Message: #352332
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:25

Children’s dog – what are we talking about… Vladimir Isaevich Krukover

Children's dog - what are we talking about ... Vladimir Isaevich Krukover

What breed was the Hound of the Baskervilles? And White Fang? And Mumu? How many smells does a bloodhound distinguish? At what distance? Can a dog die of longing for its owner?

All these questions are answered by a very ancient science - cynology. "Kinos" is Greek for "nose". The science of dogs has been around for a long time. As early as two thousand years BC, dog experts were at the court of Chinese emperors. By the way, the deified, shaggy Pekingese, under pain of death, had no right to support anyone except the imperial family.

Cinematography does not stand still. In addition to the traditional - shepherd, watchdog, hunting - dogs have to learn new duties. For the discovery of iron ores, the State Council of Finland awarded the German Shepherd Lari with a cash prize.

Now there are more than 400 breeds of dogs. Others are so different from each other that it seems implausible that they belong to the same zoological species. How to put a Mexican Chihuahua dog next to it, which can fit in a tea glass and a 100-kilogram mastiff?

Dogs are looking for criminals and drugs, minerals and mines. Pickles (in English - "varmint") saved the prestige of Great Britain. This mongrel dog tracked down the stolen gold cup of the goddess Nike, which is awarded to world football champions.

Cinematography is an interesting science. She knows that the Hound of the Baskervilles, according to the writer's intention, was a cross between a mastiff and a bloodhound, that White Fang is a sledding husky with a wolf, that Mumu is a cute spaniel. But it is not necessary to know cynology in order to love and understand dogs. After all, the most powerful fanged dog resembles a child - he requires care, care, he is childishly straightforward, naive. The advantages of dogs can be listed for a long time. The only pity is that a person does not always correspond to these virtues.

Many books have been written about dogs. One of them is this one. Therefore, let's hurry up and let's go together into the mysterious world of cynology.

Are the parents right?
Often parents will never allow their child to have a dog. Their arguments are always monotonous: from the dog wool, dirt; who will look after her; we ourselves have nothing to eat, and then there is your dog; you study so badly, and the dog will completely distract you from your studies ...

Here are some paragraphs that should be read to such parents.

Western statistics claim that families with dogs are three times less likely to die from cardiovascular diseases. This is generally understandable - the animal neutralizes stress. But colds in such families are ill half as often. The breath of the dog creates a kind of bactericidal environment in the apartment.

Children who have a dog have a more stable psyche, develop better, and get sick less often. Their moral qualities are higher, since, having become the patron of the dog, the child treats it as gently, caringly and generously as adults treat him. In turn, the dog, with its unconditional devotion, compensates for the “moments of risk” in the child, protecting him from selfish tendencies.

The place chosen by the dog for rest is the most favorable in your apartment for a bed, there is the most positive biomagnetic position. In addition, the dog absorbs the negative biofield, saving your child from the harmful radiation of evil, from the influence of dark forces.

Anxious dog behavior is never unreasonable. She is able to foresee earthquakes, various natural disasters, accidents. And not only to foresee, but, at times, to compensate for them, and thereby save a person.

But, most importantly, a dog ENHANCES a person, raises his moral level, enhancing such qualities as kindness, nobility, honesty, mercy.

That is why for a child a dog is the first friend.

And not only for the child!

Is it possible to treat ... dogs?
The use of dogs as medicine has a history that has its roots in the UK.

Starting in 1983, four-legged friends began to regularly visit the elderly, lonely old people, as well as hospitals where people suffering from nervous diseases are treated. The appearance of a dog, which, of course, passed a medical examination, has a beneficial effect on the mental state of patients. Those of them who used to spend most of their time in bed or in an armchair now go for walks with living beings. Their apathy disappears, there is an interest in the world around them.

This curious circumstance is confirmed by medical studies performed by two scientists at the University of Maryland, who observed 92 patients who underwent heart attack: out of 39 patients who did not have pets, eleven people died within a year - out of the remaining 53 who had pets, only three died during the same time.

Man's four-legged friends are often called "non-certified doctors." There are reasons for this. According to a US survey, almost half of American doctors now “prescribe” dogs, cats, or birds to their patients. Communication with your favorite living beings helps to relieve stress overload, maintains peace of mind.

Is the dog capable of a feat?
In the Indian epic, the legend of Christ received a peculiar interpretation. Allegedly, Jesus was walking through the jungle, and a wild dog ran after him and bit his legs. The Savior endured for a long time, then he stopped and said: “I doom you to love for a person.” The constant striving to be a true friend of man is what distinguishes the dog from all other animals.

... A team drags along the white silence of Alaska. In the sledges is the motionless body of a still alive, but completely exhausted person. The blizzard caught them unexpectedly. The dogs lost their way, it would have been wiser to set up a temporary bivouac and wait out the blizzard, but in the village they were waiting for anti-diphtheria serum - a small box wrapped in deer skins. Difficult breathing, drops of blood from knocked down paws. The man ran alongside the sledges. One after another, the dogs fell on the snow, the man cut the lines and again drove the team forward. He knew how hard and hopelessly children die from diphtheria. But the man was exhausted. He collapsed into the sled and froze in a hoarse breathing lump. And Balt, a lean leader, led the team further. He didn't know about serum and diphtheria. He knew that the master was lying in the sled and might be dying. And took him to the people. And took it out! History has not preserved the name of the musher, other dogs. A monument was erected to Balt in Alaska. Not his fantastic instinct, which helped to find the way in the shroud of a blizzard, but his golden heart.

A special rescue team removed Titus' shepherd dog from a cliff in the Alps. She went a week without food after she found her owner, climber Daniel Joria, under an avalanche and dug him out of the snow. The climber was saved.

Are there memorials for dogs?
Among the most worthy four-legged rescuers is Ajax, as they say about him - "the hero of Dachstein." In the Dachstein mountains in 1954, an avalanche caught 11 schoolchildren and a teacher on the way. in the rescue team turned out to be a shepherd with the name of an ancient Greek hero. Ajax worked 96 (!) hours in a row. He scraped with his claws and tore at the packed snow until he collapsed from exhaustion. His paws were worn to the bone and frostbitten. Ajax was taken to a mountain hut to be bandaged. But the dog could not be kept under the roof. He threw himself at the locked door, whimpered, and escaping, rushed headlong to the site of the collapse and dug up another person.

In Paris there is a monument to St. Bernard Barry. For 12 years he carried out a difficult service in the mountains. He saved the lives of 40 (!) people. Forty-first was a soldier of Napoleon's army, making his way home after the defeat near Moscow. Barry dug him out from under the snow and leaned against him with his furry side, warming him. The man woke up, got frightened, found a gun with his hand ... Barry's stuffed animal is one of the most expensive relics of the Bern Museum.

What else are monuments to dogs for?
For devotion. After all, a dog can die for its owner!

History has preserved many examples of selfless devotion of a dog to a person. Who has not heard of the tragedy of Pompeii, the ancient Roman city buried during the eruption of Vesuvius? Centuries later, scientists poured plaster over the voids that remained from the bodies of people and animals covered with ashes, and restored the appearance of the dead inhabitants of the city in the last moments of life. Thus, a cast of a huge dog was obtained, shielding the child from the hot ashes. The dog tried to save him at the cost of his own life. A large silver collar of this dog has also been preserved with the inscription: “Presented to the faithful Delta in gratitude for saving his master Severinos from the attack of the rolls.”

Scientists have not been able to determine the breed of this dog, maybe this is not so important ... Dogs amaze the human imagination with their touching affection, regardless of whether it is purebred or not.

There are known dogs that died on the grave of their owner


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