Message: #291319
Ольга Княгиня » 22 Jan 2018, 16:59

The art of controlling intimate muscles. Secrets of the great seductresses of the world. Evgeniya Valentinovna Frolova

area with it.) For this, you will need a set of three jade eggs. Choose a comfortable size. This means that you should feel the testicle inside your body. Then prepare it (see above for details). In the morning after your shower, dip your testicle into your vagina and start wearing it at home. Over time, when you make sure that you can keep the egg in your vagina for a long time, feel free to defile with it in the supermarket and even take it to work.

And here you are on your way. The trunk of a rose is dotted with thorns, the road is traffic lights. Red is our favorite color - an erotic light in the labyrinths of perfection, a signal to start training! Sitting in the car, start squeezing the first vaginal ring. Feel the jade testicle immersed in the vagina. Start lifting the testicle towards the cervix (fourth ring). As soon as it touches the cervix, push it back to the first ring.

So, raise and lower your testicle until the traffic jam clears. Thus, you will not only carry the testicle inside the vagina, passively training it, but also learn the subtle control of the vaginal rings.

My practical experience confirms the correctness of the saying: "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." All you need is an integrated approach: "Inner smile", testicles, exercise equipment, a computer program. All this allows relatively quickly, in 6-9 months, to achieve the desired result. If the improvement basket consists only of testicles, it will take 3-5 years.

But it is better to do at least something than to wait for the weather by the sea.

In 2003, a respectable lady came to the Academy from Australia and asked urgently to teach her the art of controlling the muscles of love. The story is common, except for the age of the woman - she was 67 years old. The serial simulator of standard sizes turned out to be hopelessly small for her. Especially for Lea had to design a new one. Three months, which the lady spent almost non-stop training, gave me a lot of anxiety. I explained that this technique categorically forbids practicing for hours, that it can be dangerous to health, especially in old age.

- It is dangerous for you - young, and I have a term for love in ten years. Don't distract me," replied the lady.

Surprisingly, those three months that she devoted to classes, according to the result, turned out to be a record in the entire history of my practice.

Chapter 10
Many women dream of being queens of sex. Many women wish that in the bed of love the beloved would receive incomparable pleasure. One worthy woman said: "The world belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their aspirations." I want sweet bodily, spiritual benefits.

Congratulations! Having a desire is already half the battle. Stop for a little: a little time, a pinch of patience, a sip of perseverance, and the beloved is yours forever.

At the beginning of this “friend book” (I hope this will be the case), I talked about how my future mentor ended up in Moscow and how much time she offered one lady to master the basic skills of the art of love. Let me remind you: three years of exercise without interruption, at least five hours a day. Of these, a year and a half to master proper breathing, meditation and работу с weights. My husband and I knew the requirements of the masters from the first trips to the countries of the East. And they well understood that none of the modern women simply has such time to master this art. And I want to master and comprehend .... And love!

The husband, being an engineer by his first education, discovered in ancient Chinese treatises a description of a simulator for developing the muscles of love. Just imagine, a simulator that was not much different from the modern one! Elected women used it four thousand years ago. Even then, in order to facilitate and speed up the process, a unique device was invented, with the help of which the “gentle rulers” learned to control the muscular corset of the intimate zone and maintain it in the tone of “passionate desire” (an enthusiastic saying of men referring to the mistresses of love).

But let us return to our days and analyze in detail what the process of preparing a modern priestess of family happiness looks like.

A woman immerses a silicone chamber the size of a tampax inside. A rubber tube is connected to the chamber, a pear-pump is connected to the tube. With its help, the woman pumps air into the chamber, it swells, exerting light pressure on the walls of the vagina. Any woman, especially at first, will have a passionate desire to contract the vaginal muscles. If this succeeds, the result will be reflected on the scale of the sexometer. The movement of the arrow will objectively show how good you are in bed. Everything is simple. It is impossible to obtain the effect that can be achieved with the help of this simulator by any other means and exercises.

Years of practical work more than once confronted me with ambitious women who claimed to be in perfect control of their bodies. Some claimed that they were endowed with this skill by nature, others stated that they were fond of Tantra, Kama Sutra or Yoga and they were all right with it. But of the four thousand students who passed through my hands, at the first lesson, no one owned the muscles. Of course, the readings of the sexometer were different for everyone, but not so much that one could talk about any skill. Only one woman who came to the Academy to study surprised me with the result. She was a world famous opera singer.

Yes, at the first lesson, the sexometer needle treacherously trembles in place, you see your own indicators, bite your lips in annoyance and tune in for the best. In the next classes, something starts to work out. Hope for success inspires, priestesses of love are no longer authority. You set yourself a specific goal and step by step approach it. Then a cold shower, patient waiting, slight irritation, warming. Understanding the correctness of the exercises, bitchiness in the eyes, seasoned with a slight smile, and, finally, YESS !!! Can!

From the fortieth to the seventieth session, sensuality, sensations noticeably add towards improvement. Если мужчина не знал о твоей тайне, он начинает громче постанывать во время любовных утех и задавать вопросы: «What is this? Like this?"

The husband completely ruined the seventy-first lesson: he came home earlier than usual.

From the eightieth lesson, you begin to treat the simulator with respect, the intensity of classes is reduced to one or two per week. Sexual abilities are noticeably increased, and many mistresses transfer the process directly to the love game.

The conscious slight compression and alignment of the womb of love with the organ of a man give the first exquisite fruits from the garden of bottomless pleasure.

But pleasure without health is not complete. No wonder they say: "Health is the head of everything." So, simultaneously with the start of training on the simulator, the healing process begins. Awakens local immunity, which enhances blood circulation in the intimate area. An additional flow of nutrients and building material for the production of hormones rushes to the ovaries. We have seen this in practice. In women with pathology of ovarian development (infantility), the cycle itself is restored, and many of them are already young mothers.

Врачи-гинекологи у многих моих учениц отмечают восстановление флоры vagina. And this is quite understandable. The active work of the muscular wall of the vagina improves blood circulation, the flow of oxygen, antibodies. Local immunity, having missed work, absorbs harmful bacilli and restores the original purity of this zone. In the process of training, the inner mucous membrane of the vagina, which is underdeveloped and depleted in a modern woman, gradually thickens, its walls from brittle-smooth turn into elastic-ribbed ones. You ask: "Why is this necessary?" I will answer: “The mucous membrane is a shield that protects against microtrauma, disease, and infection. If he functions, we are healthy and happy, if not, we must have come across the answer ourselves.”

Many women who have mastered this art find it easier to endure the period of pregnancy. Childbirth itself is almost non-traumatic and less painful, as the muscles are more elastic and trained.

The most important factor for any new mother is the absence of postpartum depression. I am happy to say that my students do not encounter such a story, because they quickly restore themselves with the help of acquired skills and are again ready to give and receive sexual love.

Once a woman came to me at the Academy. Her story about herself is in many ways similar to the stories of business women. She ухожена, богата, успешна. She was 45 years old, the question arose before her: “Why all this if there is no family, husband, children?” She пришла с целью обучиться искусству быть женщиной. A mother woman, a woman lover. These students are the most successful. They know that in order to win and not remain hungry, one needs desire, patience, skill.

She не стонала и не причитала, что ей тяжело, нет времени, нет сил, она шла к своей цели.

After the birth, which took place without the slightest complications, the doctors set her as an example of a twenty-year-old. And among themselves they talked about the uniqueness of her body and individual, rarely encountered features.

Many philosophical teachings that

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