Message: #291319
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 16:59

The art of controlling intimate muscles. Secrets of the great seductresses of the world. Evgeniya Valentinovna Frolova

in them.

Ninth movement "Jasmine Aroma" (Fig. 16, 17).

To successfully master this exercise, it is important to master special breathing. In some cultures, it is called the breath of fire. As you exhale, pull your stomach in, and as you inhale, fill it with air. In the supine position, legs bent at the knees, emphasis on the feet, put your right hand on the pubis to feel how the wave-like compression of the vaginal muscles advances the jade testicle deep into the uterus. Then exhale, tighten the vaginal muscles and tighten the testicle. Hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax completely on a slow breath.

Perform the exercise 7 times, ending it only on compression.

Tenth movement "Priestess of Love" (Fig. 18).

Close your eyes, relax. Let's fantasize a little. Feel yourself surrounded by flowers, their aromas and colors. Fill them with freshness, brightness, awe, feel how all these states become part of you. You are a priestess of love, you are passion, love, tenderness itself, you are full of desire to share your state with your beloved. Invite him to dance, involve him in your endless ecstasy and feel how your heart beats in the same rhythm with the heart of your loved one.

“Is it possible to do this set of exercises every day?” I am often asked.

Of course you can! Several thousand women around the world practice the "Pearl of Great Price" daily, and the responses are only enthusiastic and grateful. And of course you need to! This is a real step towards awakening the power of the female self - the inexhaustible potential of our possibilities.

“When the time comes to start, start,” the Masters say.

These lines are a gift for those who have started. Who, in spite of everything, found the time and energy to study, who mastered this complex.

Congratulations, you have embarked on the "path of initiation." The first stage of the seven stages of cultivation is over.

Дзенский монах Ikkyu сказал:

Lots of trails
Leads from the foot of the mountain,
But at the top
We all contemplate
The same bright moon.
Sit in the evening at the window where the resurgent moon is visible. Light a candle. Relax. What do you see? Rainbow light, flashes, flicker. What is this? A game of imagination or flashes of northern lights? The guess will stun you! This radiance emanating from you, you are the Pearl of Great Price! And the flickering light of the candle and the smile of the moon simply reflect your radiance and beauty. Get used to this new sensation, make friends with it, fill it with brilliance, and one day you will feel that it is time to open your shell doors a little.

The second stage is the conscious control and management of the muscles of love. Do the exercises that our ancestors performed several thousand years ago. But first, disinfect the jade testicle, hold it in your palms and warm it with your warmth.

The Inner Smile is the foundation of all practices. Smile at your heart, feel how it, like a rose that gives warmth and tenderness, opens up, and move this warmth of the heart to your intimate organs - the uterus, ovaries, vagina and clitoris. Smile at them. Feel how the female organs are filled with sunlight and love.

And now erotically and slowly immerse the jade testicle into the womb and start the exercises.

"Playing the Flute"

The main task of this two-part exercise is to learn how to tighten and relax the vaginal rings - the first, second, third and fourth - and acquire the skill of their undulating contraction.

1. In the supine position, legs bent at the knees, emphasis on the feet, squeeze the PC muscle (first ring) and begin to pull it up, at the same time moving the testicle to the uterus. (We can control the depth of the jade by using a silk thread tied to the hole in the testicle.) Then relax the first ring and begin to compress the fourth (vaults), pushing and driving the testicle down to the PC muscle, etc.

Perform the exercise daily 36 times.

2. Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent and relaxed, pelvis slightly forward to better feel the jade egg inside. Squeeze the first ring and push the testicle up the vaginal canal, gradually engaging the second and third rings. Move the jade towards the uterus. Then relax the first ring and tighten the fourth, gradually involving the third ring in the process of moving the testicle, then the second ring to the PC muscle, etc.

Perform the exercise daily 36 times.

3. In the knee-elbow position, begin to move the testicle up and down.

Perform the exercise daily 36 times.

