью поглощенными друг другом, своей красотой, wit and brilliance - and after a while the stronger sex begins to feel extremely uncomfortable and out of place, being unable to break the seductive tandem and draw his attention to himself. ATообще в эволюции синастрического трина на первом посвящении можно различить четыре основные фазы:

Phase 1 - energy is transmitted by a paired egregor and the world around, and partners are unreasonably comfortable and good with each other;

Phase 2 - the energy of the paired egregor is naturally consumed by one of the partners, the second gets almost nothing, although he expects something by inertia;

Phase 3 - the energy exchange goes very naturally, but horizontally, that is, one of the partners acts as a vampire, but it seems to both that it cannot be otherwise;

Phase 4 - gray meditation, that is, when interacting with both partners, a slight cozy depression takes over, and both lose their energy. Например, синастрический трин ATенеры мужа к Луне жены может в начале их совместной жизни давать им много радостей, и не только сексуальных; for example, they can enjoy entertaining each other in this way: the wife prepares dinner, and the husband sets the table with taste, after which the dinner is eaten enthusiastically, and the spouses look at each other with adoration all the while. However, the trine gradually loses its strength and acquires a peculiar modality of sluggish obligation: "And so that you don't feed your hungry husband." - "And what would you not set the table." Both are being done, but without the same enthusiasm. In the second or third phase, both responsibilities can already be transferred to someone alone, and in the fourth, disgusting everyday life begins, and even the usual sexual harmony does not cause anything but boredom.

Synastric square at the first initiation - the aspect of a fatal misunderstanding of each other and a variety of troubles and obstacles, the causes of which each of the partners is inclined to see exclusively in the other. Для женщин особенно тягостны синастрические квадраты их Луны и Нептуна, для мужчин - Солнца и Марса, и для всех без исключения - ATенеры, Сатурна и Плутона. If the synastric square is formed by the constantly active planets of the partners, then, having suffered for some time, they will most likely hate each other and disperse, unless they discover a common field of purposeful activity and pass to the second initiation - there the square will either disappear, or will sound completely different.-other. If the planets in the synastric square do not turn on too often or are harmonious in natal charts, partners can still tolerate its influence, or materialize its energy in ugly scandals or scenes of jealousy, the dirty vibrations of which will help them learn the


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