Message: #352314
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:20

Choosing a dog breed. Elena A. Kozheva

They работают нижним чутьем, без стойки, поднимают дичь с голосом и аппортируют (приносят) ее. We use two breeds as hunting dogs - the English Cocker Spaniel and the Russian Hunting Spaniel. The Russian Spaniel was bred in the middle of the last century especially for our conditions. Not as spectacular as the English, it is nevertheless very attractive and has excellent working qualities. The English Cocker is one of the most popular spaniels in our country and in Western countries. Except этих двух пород имеется еще несколько, практически у нас не встречающихся. Numerous in our breed is also the American Cocker Spaniel, but it belongs to the decorative breeds. Occasionally at exhibitions you can meet a springer spaniel, taller than others, and we do not use it for hunting. Spaniels are wonderful indoor dogs, easy to keep. Small size and affectionate nature are characteristic of these breeds. But it should be remembered that they are great lovers of "talking" (barking), which sometimes causes some inconvenience. And also their cute kind look can be confusing, you risk raising a very wayward dog who, if she doesn’t like something, can snap at you quite strongly. Do not flatter yourself and educate the dog in due respect for the person!

Retrievers, which are very numerous in the West, are usually kept for the soul, and not for hunting, although they are excellent hunting dogs. Their task is to find and submit the game shot by the hunter. They обладают сильным нижним чутьем, хорошим зрением и слухом, силой и выносливостью, умением аппортировать не только с суши, но и из воды. These dogs are very obedient and understanding. The Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever (Golden Retriever) are becoming more and more popular with us due to their visual appeal and exceptional ability to train.
For the soul
Having finished the previous section with a group of retrievers, I want to continue about them in this section. As companion dogs, they can rightfully be considered the best in the world. As evidenced by the popularity ratings, in which they are invariably among the top three. Average body size, exceptional benevolence, but not turning into servility, excellent attitude towards children, long life expectancy make them such. Labradors are used in various fields of human activity. They разыскивают наркотики, служат собаками-поводырями для слепых, используются на охоте и, несмотря на врожденную доброжелательность, их легко обучить защите хозяина.

Two large breeds of dogs can be safely categorized as soul dogs. These are St. Bernard and Newfoundland. In our country, these breeds in Soviet times were crossed with Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs to give them anger and distrust. The new breeds were named Moscow Watchdog and Diver. They didn't get much popularity. But as a result, people have formed an erroneous opinion that St. Bernard and Newfoundland should be like that. This is fundamentally wrong. Both of these breeds were bred not for protection, but for saving people. St. Bernard saved people from avalanches in the mountains, and Newfoundland from the water. Thus, viciousness and aggressiveness are a serious vice for these breeds. These beautiful, noble animals are perhaps the only large dogs that have a friendly attitude towards humans.

But it should be noted that when purchasing a puppy of this breed, check with the breeder if the puppy's parents have been tested for dysplasia. Of the shortcomings, a short life span should be noted.

The wonderful poodle breed is very ancient. The blood of shepherd, hunting and water dogs flows in the poodle. Hence, he has an excellent flair and passion for water. His extraordinary mind, quick wit, penchant for training, charming appearance make him the most popular companion dog. Some of the difficulties in caring for a thick, non-shedding coat successfully pay off its merits. But it should be remembered that a poodle must be taught to scissors, a comb and washing with shampoo from puppyhood. First, in the form of a game and rather ritual combing, gradually bringing the dog's attitude to this process, as to something ordinary like feeding or walking. If not to do this, then when your pet grows up, you run the risk of getting a not-so-nice kind dog that obediently allows itself to be combed, cut and washed. Too many poodles behave like angry lions when trying to clean up their dirty, tangled coat. They довольно серьезно могут покусать хозяина, а хозяин, в свою очередь, рискует повредить собаке глаза ножницами при стрижке морды. I knew one pygmy poodle who was tied by all four legs to the legs of an overturned stool, and a juice box was put on her head so that the dog would not see the enemy tormenting her and could not bite. Do not bring yourself and the dog to such problems.