Древнее упражнение "Playing the Flute" выполняется ежедневно в разных позах в течение 3–5 лет до формирования устойчивого навыка, пока вы не сможете манипулировать интимными мышцами, как пальцами рук. Subsequently, to consolidate and maintain the result, it is necessary to perform the exercise 1-3 times a week.

"Ripples in the Water"

You already know the name of this technique. It came up when we described the skill of the geisha "Flaming Chrysanthemum". It's time to move on to practice. The main task упражнения "Ripples in the Water" заключается в укреплении и развитии репродуктивного колечка, поэтому оно показано женщинам, которые планируют зачатие. It also helps to realize and launch the "uterine kiss" (sucking the cervix to the phallus) by developing the sensitivity of the cervix, improves vaginal secretion and, as a result, enhances the woman's ability to ejaculate.

For this exercise, you will need a disposable diaper.

In the supine position.

Take position lying on your back, legs wide apart and bent at the knees, emphasis on the feet. Lay a diaper under the pelvis. Start contracting the rings alternately, pushing the egg out until you "shoot" it out of the vagina. Then load it back. And so on. Do the exercise 36 times. If this technique seems complicated to someone, it can be simplified. To this end, rest your elbows on the floor and train in pushing out the egg with its increasing immersion:

a) insert the jade testicle 1-1.5 cm deep and push it out with the help of the second ring, while the first should be absolutely relaxed. Immerse back, etc. And so 36 times;

b) increase the insertion depth by 4–5 cm and push the egg out with the help of the third and second rings. Immerse it back, etc. And so 36 times;

c) insert the testicle as deeply as possible and push it out as vigorously as possible, involving the fourth ring in the process. Strive for a fast pace. And so 36 times.

In a standing position.

Legs согните в коленях, таз расслабьте (положение полуприсев). There should be a soft surface under your feet (foam rubber mat, small pillow), covered with a disposable sheet. Insert the jade testicle into the vagina by 1-1.5 cm and push it back, insuring the fall of the egg to the floor with your hand. Enter it back, etc. Do the exercise 36 times.

Increase the immersion depth to 4 cm and push out the testicle. Repeat the exercise 36 times.

Insert the jade testicle as deep as possible and push it out, using your hand to insure the fall of the egg to the floor. Repeat the exercise 36 times.

In the knee-elbow position.

Take this position, put a disposable sheet under your knees. The technique for performing the exercise is the same as in the standing position.

Техника "Ripples in the Water" считается освоенной, если вы за одно усилие сможете продвинуть нефритовое яичко в глубь и выстрелить им наружу.

Obviously, mastering this exercise will require a lot of time and effort.


This is an effective exercise for developing the strength of intimate muscles and increasing the vitality of the body. Training with a gradual increase in the weight of the weights requires significant efforts of the vaginal muscles, which include the internal organs and glands in the process, which in turn leads to an increase in the production of hormones and activation of vitality.

To complete the exercise you will need: a hook, a plastic a 1.5 liter bottle and a jade egg with a strong silk thread.

Enter the egg, to which a thread with a hook is attached in its lower part, into the vagina. Pour 250 ml of water into the bottle and fasten the thread around the neck. Hang it on a hook. Clamping the testicle with vaginal muscles, try to lift the bottle of water above the floor and hold it in this position for up to five seconds.

Squat with the load, placing it on the floor. And so 36 times.

Walk with the load around the room, taking 36 small minced steps.

Try to pull the jade testicle along with the load as deep as possible.

Gradually, by 100 ml, increase the amount of water in the bottle, bringing it to 1.5 liters. This is the load that a developed vaginal muscle must hold. Do not need anymore.

Weight training should be done no more than every other day.

Chapter 9
The modern rhythm of life sometimes does not leave a business woman even an hour for herself, she has to solve a huge amount of business tasks, and this takes time. In addition, we are still hostages of our cars, and if we can sometimes postpone business, then a red traffic light, alas, is a payment for social benefits. Calculate how long you spend in traffic jams and at traffic lights.

I would like to share some valuable advice. Let the red eye of the traffic light now serve as a signal to start training your intimate muscles. (Red is the color of sexuality and passion. Do not waste time, fill your intimate


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