Message: #100785
Ольга Княгиня » 18 Apr 2017, 23:54

Secrets no one knew about. Vyacheslav Olegovich Ruzov

не конец света, а конец тьмы". Similarly, the media need their products to be constantly read, bought and watched. Therefore, they have no choice but to scare people with the next end of the world. This just proves that they are not professionals, they are ordinary amateur cheaters. In fact, the Vedas say that despite all the cataclysms that are characteristic of our time, we are at the very beginning of the Golden Age, which makes it possible for everyone to find spiritual happiness. But it is not profitable to talk about it, it will not bring the desired fear ...

Another sign of a tormenting lover's conscience is his attempt to disguise his ignorance with all his might. behind complex and incomprehensible terms. A professional is someone who speaks simply, clearly and practically. But this is possible only on the basis of vast experience, the deepest education and the authority of tradition. Clarity, like the transparency of water, is a sign of a calm consciousness, turbidity is a sign of a disturbed consciousness that does not have a harmonious system obtained as a result of real education. And it is impossible to hide this turbidity with anything. Therefore, the first sign of an amateur is turbidity in everything, in words, in explanations, in advice. Muddy advice can only lead to more problems. If the windshield in the car is dirty, it is better to clean it with wipers as soon as possible, otherwise an accident cannot be avoided.

Remember: a professional knows the main problem of a person - each person is looking for a solution in the complex, but in reality, he does not think about the simplest ... Yes, oddly enough, but we are mistaken not in the complex, but in the very elementary. Husband and wife are trying to understand the problems of compatibility, but they have never thought about what a family is, in fact. The patient is trying to understand how to cure the disease, but he has never thought about what health is. And in general, a person tries to get rid of grief, without thinking about what happiness is. A professional sees mistakes in simplicity and this makes him very effective, since simple and easy to change is different from complex and confusing...


Astrology is not дешевое волшебство, позволяющее добиться чего-либо через взятку астрологу, это серьезная наука, раскрывающая возможности человека, которыми он должен воспользоваться сам, а не рассчитывать на волшебные перемены. On the one hand, all the changes in our lives are magical, since they occur according to the law of karma, invisible to us, but as soon as we recognize this law, it turns out that this apparent magic is the toughest law that everyone, without exception, obeys.. Some people just know it and others don't. Therefore, the astrologer is just a cosmic lawyer who knows the law well and helps his client to do the right thing in a given situation.

Once a famous astrologer was asked:

Is it true that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell?

“No,” said the astrologer, “everyone goes where they want...

Yes, the famous phrase that ignorance of the law is no excuse applies to the laws of karma as well. Therefore, on the one hand, you either need to figure out what is good and what is bad, or turn to a good specialist. But on the other hand, as long as we think at the level of good and bad, black and white, friends and enemies, our problems will still remain our problems, since a solution to a problem is impossible at the level of the problem itself. Therefore, the task of an astrologer is the ability to raise a person's consciousness to the next level, which allows you to look at the problem a little differently.

In this sense, any spiritually developed person is by definition an astrologer, as he is able to raise the thinking of a person from the level of his material activity to the level of spiritual worldview. A person must understand that above his personal understanding of good and bad, no matter how correct it may be, there is also the will of fate, which knows better what is useful for us and what is harmful. Even Pythagoras, who is deeply involved in astrology, said that there is no point in praying for ourselves, since in principle we cannot understand what will be good for us and what will be harmful. Therefore, a person who knows the laws of karma acts piously, worthily accepts the consequences of his actions and prays for the happiness of others. This is the style of behavior that a real professional should teach us.

There is an interesting contemporary story about a man who was constantly anxious. Finally, his friends began to worry about this - they were afraid that anxiety would lead him to the grave ahead of time. They began to worry about his worries! It was no longer just him who was so worried, but everyone around him. But suddenly, one fine day, everyone saw that this person was no longer worried, he was absolutely calm and peaceful. And then his friend asked:

- What happened? How could you change so quickly?

“And I got rid of all my worries in one fell swoop,” he said.

- Wonderful! And how did you achieve this?

“I hired a man who now worries about me,” he replied.

“I’ve never heard of such a thing,” the friend admitted, “and how much do you pay him?”

- A thousand dollars a month.

— A thousand dollars a month! exclaimed the friend. - But this is impossible! Are you able to pay that much?

“I don’t know,” answered the lucky man, — but that's the first thing he's worried about now.

So a person who comes for counseling may hope that he can shift his problems onto the shoulders of another person, but this is as naive as suggesting that you can hire a person who will not only worry about you, but eat or sleep. And the astrologer will also not be able to test his karma for another, get his experience or draw his conclusions. Everyone must go through it himself, experience it on his own skin.

As a rule, a person wants to avoid what should teach him the most important skills in his life. Wealth will not bring happiness if a person cannot adequately endure poverty. Health will not bring any joy to a person if he cannot continue on his way even in a state of illness. A person's loyalty will not be complete if he himself does not endure the feelings that a person who has been betrayed experiences.

We can't become honest unless we experience the deception first hand. It is not enough to know the good, because knowing the good does not always save us from foolish behavior, because our negative tendencies may be stronger than our right desires. Therefore, in order to add strength to our positive desires and resist stupid tendencies, fate sends us additional negative experience in this direction, for which we should be extremely grateful to her.

Negative experiences are not fate's mockery of our helplessness, but good teaching examples that allow us to temper our minds as quickly as possible in order to prepare us for a real mission. Everyone dreams of a mission, but is everyone ready to take the young fighter course, which includes many tests and tests? We want a mission without danger, trials and adventures. We need a chocolate taster mission. But a mission is always a rescue operation, and it is never easy and safe. Therefore, fate teaches us the most important thing - to get out of the influence of what we are now dependent on. The mission requires total dedication, but if I can't turn down dinner or a late-night TV series, then what kind of missionary am I, I'm just a layman who cares about the softness of my house slippers...

So one day a blind man was going to visit his father-in-law. He walked, groping his way with his cane. Passing through the field, he approached the shepherd boy and asked: “My friend, do not would you be so kind as to take me to my father-in-law's house?" To which he replied: “I am busy, I have to graze cows. While I will see you off, all my cows will scatter. But of course there is something I can do for you. Here is your father-in-law's cow, she is very faithful to her master. Hold tight to her tail. Она доведет тебя до его дома".

Following the shepherd's advice, the blind man gripped the animal's tail tighter. The cow went, and he followed her. However, the cow did not like that some blind man was pulling her tail, so she galloped at full speed. She raced along the road, and sometimes ran into the bushes. The blind man trailed behind, besides, from time to time he received kicks from the cow's hind hooves. As a result, he was covered from head to toe with bruises, and all his clothes were torn to shreds. Anyway, late in the evening he reached his father-in-law's house. Well, he was a spectacle! The poor man was "in what his mother gave birth", and his whole body was covered with abrasions and scratches. The servant mistook him for a thief. The blind man was severely beaten and driven away.

So we must clearly understand that advice to advice is different. An amateur's advice may lead to the desired result, but what will be the price, that is the question. A


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