A separate topic: poodles and show exhibitions. The poodle is almost the only breed that gets real pleasure from this far from easy process, while other breeds just fulfill the desire of the owner. I have repeatedly seen poodles that proudly walk around the ring, carrying their heads smeared with all sorts of sprays, without any prodding from the owner.

Separately, it should be said about the big (royal) poodle. Recently, he has become a rather rare breed, which is a pity. A well-groomed noble handsome man will be for you not only a devoted friend, but also a worthy defender.

Breeds such as Shih Tsu, Maltese (Maltese), Bichon Frise (French), Pekingese, American Cocker Spaniel require no less careful care for their long hair.

Shih Tsu, full of oriental charm, has a very soft, intelligent character. But be very careful in caring for her eyes. Long hair on the muzzle, falling into her large bulging eyes, often becomes the cause of chronic conjunctivitis.

In contrast, the Pekingese has, as a rule, a very arrogant disposition. To strangers is often very distrustful. On the other hand, it has a thicker and more elastic coat, which does not roll much longer than that of the Shih Tsu and is therefore more suitable for outdoor walks.

The group of lapdogs includes Maltese, Bichon Frise, Russian colored lapdog and Coton de Tulear and Havana lapdog, practically unknown in our country. All lapdogs are distinguished by a sociable, friendly disposition and appearance that attracts attention.

The Maltese is one of the most popular lapdogs in the world. Its magnificent snow-white coat requires regular grooming. The dog is very clean and pays undivided love to the owner, who does not forget to keep it clean. But at the same time distrustful of strangers.

The French lap dog, like the Maltese, can only be white. Her coat is curlier than that of the Maltese. Both of these breeds have a very fine coat that easily rolls into tangles. In addition, underdevelopment of the lacrimal glands is characteristic of dwarf breeds, which leads to the formation of untidy red smudges on white wool.

Unlike them, this disadvantage is not visible in the Russian colored lapdog, because according to the standard they can be of a wide variety of colors (black, fawn, red, gray and others), but not white. The colored lapdog was bred relatively recently. Many different breeds and small mestizos participated in its formation as a breed. Therefore, it compares favorably with stronger health and a different coat structure, which does not roll off as quickly and does not require such close attention as "high-born foreigners". But you shouldn’t run it either, otherwise you will have to use scissors, and then wait a long time for your pet to become fluffy again.

It should be remembered that lapdogs are difficult to tolerate viral diseases such as canine distemper. Therefore, graft them on time and carefully.

A new breed for Russia is Pomeranian. Outwardly, it is similar to ordinary German Spitz, differing in size and more compact forms. His height is about 23 cm. This does not prevent him from having a character typical of the Spitz group. A devotee, ready to defend himself at any moment, quick-witted, trying to anticipate the desires of his master, rather monogamous - the Pomeranian is very attractive as a pet.

The same new breed for our country is the Yorkshire Terrier. The smallest of all terriers. In character, he is no different from his larger counterparts. On a walk, he tries to communicate with everyone, regardless of size. Remember that if you want to raise a show specimen, then your dog will spend most of the time in hairpins or curlers in order to maintain his amazing fawn-silver, falling to the floor.

With its tiny size, the Chihuahua (chihuahua, shi-va-va) has already conquered many people. This breed considered the smallest in the world. These dogs are easily trained to go to the cat's toilet, however, like other miniature breeds. There are two varieties of this breed - smooth and long-haired. If you are away for a long time, it is advisable to keep a couple of these dogs at home, because they are very bored without an owner. However, all dogs do not like to be alone. It's just that someone endures it more steadfastly, and someone suffers a lot. And if you remember that the main task of decorative breeds is constant, close emotional contact with a person, then it becomes clear that you should not leave them alone for a long time.

A popular show dog and companion dog is the very young American Cocker Spaniel. As an independent breed, he separated from the English Cocker at the beginning of the last century. It can be used for hunting, but in this case, forget about the show career. All his beautiful hair will remain in the forest on the branches of shrubs.

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