Message: #352332
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:25

Children’s dog – what are we talking about… Vladimir Isaevich Krukover

herd, hunting - to track down game. If a Newfoundland climbs into a dirty pond, causing noisy complaints from the hostess, he follows his direct duties as a water rescuer and does not understand the reasons for the ban. The shepherd growls from a distance at a group of cheeky young people, already because in their noisy behavior, in the range of distant smells, he detects potential aggressiveness, and hence a threat to the owner. Protecting the owner in a precautionary manner, he will not understand the displeasure of the latter at all. A hunting dog, training on pigeons, will accept the prohibition with the same bewilderment if the prohibition is expressed in a sharp form.

Decorative dog!? Who came up with this ridiculous name and why? A living being cannot and should not play the role of decoration! Пусть ваш песик меньше кошки, пусть шерсти на нем мало, а ножки тоненьки, как спички, In his груди бьется гордое и смелое сердце, он пес с навыками охраны, атаки, охоты, и, превращая его в игрушку, вы одновременно превращаете его в hysterical parasite.

The dog rushed off to the garbage dump - go after him, determine what he is doing, switch his attention to other interests, distract him without rudeness and irritation.

The dog barked in the middle of the night - do not be lazy, praise him, but ask him not to bark, not to express watchdog instincts so loudly. Slightly pinch the muzzle of the excited dog, saying: quietly, quietly, as the border guards teach their dogs, accustoming them to give alarm signals with a light roar. Teach your dog restraint without stepping on his pride.

Blind, unreasonable love is more dangerous than hatred. From “love”, the mother stuffs the child with huge plates of semolina when he does not feel like eating at all; from "love" the parent wraps up his baby, turning him into a sedentary bun with legs, when the child needs to run, play ... These parallels are quite applicable to a puppy. Squeezing him, dragging him into bed, wrapping him in ridiculous dog clothes, not letting go a single step (so that he doesn’t get dirty, doesn’t get infected, doesn’t get into trouble), you only harm the small animal.

Give the puppy maximum reasonable independence. Do not forget that hardening for a dog is no less important than for a person. Analyze the dog's actions from his point of view, not yours. Do not interfere with the dog to express himself, to participate in family affairs. He will determine his own scope of duties and for his way of thinking these duties will be important.

How does the dog think?
Today, few people can be surprised by a mathematician's dog, manipulating with simple arithmetic operations. Of course, a person far from dog breeding does not understand how this dog calculates the amount, subtracts or divides numbers, barking announcing the result. And if a dog brings the right number in his teeth, then this causes real delight among those who know the secret of cinematographers.

Many years ago, Yuri Durov claimed that he could transmit thoughts to his dog at a distance. The scientists placed the dog and trainer in adjoining rooms and began testing. The experimenter wrote a number on a piece of paper and showed it to Durov. He tensed, brought his palms to his temples and ... the dog in the next room barked the right number of times.

This trick is only seemingly complicated. Any circus worker familiar with ultrasonic whistles can easily figure it out. Another Durov's trick even got into a scientific journal on bionics, which discussed the possibility of telepathic communication between an animal and a person.

Durov was brought to an unfamiliar house. Leaving the dog at the entrance, he and the experimenter entered the apartment and received several tasks.

“So,” he said, asking again, “therefore, my dog ​​should go around the table, jump onto the chair, rest his paws on the wall above the chair, jump off, go into another room and jump onto the chair near the piano. Then he should step on the keys with his paws, jump to the floor and leave the apartment?

Durov went out into the street, squatted in front of the dog and "inspired" her with a sequence of actions. Then he got up and sent the dog to the apartment. He himself remained outside. And to the surprise of the observers, the dog performed all the actions exactly!

If I add to this that, sitting in front of the dog, the great trainer did not inspire his thoughts at all, but quietly said: “Trace, look!”, Perhaps sophisticated dog lovers will understand the essence of the dog’s further behavior. And the fact that he rested his paws against the wall and pounded on the keys was just an attempt to reach with his nose to the scent marks left by Durov's hand on the wall and the piano.

The main thing that the future trainer should understand is that there are no miracles in animal training. In America, there are trainers ... of mice and rats, who, by the way, make good money supplying their scientific animals to the film industry. And, if the mouse washes on command, this does not mean at all that it is so trained. Simply, its owner touched the mouse's muzzle with his finger and the animal hurries to wash off the unnecessary smell.

Many training techniques are based on knowledge of the laws of animal behavior and the skillful use of these laws. For example, the well-known trick with a pig rolling out a carpet or leafing through a book is worked out with pieces of food rolled up in a carpet or hidden between the sheets of a decorative book. And a raccoon that does laundry is called a raccoon, because under natural conditions it always rinses food in water.

You have already understood that all that in order for the dog to “count” is to teach the dog to bark on a signal and stop barking on a signal. Or, a little more difficult, bark at each signal only once. And you will count.

Who is looking for what?
Dogs often detect tens of kilograms of drugs. The laurels for vigilance belong to the Gothenburg customs dog, which discovered drugs weighing forty-seven kilograms, which were hidden in the cache of a car. The second leader is a sheepdog of a special detachment of the Norwegian police in the port of Lavrik: she revealed the smuggling of forty-two kilograms of marijuana.

A dog of the Labrador breed named Coquette also had a special flair. Of all the trained quadrupeds, she turned out to be the best assistant to the Swedish customs officers. She was instructed to look for caches of drugs on cars. The coquette deviated from her duties very conscientiously: it took her about three hours to sniff a large truck. The smugglers called her "black satan".

An almost anecdotal story happened at the checkpoint in Austria. Three autotourists from Germany, drug smugglers, supposed to distract the four-legged customs officer from their cargo with the help of a dog, a bitch, they had taken with them. But the dog-border guard first sniffed the car, discovered a cache where there were more than five kilograms of hashish, and only then, wagging his tail to the "lady", approached her to get acquainted.

Cunning trick involving tetrapods revealed on the Portuguese border. An expensive car stopped there. One of the passengers has a basket with a cat on her knees. Suitable customs officer with a dog. The dog raises a terrible bark. The customs officer thinks that the dog is barking at the cat and lets the car through the border unhindered. Meanwhile, drugs were transported in a cache-basket with a cat.

The "pig in a poke" method worked flawlessly for almost ten years, and not only on the Portuguese border. Chance helped to expose the scammers. One of the customs officers was transferred from one customs office to another. And then he saw the same car and the same cat. Suspecting something wrong the customs officer carefully inspected the car and found marijuana.

What else are dogs looking for?
Dogs are involved, of course, not only to detect drugs, they are also used to search for weapons and explosives. Everyone remembers the day of December 21, 1989, when the explosion of a Boeing of an American company thundered. The tragedy then exposed the weaknesses of even the most sophisticated methods for detecting explosives used by terrorists. Now, to our common happiness, expensive equipment developed in the laboratories of the USA, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and other developed countries is installed at all the largest airports in the Old and New Worlds. For example, the spectrometer is capable of detecting seventeen different types of explosives, but even it could not highlight the suitcase with the deadly cargo aboard the Boeing. Experts say that none of the current devices can be compared in efficiency with our four-legged friends. Forensic experts in the United States are aware of the incident when one dog was able to smell a gun, disassembled into parts and hidden among the clothes in a suitcase.

Dogs in most cases see poorly, have very little touch, and do not have refined taste. However, their nose is about 48 times more sensitive than a human nose, and their hearing is 16 times better than ours. We perceive the world around us with our eyes and hands - a dog forms its world with its nose and ears. Thus, the dog lives in a completely different (compared to us) world. It can be assumed that the behavior of the dog


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