Message: #69382
Татьяна Юсупова » 05 Feb 2017, 03:28

Why We’re Getting Fat: A Collection of Metabolic Injustices

over generations to increase their fructose content.)

In a small can of cola, eighty calories come from fructose. In the same volume of fruit juice, there are already eighty-five of them. Our liver reacts to a similar flow of fructose by converting most of it into fat and transferring it to adipose tissue. That's why forty years ago, biochemists called fructose the most "lipogenic" carbohydrate - it is this that we convert into fat the fastest. At the same time, the glucose found in sucrose, along with fructose, increases blood sugar levels and stimulates insulin secretion, as well as switching fat cells to harvest any calories they come across - including the fat formed in the liver from fructose.

The more we consume this sugar and the longer it is present in our diet, the more our bodies adapt to it, adjusting the mechanisms for converting it into fat. Our “fructose metabolism patterns” change over time, as explained by British biochemist and fructose specialist Peter Mayes. it не только способствует откладыванию жира directly to the liver - a disease known as "fatty liver disease" - but this seems to develop insulin resistance in our muscle tissue through a series of domino-related factors that originate from the insulin resistance of liver cells.
So while fructose doesn’t have any immediate effect on blood sugar and insulin levels, over time—perhaps over a few years—it can cause insulin intolerance to develop and thereby increase calories stored as fat.
The arrow on our fuel distribution scale thus begins to lean towards fat storage, even if it was not so at all initially. It is quite possible that if we never ate all that sugar, we would never become fat or have diabetes, even despite the abundance of starchy carbohydrates and flour in the diet.
it могло бы объяснить, почему некоторые народы третьего мира питаются большим количеством углеводов и тем не менее не толстеют и не болеют диабетом, в то время как другим везет в этом плане меньше. Those peoples who are not fat (at least they were not) traditionally have very little sugar in their diet. If you have begun to gain weight and want to stop it and become slim again, then you should start by giving up sugar.
Alcohol is a separate issue. Alcohol processing occurs mostly in the liver. About 80 calories in a shot of vodka, for example, are sent directly to the liver, where they are converted into a small amount of energy and into a large number of molecules called "citrates". The citrates then serve as fuel for the process by which fatty acids are released from glucose. Thus, alcohol increases the production of fat in the liver, which could be a great explanation for alcoholic fatty liver disease.
It can also make us fatter in other places, depending on whether we ate or drank carbohydrates along with this alcohol, and, as a rule, we do. Approximately a third of the calories in beer, for example, initially come from maltose, a refined sugar, and only two-thirds of the total calories come from alcohol itself. The obvious result of this process is the famous beer belly.
We get fat even from the thought of food
If you If you are prone to gaining excess weight and still want to stay lean for your health, then you need to limit your carbohydrate intake, thus keeping your blood sugar and insulin levels low. However, it is worth remembering that you are not losing fat because you limit yourself in calories. You lose weight by limiting the foods that make you fat—carbohydrates. If you добьетесь желаемого вами результата, а потом вернетесь к своей прежней богатой углеводами диете, то снова наберете сброшенные килограммы жира. The fact that only some people get fat from carbohydrates (just like how only some people get cancer from smoking) does not change the fact that the only way to get rid of it, if you become one of them, is to refuse such food.
it не единственная несправедливость, которая вовлечена в это дело. She is not even the worst of them. From what I wrote earlier, it does not follow that losing weight or maintaining your weight as before will be possible without self-sacrifice. So far, we have only talked about the fact that carbohydrates make us fat and prevent us from getting rid of extra pounds. However, it is precisely those foods that are responsible for our fat folds that top the list of foods that we like the most and without which we cannot imagine our lives - pasta, buns, bread, french fries, sweets and beer including.
it не случайность. Animal experiments have shown that with the greatest pleasure they eat - or even overeat - the food that most quickly provides their cells with energy - easily digested carbohydrates. However, another important factor is how hungry we are, which is also a measure of how much time has passed since the last meal and how much energy we have spent during this period. The longer there is a pause between meals and the more energy we use during this time, the hungrier we end up with, the tastier the food will seem to us: Wow! it было здорово. I was so hungry. “Often, and not without reason, they say,” Academician Pavlov wrote more than a hundred years ago, “that hunger is the best sauce.”
Even before we start eating, insulin already stimulates the feeling of hunger. Remember that insulin starts to be released just by thinking about food (especially after thinking about carbohydrate-rich foods and sweets), and the second we bite into the first bite, the amount of insulin secreted increases. itт процесс происходит еще до того, как пища начинает перевариваться, и задолго до появления глюкозы в крови. itт инсулин предназначен для подготовки организма к ожидаемому потоку глюкозы путем откладывания в сторону других присутствующих на данный момент в крови питательных веществ — в частности, жирных кислот. Not surprisingly, the feeling of hunger intensifies at the mere thought of food, and then it intensifies even more after the first bitten off pieces (remember the proverb “appetite comes with eating”?).
As we eat, this "metabolic hunger drive," as the French scientist Jacques Le Magnin called it, begins to recede, we gradually satisfy our appetite, and our perception of the palatability of food also begins to slowly fade away. Now insulin has reached the brain, where it works to suppress appetite and the desire to profit from something. As a result, the first few bites of our lunch seem to us much tastier than its leftovers. it является наиболее правдоподобным физиологическим объяснением того, почему многие из нас — как толстые, так и худые — с таким удовольствием поедают пасту, булочки и другую богатую углеводами пищу. From the mere thought of it, we already begin to secrete insulin.

Insulin makes us hungrier, as it temporarily removes nutrients from the blood and stores them, which in turn makes our first bites of food taste much better than they really are. The more insulin and blood sugar levels rise in response to eating a particular food, the more we like it - the tastier it seems to us.

This association of taste with insulin and blood sugar levels is almost certainly magnified in obese people and in those who are predisposed to putting on extra pounds. The fatter they get, the more they crave carb-rich foods, because their insulin is working harder to store fat in adipose tissue and protein in muscle, where they can't be used as fuel for the body. When we develop insulin resistance, which is ultimately inevitable, most of the day if not all day, an excess of it begins to splash through our veins.
As a result, most of the day, the only available fuel in the body is glucose, obtained from carbohydrates. Insulin, remember, causes proteins and fats, and even glycogen (the form in which carbohydrates are stored in the body) to be put aside for later use. It tells the cells in our body that they can use the excess sugar in the blood as fuel, which in fact is simply not there. That's why we crave glucose so much. Even if you eat a protein or fatty meal - a piece of meat or cheese, insulin will ensure that the nutrients contained in it are stored in reserve, instead of allowing the body to use them. You will not be drawn to such food, at least you will dream of accompanying it with some carbohydrates - a piece of bread, for example, because your body at this moment has little interest in burning proteins or fats.
With sweets, again, a separate story, which you will not surprise a sweet tooth (or someone who has ever raised a child). First, the fact that fructose is processed in the liver, coupled with the insulin-stimulating effect of glucose, may be enough to induce sugar cravings in people who are predisposed to gaining extra pounds. However, there is another process that takes place in the brain: when you eat sugar, according to research by Bartley Hoebel of Princeton University, it causes a reaction in the same part of the brain - known as the "pleasure center" - that cocaine is directed to, alcohol, nicotine and other addictive substances. The same thing happens with food, because, apparently, this is precisely what the pleasure center appeared in the course of the revolution: it stimulates such actions (eating and sex) that are necessary for the survival of the species. However, sugar seems to have found a way to outsmart this mechanism in ways that are unnatural for our body, just like cocaine and nicotine do. If

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